Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Media Contiues to be AWOL on Obama Scandals

Ayers is starting to get a little attention these past few days. However, at CNN and other media outlets the depth of the relationship is being downplayed.

Larry Sinclair is continuing to try to get his story out on Sen. Obama’s campaign trail. Mr. Sinclair is dogging the Senator at site of tonight’s debate asking the Sen. Obama where he was and what was he doing on the dates that Larry says that he and Sen. Obama were doing cocaine and having consensual gay sex. Everyone needs to stay tuned to Mr. Sinclair’s most excellent adventure trying to break through the media’s wall of See No Obama Scandals, Hear No Obama Scandals, Speak No Obama Scandals. Go to: http://larrysinclair-0926.blogspot.com/ to keep up Larry’s assault on media bias and Sen. Obama’s “fairy tales” that he is telling America. (To quote President Clinton)

America is on the verge of electing a person they do not know or understand. The media is continuing to protect Sen. Obama. Voters need to be doing their own research and listening to alternatives to the MSM to have any chance of discovering the numerous scandals that are being hidden and misrepresented.