Saturday, October 18, 2008

Obama's Neighbors Didn't Defend Him When Larry Sinclair Came To Town

Larry Sinclair took his story to Sen. Obama's own neighborhood yesterday. Mr. Sinclair alleges that in 1999, he and Sen. Obama did cocaine and engaged in consensual sex a couple of times. Apparently, there have been consistent rumors in Chicago that Sen. Obama operates on the "Down-Low". This is a street term that describes a man, a married man, that seeks out gay sex outside of his marriage.

When Larry was in Obama's neighborhood yesterday, his neighbors "didn't defend Obama in any way". Chicago may know what America doesn't?

This is from Larry Sinclair's Blog:


I decided to take the "Take It To The Streets" tour to Baracks own neighborhood and neighbor's. Amazing how none of the people reading the signs on the car said anything about it not being true.

I wasn't able to take pictures of the car at 50th and S Greenwood because of parking restrictions, however, the Chicago Police Officer, Secret Service Agent and several people walking to take pictures saw me and the car at 50th and S. Greenwood.

South Chicago residents didn't defend Obama in any way today.

Where is the media on this? AWOL If Sen. McCain had any baggage like Obama's, he would have been run out of town by the media.

Will the MSM stop taking sides in the election and do their jobs? Will they investigate Mr. Sinclair's allegations? Will they dig into Obama’s past as hard as they have jumped on Sarah Palin? Will they look deeply into Obama's relationships with William Ayers, Rev. Wright, Tony Rezko, Acorn, and all the rest? Will they look into the Democratic involvement in Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac failures? Will they call Sen. Obama to task for his possible violations of the Logan Act in Iraq and Kenya?