Friday, October 10, 2008

Larry Sinclair, Obama, Drug and Sex, Florida Battleground State, Go Gators

Larry Sinclair is getting his story out on Sen. Obama’s campaign trail. Mr. Sinclair is dogging the Senator from The Sunshine State today asking the Sen. Obama where he was and what was he doing on the dates that Larry says that he and Sen. Obama were doing cocaine and having consensual gay sex. Everyone needs to stay tuned to Mr. Sinclair’s most excellent adventure trying to break through the media’s wall of See No Obama Scandals, Hear No Obama Scandals, Speak No Obama Scandals. Go to: to keep up Larry’s assault on media bias and Sen. Obama’s “fairy tales” that he is telling America. (To quote President Clinton) Let The Florida Sunshine in on Obama’s hidden life. Where’s the Media? AWOL

This is Larry Sinclair's latest post:

Hello all.....

Good evening. Today started very early. Started on the phone with a syndicated morning radio show that airs in over 100 markets, which I will go on next week. Then I met with different local news producers with television and print news. Those meetings will be followed up tomorrow and over the weekend.

Contact cards, flyer's, PC Videos were delivered to every radio station in a 200 mile area and I will be doing another interview tomorrow morning and one Saturday at 12:00 noon.

In all that I had the chance to have lunch with a couple of the "70 years old Hillary hags"

In addition it seems that a caller to the Dennis Miller show today also brought up the Donald Young, Obama, Sinclair matter. Now people are talking and that is what needs to happen.

Every local media outlet will put pressure on the National Media to report this story.


Good Luck Mr. Sinclair and stay safe! ZachJonesIsHome