Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Supreme Court Rally, Philip J Berg,

CitizenWell's latest post regarding Berg v. Obama:

Supreme Court Rally, Philip J Berg, October 30, 2008, Supreme Court Steps, Defend the Constitution

October 29, 2008 ·

Philip J Berg will go to the US Supreme Court on Thursday, October 30, 2008. Show up at the steps of the Supreme Court and help defend the Constitution. From MommaE talk radio:

“Please post this on every Blog you can and e-mail to everyone in your address book and ask them to send it to everyone in their address book!!
Ok, they didn’t get the binding done on the motion for the Supreme Court in time! Phil will let me know tonight what time everyone is suppose to be at the Supreme Court Steps to meet him tomorrow and I will send it out to you tonight as soon as I get it!
Please get your signs made today and tonight and be ready for tomorrow! The things to go on the signs will be listed below. We need as large a Crowd as we can get to be waiting at the steps of Supreme Court for Mr. Berg, the person meeting him at the Train Station as well as Will Bower who will be there to accompany him there. Fox News will also be at the Train Station and will follow them all the way to the Supreme Court, filming everything.
Remember to be loud, but RESPECTFUL as this is about having the Supreme Court hear us and grant us what we are asking for, proof that Obama is eligible to run for the Office of President, our Commander In Chief. Chat Speech, Speech, Speech when you see Mr. Berg. He will either speak before he goes into the Court, unless he needs to go in immediately, if so he will speak when we comes out. He will stop and acknowledge everyone that is there and thank you for your support, if he doesn’t have time for a speech right then!!
DO NOT yell anything negative about Obama. You can yell that “Obama needs to show he is eligible”, Why the Secrecy Surrounding Obama”, “Obama Release Certified Copies Of Your Records and Papers” and you can chant over and over “Uphold Our Constitution, Defend it, We The People Demand It”.
1. McCain Supporter’s For The Constitution
2. Obama Supporter’s For The Constitution
3. Uphold And Defend Our Constitution
4. American’s For The Constitution”