Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Senator Obama’s Patriotism - a Veteran’s Perspective

Senator Obama’s Patriotism - a Veteran’s Perspective

Patriotism is the cloak we wear to announce our love of country and our bond to our neighbors. It reflects our commitment to each other and to the ideas upon which this country was founded. It is that which trumpets the chorus “We Stand Together.” The threads are our highest and noblest principles and they remind us to be vigilant in regard to their protection, lest they become bare, frayed, distorted and lose their luster. It is not blind obedience, but is thoughtful and reflective. It is that of a caretaker. Mindfully practiced, it can shape the essence of the individual and thus be reflected in our society. It is a simple thing and is profound in its potential.

It is also a simple and profound thing that occurs when it is neglected, distorted, or diminished. We lose the We. The We becomes strangers who have forgotten what price has been paid in blood for our individual Freedoms and Obligations. The We becomes we who are less committed and connected to our neighbors and common values. When the cloak is removed, it is harder to recognize from a distance what principles are within the heart, what they are striving for.

Patriotism is not a dangerous word when it is grounded in precious truths that we have to aspire to and frequently fall short of. It is not a dangerous word when it is practiced sincerely, inclusively and humbly. It is the journey of a group that wants the Nation to radiate warmth and love. It is why individuals have the courage to stand up to the government when the nation’s principles seem to be lost or off tract. Because the principles mean something, many hearts weep when the next generation appears to have forgotten or never were taught about the journey, the price. Freedom is not free and there are those that would take it away.

Just as Senator Obama said in February during this election cycle, “Don’t tell me words don’t matter. ‘I have a dream.’ Just words? ‘We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal.’ Just words? ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself.’ Just words? Just speeches?” I agree with the Senator that words do matter.

I would also add, “Don’t tell me that symbols don’t matter. Putting your hand over your heart when saying the Pledge. Just a symbol. Treating the Flag with reverence. Just a symbol. Wearing a Flag lapel pin. Just a symbol. And guess what, - symbols matter. It should matter even more for the representatives of our government. It is a part of being mindful about our freedom. It is part of showing the next generation that these ideals are the principles of this Nation. These principles are why our fathers, mothers, sons, daughters are called upon sometimes to risk losing their lives. Symbols matter. They slow the decay of ideas by causing us to remember.

That is why this photo creates in me such distress. Sen. Obama might become President and he doesn’t have a clue about what being Patriotic means. There is a level of arrogance in his actions that slaps everyone who has had to answer the call to arms. I believe he refers to us as the clingers. The clingers to guns and religion whose forefathers founded this great country and in January of 2009 might become his subjects. The Senator seems to only see the negative in America and not its strengths. He must have learned that from his pastor.

“There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America.”
William J. Clinton


I have reposted this article because of news of the recent audio where Sen. Obama clearly indicates that he would like for the Supreme Court to take a more active role in the Redistribution of Wealth (Socialism 101) and the very real possibility that Sen. Obama may in fact not be eligible to hold the Office of the Presidency. What patriotism Sen. Obama claims to have is being projected by the media who continually distort the news about the Senator.

The Media position as political advocate for Obama is shameful. Where are the real journalists in America?

Where are the journalists who would investigate and report accurately Larry Sinclair's allegations that he and Sen. Obama use cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999?

Where are the journalists who would investigate the allegations raised in Berg v. Obama? (Philip Berg's allegations and related matters can be found at http://www.obamacrimes.com/ http://www.americasright.com/ http://citizenwells.wordpress.com/

Where are the journalists who would fully investigate the Obama relationships with Ayers, Wright, Rezko, ....?

Other articles you may like to read -

America’s Attachment to the Idea of Change is the Perilous “Will o’ The Wisp” That’s Confounding Voter’s Perceptions


The Good Ship America, The Media Ocean and The Obama Iceberg at: http://zachjonesishome.wordpress.com/2008/10/10/the-good-ship-america-the-media-ocean-and-the-obama-iceberg/

“What would Obama do?”




Americans Might Want To Heed the Admonitions of The Past Regarding Election http://zachjonesishome.wordpress.com/2008/10/25/americans-might-want-to-heed-the-admonitions-of-the-past-regarding-election/

Obama Would Evidently Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater
