Friday, October 31, 2008

TexasDarlin: WE CAN WIN!!

This is from TexasDarlin:


For Wide Distribution to All McCain-Palin Supporters


This NOTICE will stay near the top of this blog until Election Day, and we encourage ALL pro-McCain blogs to replicate it. This is an URGENT All-Hands-On-Deck WARNING & CALL TO ACTION.

IGNORE the message being generated by the Mainstream Media and the Obama Campaign that he is inevitable. As Election Day approaches, this message will become louder and more frequent. You must ignore it, and you must DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO GET-OUT-THE-VOTE-FOR-MCCAIN-PALIN. WE CAN WIN!!! The Media does not want you to know the truth. We are poised to win.

Read the rest>>>

The Media wants BO to win so badly that they will shamelessly push this false narrative for his Campaign. They want you and ALL McCain Supporters to believe that your vote will be meaningless, that he is so far ahead it’s unnecessary to vote for McCain. They want you to believe that Obama will easily win the battleground states and even some solid red states. THEY WANT TO SUPPRESS YOUR VOTE. DO NOT LET THEM. They want you to feel hopeless. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS DIRTY TRICK.

We agree with Hillbuzz, and urge you SPREAD THIS COUNTER MESSAGE far and wide:

It’s all a head game, a fake out. All of this talk about Obama being ahead is just garbage the Obamedia shovels to make you give up and sit home so he can win. That’s what breeds Eeyores. And Eeyores giving up and staying home is why Hillary Clinton won Indiana by only 1% when she should have won it by 9%. It really is as simple as that.

So, heads up out there — if you can get Rush to talk about this stuff on air, it would do Republicans a world of good. Make as many people see the media for what they are — a paid extension of the Obama campaign — as humanly possible, keep your heads up, and let’s put another crack in the glass ceiling by making Sarah Palin the nation’s first female Vice President, while putting John McCain, a good and decent man we trust behind the Resolute Desk…




Comment by ZachJonesIsHome: Obama's campaign is shameful. The Media's behavior is shameful. What about the allegations that Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual gay sex with Larry Sinclair in November of 1999? Will the MSM stop taking sides in the election and do their jobs? Will they investigate Mr. Sinclair's allegations? Will they dig into Obama’s past as hard as they have jumped on Sarah Palin? Will they look deeply into Obama's relationships with William Ayers, Rev. Wright, Tony Rezko, Acorn, and all the rest? Will they look into the Democratic involvement in Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac failures? Will they call Sen. Obama to task for his possible violations of the Logan Act in Iraq and Kenya?

To find information the media is not telling the public, go to:



The Real Barack Obama




Andy Martin


Eulogy or Epiphany for America

Eulogy or Epiphany for America

America’s Eulogy Could Begin to Take Shape on Election Day

Well it seems the election is upon us. It’s time to decide the direction of the United States of America for the future. Much of the world has voiced their preference and the American media has long demonstrated its preference. The first exit polls are in from Israel and they were a bit of a surprise. Reason as opposed to faith in the iconoclast seems to have ruled the day in Israel, going against the wisdom of prior polls. However, it’s too early to cheer for a possible epiphany occurring widely in the electorate.

Nevertheless, I have high hopes that an epiphany in working America’s psyche IS taking place. What else can I do, given the alternative that a eulogy for America and her Constitution will be coming in the not too distant future? Therefore, I choose to have HOPE that a majority of Americans will search their heart of hearts and say, NO, I’m not going to put America’s future at risk with someone who in so inexperienced and unknown.

I have hope that a majority of American’s will say, NO, I’m not going to be told who to vote for just because 90 percent of the media is in love with their fictionalized portrayal of Sen. Obama. I have hope that a majority of America’s will say, NO, I’m not going to vote for someone just because my spouse or kids may be infatuated with the illusory idea of the “One” who can solve all America’s problems - I will rely on reason as opposed to faith. I have enormous hope that a majority of Americans will say, NO, I am not racist just because I oppose Sen. Obama, there a hundreds of valid reasons to oppose the Senator.

I have high hopes that a majority will say NO, I don’t want America to go down the path of becoming a socialist nation because there has never been a successful socialist nation that didn’t trample individual freedoms. I have hope that a majority of Americans will say, NO, redistribution of wealth by the government clearly puts us on the path of socialism.

I have high hopes that a majority of Americans will say, NO, it is really important not to forget what we learned from 9/11; that there is a patient deadly enemy of America who is set on our destruction and imposing Islamic law worldwide. I have hope that Americans will say, NO, Sen. Obama’s inclination towards appeasement will not work to protect us from such dangerous, determined foes. I have hope that a majority of Americans will say, NO, remembering the lessons of Chamberlain’s appeasement before the start of WWII. I have hope that Americans will think about Sen. Obama’s recent possible violations the Logan Act regarding Iraq and Kenya.

I have hopes that a majority of Americans will say, NO, we don’t know enough about who Sen. Obama is and we refuse to be sold a bill of goods without facts to back his narrative up. I have hopes that Americans will not suspend their common sense when analyzing Sen. Obama’s connection to ACORN and their connections to voter fraud.

I have hope that a majority of Americans will say, NO, I’m not completely convinced that Sen. Obama has played by all the rules in this election. Why would numerous lawsuits spring up that challenge Sen. Obama’s eligibility to hold the Office of the President? The lawsuit Berg v. Obama being the most prominent is now filing motions in the Supreme Court. I have high hopes that a majority of Americans will say, NO, I’m not going to vote for Sen. Obama unless he steps away from his instinctual role of legal tactician and provides credible evidence to refute the allegations raised in Berg v. Obama. I have hope that Americans will say, NO, we do not want a Constitutional Crisis being the focus of our attention for the coming months.

I have hope that a majority of Americans will say, NO, one’s past close associations do matter in judging a candidate’s judgment, beliefs, predispositions, and goals. I have hope that a majority of Americans will say, NO, the media has not been a purveyor of sufficient or completely accurate information regarding Sen. Obama’s past associations.

We need to know more about Sen. Obama’s past associations. We need to know much more about Rev. Wright and black theology, William Ayers and Socialism, Frank Davis and Communism, Bernadine Dorn, Rashid Khalidi, Tony Rezko, ACORN and voter fraud, Farrakhan, Father Pfleger, Larry Sinclair and sex/drugs, Robert Blackwell, Jr., Nadhmi Auchi, and many, many more. I have hope that Americans will say, NO, because they want to know who will be sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom.

I have a determined hope that a majority of American’s will say, NO, it really is OK to be patriotic and be proud to be Americans.

It continues to amaze me that the media has managed to accomplish their goal of having Sen. Obama on the verge of taking (not winning, since that implies playing fair) the Presidency.

In an America where the schools are not focused on teaching American history and its system of laws and justice, why should I expect people not to be easily misled? I suppose in an America where everyone is working so hard to make ends meet, there is not enough time to teach and learn the traditions and history that have brought us this far as a people; and has guided our decisions about governance. In an America where many focus so much time on You Tube, I-Pods, the Internet, Video Games and MTV; it must be hard for people to acquire a personal awareness of American principals and understandings; those set forth in the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.

I worry that many today see life as a big American game show with few real consequences concerning each person’s individual participation. It’s a game and each wants to be the Obama avatar created by the media as cool, hip, and inspiring; or one of his devotees. Unfortunately, it’s not a game. Each voter must look closely at their choices and realize that the consequences of making an uninformed decision cannot be undone by pushing the replay button.

Today, the meaning of America seems to have been lost from our common lexicon. We must get it back if America is to have a long and prosperous future. Don’t get me wrong, many of us do know America; however, our numbers appear to be dwindling. A McCain Presidency will buy time to get America on the right track for all of us by bringing ethics, honesty, courage, and experience to Washington. I know the America I love and I will hold fast to my belief that America’s journey has been a noble one, not a perfect one, but a truly noble one. I’m not ready to write her eulogy and that’s why I’m voting for McCain/Palin.

In the privacy of the voting booth exists the time and space to have an epiphany and make a sound choice for America’s future. Here’s hoping you all have a grand epiphany soon!

Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.
Mohandas Gandhi

Iraq Vet’s McCain Endorsement

Iraq Vet’s McCain Endorsement
This from Greta Van Susteren:

October 30th, 2008 11:05 PM Eastern
This YouTube video has been viewed more than 11,000,000 times!!!
by Greta Van Susteren

Can you believe it? this one video has been viewed more than 11 million times!! [Note: I posted this before I watched it because I was astonished that a video could be viewed so many times...11 million!]

Watch Video

YouTube’s Top Election Video Is Iraq Vet’s McCain Endorsement
The video, titled ‘Dear Mr. Obama,’ has been viewed more than 11 million times

Thursday, 2008-30-304

If the election came down to YouTube viewers, a pro-John McCain video would be the winner.

A video of an Iraq veteran giving his endorsement to McCain is the site’s most watched election video, with 11 million views, according to the BBC, which calls it “short, simple and powerful.”

The video opens with a young man with close-cropped hair standing outside in casual clothes next to an American flag.

“Dear Mr. Obama,” he says, and describes himself as an Iraq war veteran, whose yearlong tour convinced him that Iraqis are “just like us” in seeking freedom.

“Are they better off today than they were in 2002? You bet,” he says.

The man proceeds to list the reasons he doesn’t agree with Obama’s policies toward Iraq and instead is endorsing John McCain for president, “because he understands the fundamental truth, freedom is always worth the price.”

The man then walks away from the camera, revealing he has a prosthetic left leg.

The two-minute video closes with Lee Greenwood’s “Proud to Be an American” playing over a pro-McCain graphic.


I'm also reposting my other Greta post and I urge you to go there and comment to show how many American's question Obama's eligibility to hold the Office of President!

OK … the internet rumors about the birth certificate: let’s end the rumors and the viral nature of them!

Of course I know about all the internet gossip about Senator Obama’s birth. Many of you (thousands?) have written me saying he was not born in the USA ( a Constitutional requirement for President) …. the rumors are flying around the internet and overloading my inbox and is viral. It doesn’t stop! I have thought the emails a waste of keyboard time and have ignored them.

However, since the emails just won’t stop…and since it really is a topic that should be put to rest and can be done with such ease, I now think Senator Obama should release his birth certificate but I also think, to be fair, so should the other 3….yes, all 4.

So, let’s have it! All 4 need to release their birth certificates to prove each was born in the USA and thus constitutionally able to serve as President. Let’s insist that all 4 release birth certificates and put the matter to rest! (and yes, stop the emails to me!)

Until this is done, the rumors simply will not stop and rumors are not fair…it is not fair to Senator Obama and he also should not be blackmailed into producing the records…so, if all 4 must produce, that seems fair.

Let’s see them….and then let’s move on.

END of Greta’s Post

I want to suggest that everyone post Greta’s suggestion everywhere to get people to flood Greta’s site and let her know just how many Berg supporter’s are out there.

Hopefully, the media will start paying attention the Berg case and stop the shameful behavior that they have been exhibiting the past year concerning Sen. Obama’s campaign.

Will the Media?

Will the MSM stop taking sides in the election and do their jobs? Will they investigate Larry Sinclair’s allegations? Will they dig into Obama’s past as hard as they have jumped on Sarah Palin? Will they look deeply into Obama’s relationships with William Ayers, Rev. Wright, Tony Rezko, Acorn, and all the rest? Will they look into the Democratic involvement in Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac failures? Will they call Sen. Obama to task for his possible violations of the Logan Act in Iraq and Kenya?

To find information the media is not telling the public, go to:



The Real Barack Obama




Andy Martin


Thursday, October 30, 2008

TexasDarlin Post Today - EXIT POLL of Americans in Israel: Landslide for McCain!

This from TexasDarlin:

*Breaking* EXIT POLL of Americans in Israel: Landslide for McCain!

Jewish Backlash: 76% voted for McCain-Palin!

PUMA Backlash: 46% crossed party lines!

This report from NRO could be the first serious indicator of a backlash from Jewish Democrats against Barack Obama.

Within the last hour, the first exit poll of 817 Americans in Israel, who attended U.S. election voting events in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening to vote by absentee ballot, has been released.

A startling 76 percent of those polled said that they had voted for John McCain. This contrasts sharply with pre-election polls of American Jews in the U.S., which indicate a strong preference for Obama.

The exit poll findings of American voters in Israel are all the more surprising because less than one in four were registered Republicans, and 46% of registered Democrats living in Israel said they had crossed party lines to vote McCain. By contrast, the Republican crossover to Obama was minimal – just 2%.

The votes are significant as almost half of the 42,000 registered U.S. voters living in Israel come from key swing states including Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

In the 2000 and 2004 elections, Israel had the third-largest group of American voters abroad, after Canada and Britain.

The exit poll was commissioned by, an independent, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting voter registration and participation amongst American citizens living in Israel.

Interesting…these Jewish Americans voted just as the story about Barack Obama and Rashid Khalidi was hitting the mainstream media outlets on Tuesday. I would expect that story to continue to fuel a backlash among Jews residing in the US, as Election Day next Tuesday approaches.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Electoral College - The Penultimate Firewall to Electoral Fraud

The Electoral College - The Penultimate Firewall to Electoral Fraud

538 Citizens and Each is Entrusted with the Sacred Duty of Protecting American Democracy

Many have criticized the Electoral College through the years; however, I don’t. The usual criticism is that it is possible for a candidate to lose the popular vote and still win the Presidency by way of the Electoral College vote. Nevertheless, the reason I don’t criticize the Electoral College is that it acts as the penultimate firewall to election fraud, the Congress being the ultimate. This year however, with a Democratic controlled House and Senate, Electoral College members are probably the last line of defense that we have to protect our process of electing the President and Vice-President of this great country. The membership to this esteemed group is determined in each state by the Tuesday after the first Monday in November of the election year.

As my friend, Citizen Wells, has pointed out many times recently, these men and women carry an enormous responsibility. Each Elector, one of (538) Americans, takes a solemn oath to defend the Constitution of the United States. Each oath, I’m sure, looks very similar to the one Citizen Wells set forth in one of his posts:

“I, __________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States; that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of North Carolina, and to the constitutional powers and authorities which are or may be established for the government thereof; that I will endeavor to support, maintain and defend the Constitution of said State, and that I will well and truly execute the duties of the office of member of the State Board of Elections according to the best of my knowledge and ability, according to law, so help me, God.”"

Additionally, Electors in every state are bound to follow similarly explicit charges such as those in Pennsylvania:

Ҥ 3192. Meeting of electors; duties.
The electors chosen, as aforesaid, shall assemble at the seat of government of this Commonwealth, at 12 o’clock noon of the day which is, or may be, directed by the Congress of the United States, and shall then and there perform the duties enjoined upon them by the Constitution and laws of the United States.”

The official date established is as follows:

“On the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December (December 15, 2008), the electors meet in their respective States… There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law requiring electors to vote in accordance with the popular vote in their States. Some States have such requirements.”

Their solemn responsibility is to perform the duties enjoined upon them by the Constitution. Consider the oath that is set out above. Each Elector swears (or affirms) that he or she will support and maintain the Constitution of the United States and that he or she will well and truly execute the duties according to the law. This is a truly great responsibility that these privileged individuals are allowed to perform.

Now I would like to pose to you a few questions - What if an Elector learns that there is a very distinct possibility that the newly elected President is not qualified to hold the Office of the Presidency? What if he or she is serving in a state that requires Electors to vote in accordance with the popular vote of their state? What if the Elector has learned about the lawsuit that Philip Berg has brought against Sen. Obama alleging that the Senator is not eligible to hold the Presidency because Sen. Obama has not sufficiently proved that he meets the qualifications required by the Constitution? In fact, Berg v. Obama alleges that Sen. Obama is not a natural born citizen within the meaning of the Constitutional provisions which describe eligibility to hold the Office of President. What should they do? What if they learned that a lower court has ruled that Mr. Berg is not able to show sufficient injury as a mere voter to grant him standing to bring the lawsuit? What if they have knowledge that Sen. Obama, instead of proving the date and location of his birth in court, sought only to pursue legal hocus pocus to get Mr. Berg’s claim dismissed? What should they do?

Well, I would like to make a suggestion. I would suggest that as soon as you are appointed as an Elector, you should contact Mr. Berg and join him as a plaintiff in the lawsuit to compel a through investigation (court proceeding) that would determine once and for all the facts and circumstances around Sen. Obama’s birth; and all the possible citizenships that he may now hold, or that he may have ever held in the past. Mr. or Ms. Elector, you will stand at the door of our democratic principles and you will have sworn to uphold the U. S. Constitution and the laws of your state. You will be representing the voters who a court has held doesn’t have enough injury if someone steals the Office of the Presidency by not following the rules. Maybe, the court will not be able to say that you, as an Elector, don’t have standing since you have sworn solemn oath to uphold the law and the Constitution. To some of us, it would be crushing to be forced to break an oath once taken.

If you are in a state that requires that your vote follow the popular vote of your state, you should demand that the election officials of your state bring suit against Sen. Obama or that they join with Philip Berg.

If you are a reader of this article, you should save it and send it to the Electors of your state should Sen. Obama win the election.

It will be a troubling circumstance if Sen. Obama were to win the election with millions of Americans still believing that he is not eligible by law to serve as President. There could be no acceptance of even the possibility of such a fraudulent act by a candidate, no reuniting, and there is no bridge capable of spanning such a divide. As an Elector, it falls on your shoulders to make sure the truth is known before December 15, 2008. I hope at least one of you is up to the task of demanding the facts before the Electoral Votes are tallied.

Earlier, I composed a letter that I have sent to several of the current candidates asking them to join Philip Berg in his efforts to prevent this possible travesty of Justice. I urge you to copy my letter and adapt it as your own and send it to the current candidates and those who lost in the Democratic Primary. We all must take responsibility for the outcome if we do not act to at least find the truth. Below you will find the letter to the candidates that I sent out. Please do the same.

I want to leave you with two quotes:

Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?
Mohandas Gandhi

It is time for each of us to stand up and be heard. And for the Media:

I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers.
Mohandas Gandhi

Mr. Gandhi has it right. This year will be remembered as the year real Journalism died because it chose to act shamefully in promoting the illusion of Obama as something that he’s not. The reality is that he is just a Chicago style politician. The Media clearly failed to vet this candidate; if they had, he would be long gone. Through investigation and honest reporting about Wright, Ayers, ACORN, Rezko, Larry Sinclair, Farrakhan, and all the others would have done Sen. Obama in.

Remember earlier in the campaign when he said something like- if they bring a knife, we will bring a gun. This sounds more like a comment made by a thug than one made by a true reformer and bridge builder.


Letter to Candidate-

Dear Sir:

It seems that America may be on the verge of electing the first Socialist President. Philip Berg is attempting to stop the possibility that an enormous fraud is in play this election, the possibility that Sen. Obama may not be qualified under the Constitution to be President. Mr. Berg had a set back in his lawsuit, Berg v. Obama, because the judge ruled that he did not have Standing to bring this critical lawsuit. It is clear that you do as a candidate.

If America wants to go down the path of Socialism after the facts concerning Sen. Obama’s eligibility are known - so be it. However, I can’t imagine the fact that the courts, the DNC, the RNC, and the other candidates might let the Presidency be stolen by a candidate cheating.

I assume that you are running your campaign because you love America and want to see her go forward on a path of liberty and freedom for all Americans.

It is with a heavy heart that I implore you to join Philip Berg’s efforts, as a party, to his lawsuit.

I do believe Mr. Berg’s allegations are in fact true. However, we can’t know unless the case moves forward and you are one of a few of Americans that can help in this cause. Please Sir – Contact Mr. Berg.

Philip J. Berg, Esquire

Sincerely, Zach Jones

Note: See Letter of Appreciation to Philip Berg, Esq.

Supreme Court Rally, Philip J Berg,

CitizenWell's latest post regarding Berg v. Obama:

Supreme Court Rally, Philip J Berg, October 30, 2008, Supreme Court Steps, Defend the Constitution

October 29, 2008 ·

Philip J Berg will go to the US Supreme Court on Thursday, October 30, 2008. Show up at the steps of the Supreme Court and help defend the Constitution. From MommaE talk radio:

“Please post this on every Blog you can and e-mail to everyone in your address book and ask them to send it to everyone in their address book!!
Ok, they didn’t get the binding done on the motion for the Supreme Court in time! Phil will let me know tonight what time everyone is suppose to be at the Supreme Court Steps to meet him tomorrow and I will send it out to you tonight as soon as I get it!
Please get your signs made today and tonight and be ready for tomorrow! The things to go on the signs will be listed below. We need as large a Crowd as we can get to be waiting at the steps of Supreme Court for Mr. Berg, the person meeting him at the Train Station as well as Will Bower who will be there to accompany him there. Fox News will also be at the Train Station and will follow them all the way to the Supreme Court, filming everything.
Remember to be loud, but RESPECTFUL as this is about having the Supreme Court hear us and grant us what we are asking for, proof that Obama is eligible to run for the Office of President, our Commander In Chief. Chat Speech, Speech, Speech when you see Mr. Berg. He will either speak before he goes into the Court, unless he needs to go in immediately, if so he will speak when we comes out. He will stop and acknowledge everyone that is there and thank you for your support, if he doesn’t have time for a speech right then!!
DO NOT yell anything negative about Obama. You can yell that “Obama needs to show he is eligible”, Why the Secrecy Surrounding Obama”, “Obama Release Certified Copies Of Your Records and Papers” and you can chant over and over “Uphold Our Constitution, Defend it, We The People Demand It”.
1. McCain Supporter’s For The Constitution
2. Obama Supporter’s For The Constitution
3. Uphold And Defend Our Constitution
4. American’s For The Constitution”

Form Letter To Candidates Regarding Berg v. Obama

To all Americans who are interested in making sure that only those who are Constitutionally Qualified to hold the Office of the President can do so:

Below you will find a copy of the letter that I have sent to a few of the candidates urging them to join Phillip Berg's efforts to make sure that our election is free, fair and complies with the requirements of the Constitution. If you care to join in this effort, feel free to adapt this letter(s) to ease your efforts.


Zach Jones

Zach's Letter to Candidate

Dear Sir:

It seems that America may be on the verge of electing the first Socialist President. Philip Berg is attempting to stop the possibility that an enormous fraud is in play this election, the possibility that Sen. Obama may not be qualified under the Constitution to be President. Mr. Berg had a set back in his lawsuit, Berg v. Obama, because the judge ruled that he did not have Standing to bring this critical lawsuit. It is clear that you do as a candidate.

If America wants to go down the path of Socialism after the facts concerning Sen. Obama’s eligibility are known - so be it. However, I can’t imagine the fact that the courts, the DNC, the RNC, and the other candidates might let the Presidency be stolen by a candidate who may be cheating.

I assume that you are running your campaign because you love America and want to see her go forward on a path of liberty and freedom for all Americans.

It is with a heavy heart that I implore you to join Philip Berg’s efforts, as a party, to his lawsuit.

I do believe Mr. Berg’s allegations are in fact true. However, we can’t know unless the case moves forward and you are one of a few of Americans that can help in this cause. Please Sir – Contact Mr. Berg.

Philip J. Berg, Esquire

Sincerely, Zach Jones

Note: See Letter of Appreciation to Philip Berg, Esq. Below.

Philip Berg, Esq. is Standing Tall For All of Us

(Even Without The Blessings of the Lower Court)

I for one would like to say thank you Mr. Berg!

Dear Sir:

I want to publicly extend my deepest appreciation to you, Mr. Berg, for taking on the enormous Constitutional crisis that is facing America; the possibility that a person who might not be eligible, under the requirements set forth in our Constitution, to hold the office for which he is being allowed to run. If your allegations are found to have merit it will mean that Sen. Obama, knowingly solicited hundreds of million of dollars in campaign contributions under fault pretenses from unsuspecting American citizens and voters. It will mean that he and others conspired to keep this information secret and intentionally thwarted Sen. Clinton’s chances of becoming the first female President of the United States. Thank you for bringing this action, Sir.

Fortunately for us all, every now and again, a cause will come along that will stir the soul and passions. What cause could be more important that standing tall against those who could be seeking to undermine our legal system for electing the President of The United States of America? Who among us would challenge those of such power and wealth who could be trying to win an office for which they are not eligible? Who among us would take on a Senator, one with a historic candidacy, who is wildly popular by any standard? A lawyer who would take on such a case would certainly be led down roads that seem to go on forever, that are full of obstacles, and that usually demand going on with little support or understanding from neighbors, friends or even family. Thank you for your courage and determination.

As you well know, the case that goes against the fleeting public emotional attachment carries the most risk to the lawyer. If the person challenged by an attorney is highly revered, the lawyer becomes a lightening rod for attack; just as the exceedingly despised defendant, who is defended in court against the desires of the mob. For those who don’t fully appreciate what I’m trying to say, watch the movie – To Kill a Mockingbird. Thank you Mr. Berg for standing up for us, knowing that to win or lose such a case would exact a high price from you.

Thank you for having the courage to take Berg v. Obama all the way to the Supreme Court in your efforts to advert such a possible travesty of Justice.

To those of you who may not be aware, Sen. Obama could have easily defended his eligibility to hold the U. S. Presidency by merely presenting exclusive proof of where and when he was born; and that he has never held a citizenship from another country that would nullify or call his U. S. citizenship into question. Sen. Obama chose not to answer the complaint; but instead, he chose to take the route of a legal technocrat seeking to challenge Mr. Berg’s “Standing to Sue”. When Sen. McCain was questioned about his birth certificate, he immediately presented a vault copy of his birth certificate showing the date and location of his birth, without legal hocus pocus.

“Standing to Sue” means that party has sufficient stake in an otherwise justiciable controversy to obtain judicial resolution of that controversy. Sierra Club v. Morton, 405 U. S. 727, 92 S. Ct. 1361, 1364, 31 L.Ed.2d 636

The Hon. R. Barclay Surrick decided Sen. Obama’s Motion to Dismiss in part on the following reasoning:

…regardless of questions of causation, the grievance remains too generalized to establish the existence of an injury in fact. To reiterate: a candidate’s ineligibility under the Natural Born Citizen Clause does not result in an injury in fact to voters. By extension, the theoretical constitutional harm experienced by voters does not change as the candidacy of an allegedly ineligible candidate progresses from the primaries to the general election…

Everyone must fully understand the meaning of Judge Surrick’s decision in dismissing Mr. Berg’s lawsuit. First, it does not mean that Sen. Obama is in any way eligible to hold the Office of the Presidency. Second, it does mean that even if everyone knew that Sen. Obama was born on the moon, it would not matter regarding the decision about Sen. Obama’s Motion to Dismiss. Judge Surrick found that a voter would not suffer enough injury by the possible election of an ineligible candidate as President to grant him or her standing to be authorized under law to bring this type of lawsuit. Third, this challenge to Sen. Obama’s eligibility is not over.

If Citizens exercising the most precious right that we have under the Constitution, in what is expected to a free and fair election process, do not have standing – who does?

I would suspect, and also pray, that you do in fact have standing and that the higher courts will reinstate your action against Sen. Obama, et alli. However, it wouldn’t hurt if some people who clearly have an even bigger stake in the outcome of Berg. v Obama would join with you as plaintiffs in the action.

Those I’m thinking about are Sen. John McCain, Sen. Hillary Clinton, Ralph Nader, Congressman Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and the other candidates of the Democratic Primary. I want to publicly challenge each one of the people to stand with Phillip Berg, Esq., to prevent the possible election of a person who may not meet the requirements under the Constitution of The United States to hold the Office of the Presidency.

I also want to challenge each of you reading this thank you letter to contact the above named individuals and encourage them to take their “Standing” and stand up for America and its system of laws.

Even though this decision was to be expected, it must have weighed heavily on you, Mr. Berg. Thank you for bearing this disappointment for America with grace and continuing on.

I don't know that there are any short cuts to doing a good job.
Sandra Day O'Connor


Zach Jones, a/k/a

Mr. Schreiber's Update: Mr. Berg Goes to Washington, CitizenWells, Phillip Berg, Possible Obama Fraud Against America

Jeff Schreiber has a new update this morning regarding the Berg v. Obama lawsuit that is challenging Sen. Obama's eligibility to hold the Office of the Presidency.

There are three locations where one can get the most accurate and current information regarding the Berg v. Obama lawsuit:

Philip Berg's Site - ObamaCrimes;
Jeff Echreiber's Blog -America's Right;
and CitizenWell's blog - Citizen Wells.

As we know, Philip Berg's efforts in the lower court were not successful. The action was dismissed NOT because the merits of the accusations against Sen. Obama were found to be untrue, but on a technical legal point. The court held that Mr. Berg did not have Standing to bring the suit. In my recent letter of appreciation to Philip Berg (for having the courage to bring this suit), I suggested that everyone contact the other candidates who are currently running to get them to join the lawsuit against the possibility that an egregious fraud has been perpetrated on the American people. Today, I would also like to suggest that everyone contact the candidates who ran in the primaries in the Democratic Primary. Broadly, it's the nexus of injury, causation, and redress as related to the plaintiff that the courts are looking at.

Voters evidently don't have enough connection to the alleged election fraud, which is disappointing. However, the other candidates surely would have sufficient standing to challenge another candidate's possible blatant disregard of the U.S. Constitution's requirements for holding the Office of President of the United States.

Back to Jeff Schreiber's update:

Mr. Berg Goes to Washington

Today, should everything go according to plan, only five days after his federal lawsuit against Illinois Sen. Barack Obama was dismissed for lack of standing from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, attorney Philip Berg will file his appeal in Philadelphia and, once it is docketed with the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, will travel to Washington, D.C. to file a Petition for Writ of Certiorari with the United States Supreme Court.

There, Berg says, should things progress on schedule, he will be accompanied by a television crew from Fox News Channel.

"Despite the setback we received on Friday," Berg said, "I feel as though we really do have momentum here. And, while this course of action may not be your standard fare, I think that we're too close to the election and too close to a constitutional crisis in America to not pursue this to the best of our ability."

The non-standard course of action Berg mentioned, it seems, is the concept of appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court without first exhausting all options at the Circuit Court level. By appealing at the Third Circuit, the case could have been heard by a panel of three judges, if not more, and then taken to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary. Still, Berg insists that due to the argument schedules at the Third Circuit and the nation being less than a week removed from Election Day, the chance of his action against Barack Obama being heard in time is slim at best....

All that being said, Berg says, he takes heart in knowing that while the law as it stands now may be difficult to overcome, he is at the very least arguing from the perspective of America's founders and in the best interests of the American people.

"Should my case be heard, and it should," Berg said, "Barack Obama will need to argue that the American people have no right to challenge whether or not a candidate for president of the United States actually is constitutionally eligible, in the eyes of our founding fathers, to serve in the office of the presidency. That's not right. That's not right at all. If the American people are not injured by a fraudulent candidate collecting $600 million while campaigning for an office he cannot constitutionally hold, if the American people do not have standing, then who does?"


Thank you all who are working tirelessly to protect America at home and abroad!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Senator Obama’s Patriotism - a Veteran’s Perspective

Senator Obama’s Patriotism - a Veteran’s Perspective

Patriotism is the cloak we wear to announce our love of country and our bond to our neighbors. It reflects our commitment to each other and to the ideas upon which this country was founded. It is that which trumpets the chorus “We Stand Together.” The threads are our highest and noblest principles and they remind us to be vigilant in regard to their protection, lest they become bare, frayed, distorted and lose their luster. It is not blind obedience, but is thoughtful and reflective. It is that of a caretaker. Mindfully practiced, it can shape the essence of the individual and thus be reflected in our society. It is a simple thing and is profound in its potential.

It is also a simple and profound thing that occurs when it is neglected, distorted, or diminished. We lose the We. The We becomes strangers who have forgotten what price has been paid in blood for our individual Freedoms and Obligations. The We becomes we who are less committed and connected to our neighbors and common values. When the cloak is removed, it is harder to recognize from a distance what principles are within the heart, what they are striving for.

Patriotism is not a dangerous word when it is grounded in precious truths that we have to aspire to and frequently fall short of. It is not a dangerous word when it is practiced sincerely, inclusively and humbly. It is the journey of a group that wants the Nation to radiate warmth and love. It is why individuals have the courage to stand up to the government when the nation’s principles seem to be lost or off tract. Because the principles mean something, many hearts weep when the next generation appears to have forgotten or never were taught about the journey, the price. Freedom is not free and there are those that would take it away.

Just as Senator Obama said in February during this election cycle, “Don’t tell me words don’t matter. ‘I have a dream.’ Just words? ‘We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal.’ Just words? ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself.’ Just words? Just speeches?” I agree with the Senator that words do matter.

I would also add, “Don’t tell me that symbols don’t matter. Putting your hand over your heart when saying the Pledge. Just a symbol. Treating the Flag with reverence. Just a symbol. Wearing a Flag lapel pin. Just a symbol. And guess what, - symbols matter. It should matter even more for the representatives of our government. It is a part of being mindful about our freedom. It is part of showing the next generation that these ideals are the principles of this Nation. These principles are why our fathers, mothers, sons, daughters are called upon sometimes to risk losing their lives. Symbols matter. They slow the decay of ideas by causing us to remember.

That is why this photo creates in me such distress. Sen. Obama might become President and he doesn’t have a clue about what being Patriotic means. There is a level of arrogance in his actions that slaps everyone who has had to answer the call to arms. I believe he refers to us as the clingers. The clingers to guns and religion whose forefathers founded this great country and in January of 2009 might become his subjects. The Senator seems to only see the negative in America and not its strengths. He must have learned that from his pastor.

“There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America.”
William J. Clinton


I have reposted this article because of news of the recent audio where Sen. Obama clearly indicates that he would like for the Supreme Court to take a more active role in the Redistribution of Wealth (Socialism 101) and the very real possibility that Sen. Obama may in fact not be eligible to hold the Office of the Presidency. What patriotism Sen. Obama claims to have is being projected by the media who continually distort the news about the Senator.

The Media position as political advocate for Obama is shameful. Where are the real journalists in America?

Where are the journalists who would investigate and report accurately Larry Sinclair's allegations that he and Sen. Obama use cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999?

Where are the journalists who would investigate the allegations raised in Berg v. Obama? (Philip Berg's allegations and related matters can be found at

Where are the journalists who would fully investigate the Obama relationships with Ayers, Wright, Rezko, ....?

Other articles you may like to read -

America’s Attachment to the Idea of Change is the Perilous “Will o’ The Wisp” That’s Confounding Voter’s Perceptions

The Good Ship America, The Media Ocean and The Obama Iceberg at:

“What would Obama do?”


Americans Might Want To Heed the Admonitions of The Past Regarding Election

Obama Would Evidently Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Philip Berg, Esq. is Standing Tall For All of Us

Philip Berg, Esq. is Standing Tall For All of Us

(Even Without The Blessings of the Lower Court)

I for one would like to say thank you Mr. Berg!

Dear Sir:

I want to publicly extend my deepest appreciation to you, Mr. Berg, for taking on the enormous Constitutional crisis that is facing America; the possibility that a person who might not be eligible, under the requirements set forth in our Constitution, to hold the office for which he is being allowed to run. If your allegations are found to have merit it will mean that Sen. Obama, knowingly solicited hundreds of million of dollars in campaign contributions under fault pretenses from unsuspecting American citizens and voters. It will mean that he and others conspired to keep this information secret and intentionally thwarted Sen. Clinton’s chances of becoming the first female President of the United States. Thank you for bringing this action, Sir.

Fortunately for us all, every now and again, a cause will come along that will stir the soul and passions. What cause could be more important that standing tall against those who could be seeking to undermine our legal system for electing the President of The United States of America? Who among us would challenge those of such power and wealth who could be trying to win an office for which they are not eligible? Who among us would take on a Senator, one with a historic candidacy, who is wildly popular by any standard? A lawyer who would take on such a case would certainly be led down roads that seem to go on forever, that are full of obstacles, and that usually demand going on with little support or understanding from neighbors, friends or even family. Thank you for your courage and determination.

As you well know, the case that goes against the fleeting public emotional attachment carries the most risk to the lawyer. If the person challenged by an attorney is highly revered, the lawyer becomes a lightening rod for attack; just as the exceedingly despised defendant, who is defended in court against the desires of the mob. For those who don’t fully appreciate what I’m trying to say, watch the movie – To Kill a Mockingbird. Thank you Mr. Berg for standing up for us, knowing that to win or lose such a case would exact a high price from you.

Thank you for having the courage to take Berg v. Obama all the way to the Supreme Court in your efforts to advert such a possible travesty of Justice.

To those of you who may not be aware, Sen. Obama could have easily defended his eligibility to hold the U. S. Presidency by merely presenting exclusive proof of where and when he was born; and that he has never held a citizenship from another country that would nullify or call his U. S. citizenship into question. Sen. Obama chose not to answer the complaint; but instead, he chose to take the route of a legal technocrat seeking to challenge Mr. Berg’s “Standing to Sue”. When Sen. McCain was questioned about his birth certificate, he immediately presented a vault copy of his birth certificate showing the date and location of his birth, without legal hocus pocus.

“Standing to Sue” means that party has sufficient stake in an otherwise justiciable controversy to obtain judicial resolution of that controversy. Sierra Club v. Morton, 405 U. S. 727, 92 S. Ct. 1361, 1364, 31 L.Ed.2d 636

The Hon. R. Barclay Surrick decided Sen. Obama’s Motion to Dismiss in part on the following reasoning:

…regardless of questions of causation, the grievance remains too generalized to establish the existence of an injury in fact. To reiterate: a candidate’s ineligibility under the Natural Born Citizen Clause does not result in an injury in fact to voters. By extension, the theoretical constitutional harm experienced by voters does not change as the candidacy of an allegedly ineligible candidate progresses from the primaries to the general election…

Everyone must fully understand the meaning of Judge Surrick’s decision in dismissing Mr. Berg’s lawsuit. First, it does not mean that Sen. Obama is in any way eligible to hold the Office of the Presidency. Second, it does mean that even if everyone knew that Sen. Obama was born on the moon, it would not matter regarding the decision about Sen. Obama’s Motion to Dismiss. Judge Surrick found that a voter would not suffer enough injury by the possible election of an ineligible candidate as President to grant him or her standing to be authorized under law to bring this type of lawsuit. Third, this challenge to Sen. Obama’s eligibility is not over.

If Citizens exercising the most precious right that we have under the Constitution, in what is expected to a free and fair election process, do not have standing – who does?

I would suspect, and also pray, that you do in fact have standing and that the higher courts will reinstate your action against Sen. Obama, et alli. However, it wouldn’t hurt if some people who clearly have an even bigger stake in the outcome of Berg. v Obama would join with you as plaintiffs in the action.

Those I’m thinking about are Sen. John McCain, Sen. Hillary Clinton, Ralph Nader, Congressman Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and the other candidates of the Democratic Primary. I want to publicly challenge each one of the people to stand with Phillip Berg, Esq., to prevent the possible election of a person who may not meet the requirements under the Constitution of The United States to hold the Office of the Presidency.

I also want to challenge each of you reading this thank you letter to contact the above named individuals and encourage them to take their “Standing” and stand up for America and its system of laws.

Even though this decision was to be expected, it must have weighed heavily on you, Mr. Berg. Thank you for bearing this disappointment for America with grace and continuing on.

I don't know that there are any short cuts to doing a good job.
Sandra Day O'Connor


Zach Jones, a/k/a

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Americans Might Want To Heed the Admonitions of The Past

Americans Might Want To Heed the Admonitions of The Past

We are quickly approaching the day when the direction of America will be decided. Will America follow a course steeped in ideology tempered by history or will she follow a course steeped mainly in ideology? Will the electorate be aware that these are America’s choices? Probably not, looking at the current polls, it appears that this election will be based mostly on faith and hope for change. If informed reason were being applied, the poll results would most likely be different.

One can easily draw the distinction between Senators McCain and Obama based on ideology tempered by history verses ideology alone by looking closely at their lives.

A person I admire, Oprah Winfrey, once said, When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. I think this is sound advice that proves true 99 percent of the time. America has seen Sen. McCain through many years and he has remained a consistent and dedicated public servant. Early in his career in the military he probably held strongly to some sort of ideology that grew out of the cold war. Maybe it involved the concepts of good forces prevailing over unjust forces. Just as the Vietnam War grew out of the cold war and threw light on the realities of conflict; the Vietnam War experience threw light on Sen. McCain’s own view of life.

When I look at Sen. McCain, I see a man who understands that core principles are what you are and they must not change simply because a situation changes. A severely battered John McCain had had an opportunity to leave his prison in Vietnam before other prisoners who were more senior, but he refused. Sen. McCain looked the immigration issue in America with compassion and tried to find a practical solution, an action that brought him condemnation by many. Sen. McCain warned of the financial nightmare that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac abuses were causing; but the Democrats in charge chose to ignore his advice. Many times Sen. McCain has reached across the aisle, pragmatically, to try to find solutions to America’s problems.

Sen. John McCain is a man of core principles and the one he holds most dear is “Country First”. I believe him because as Oprah said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Whatever ideology Sen. McCain may have held as a younger man has been tempered by his own history and America’s history into a commitment to put the interests of America above his own. This is the America voter’s choice of ideology tempered by history.

When I look at Sen. Obama, I see a man who has burst on the scene and captured the imaginations of millions. Surprisingly, supporters seem to have developed an incredibly strong attachment to the idea of Obama and what they perceive that means; so strong, in fact, that it boarders on religious faith. Many issues that would have sunk any other politician have disappeared in the mist. The Senator’s backers appear more preoccupied with his rhetoric of the future than anything about the past, any past, including Sen. Obama’s. The past is cliché, boring, out of date, damaged goods with no place in today’s world. However, Albert Einstein might have a little different view of the past. He has said, The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion”. I think Albert Einstein would consider Sen. Obama’s past just as important as the man being presented today.

Given the relative lack of leadership experience of Sen. Obama, reason would seem to dictate that his past should be even more important as a predictor of his future actions. However, in the politics of the day, the Media has assumed the role of advocate and obscurer for Sen. Obama’s campaign. Americans, who are trying to make a reasoned decision, are therefore having a very difficult time discerning what information is truthful and accurate; and what is not. What are the facts? This is a very real question in the minds of many voters. Quills drawn, the Media’s theory is that Obama is the one who must lead America. To support their vision, the Media does as Einstein, in a different context, counseled; If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.”

Sen. Obama has been relentlessly pounding the theme that McCain equal four more years of George Bush, a narrative that has been sold in lockstep with the Press and Democratic Party leadership. One would think that common sense could see through the sales pitch, but it hasn’t. The Press has been constantly bashing President Bush for going on eight years. (I suspect mostly because they think he’s stupid, inarticulate and beneath them.)

Many of the America’s newly registered voters are younger; and therefore, they may be more susceptible to the myths of the Media. Apparently, their minimal life experience hasn’t given most of them much of an accurate barometer or enough common sense to judge fact from fiction. “Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen” another truism from Einstein’s repertoire that is at play here. The anti-Bush prejudice is raging, gathering steam, and Sen. McCain has been unjustly caught up in it web.

One other fact that the Media has attempted to distort is that somehow the current financial crisis was the result of the mean old Republican attempts to deregulate everything in sight. This is just another collection of prejudice reinforced by the Media that it is untrue, especially for Sen. McCain. He was one of the leaders in the efforts to rein in Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac; unfortunately, his efforts were blocked by the Chris Dodds and Barney Franks of the Democratic Party.

Where does Sen. Obama stand on the economy? He has stated and restated a desire to redistribute the wealth in America. This is exactly the wrong approach. Even a basic level of understanding about economics would act as a bar against trying to tax our way out of the current financial crisis. You don’t damage (over tax) those who are creating jobs and wealth for America and Americans. Regrettably, somehow too many Americans today have become accepting of the notion that the world (well the Federal Government) owes them a living and that wealth should be redistributed more ‘fairly’ to them.

The history of the ‘Great’ Depression clearly reveals that the measures implemented by government to overcome it were the reasons that the Depression became ‘Great’. Almost everyone recognizes that a thorough knowledge of the past is critical if we are not to repeat the mistakes of yesterday. However, I don’t think Sen. Obama understands it quite that way. Higher taxes and too much Federal intervention are not what the American economy needs today. As much as he hates to hear it, Sen. Obama’s economic ideas reek of socialism. We need to get back to the ideas of American innovation and personal responsibility.

Sen. Obama has been hailed as a superior intellect and amazing orator. But, who is he? What is his past? Who were those that stimulated and helped to form his thinking and beliefs? Sal Alinsky? Is he the same person today that he has been for the past 20 years?

A man is known by the company his mind keeps.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich

How much has the media allowed us to know about the depth of the relationships Sen. Obama had with William Ayers? Sen. Obama said he was just a guy in his neighborhood.

How much has the media allowed us to know about the depth of the relationship with Frank Davis? Andy Martin raises some interesting questions about this relationship.

How much has the Media allowed us to know about the depth of the relationships with Father Michael Pfleger, Minister Louis Farrakhan, and Rev. Wright? Aren’t these all company Obama’s mind kept? Are the ideologies encapsulated by many of Sen. Obama’s past associates very far from those espoused by Socialists and Marxists?

A man is known by the company his mind keeps.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich

How much has the Media allowed us to know about the relationship with Tony Rezko and his associates? Are the ideologies encapsulated by Tony Rezko’s actions those of corrupt politics?

A man is known by the company his mind keeps.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich

How much has the Media allowed us to know about the alleged relationship with Larry Sinclair?

To date, Sen. Obama has disavowed most of these people and/or their statements and actions. How much weight should Americans give to such a disavowal?

Should we accept the revelation of Rev. Wright?

“He's a politician. I'm a pastor. We speak to two different audiences. And he says what he has to say as a politician. I say what I have to say as a pastor. Those are two different worlds. I do what I do, he does what politicians do.”

Or should we follow Oprah’s direction?

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Common sense and reason tell me to listen to both Oprah and Rev. Wright in Sen. Obama’s case. Sen. Obama, at the very least, has shown an incredible naiveté concerning his past associations and their impact on his reputation.

Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation. It is better be alone than in bad company.
George Washington

Common sense and reason also implies that if Sen. Obama were the man he is portrayed as, there would be a line of people from his past standing, waiting to tell his story. The story of how Sen. Obama became such a partisan divide bridge builder, such a healer, such a patriot, such a reconciler, such an economist, such a negotiator, such a defense strategist would all be stories I would like to hear.

Who from Sen. Obama’s past is standing or waiting to tell his story?

What is the Media not telling America about Sen. Obama’s relationship to ACORN?

How many other scandals and allegations are there just from our view? Are there some yet unknown scandals being hidden by the Media? What about the Berg v. Obama lawsuit that is challenging Sen. Obama’s eligibility to hold the Office of the Presidency? What about the other lawsuits is several states? What about the validity of Sen. Obama’s birth certificate? What about all the allegations set forth in Berg v. Obama? What about the allegations that Sen. Obama was born in Kenya? Why is that not news? What would happen should he win the election and then be found to be ineligible to hold office? What about the questions about the allegations about Obama’s past and/or current Indonesian citizenship? What about Sen. Obama’s alleged membership in a Socialist organization, New Party? What about Sen. Obama’s extreme views on abortion? What about the allegations that Sen. Obama violated provisions of the Logan Act during his last trip to Iraq and during the run-up to the Kenyan elections?

There is so much about Sen. Obama that Americans don’t know. Some people are choosing to ignore the reasonable inferences from Sen. Obama’s past, some people don’t care and some people are not informed or misled by Obama’s campaign and the Media. The mainstream Media has done a grave disservice to America in 2008. The full consequences of Sen. Obama becoming President, under so many clouds as are set forth above, cannot be fully predicted or prepared for.

Therefore, it is critical that Americans take this election seriously and start considering the numerous allegations facing Sen. Obama before November 4th.

Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time.
Theodore Roosevelt

In conclusion, America needs to take a breath and give another American voice a few moments of consideration.

The words spoken by Benjamin Franklin:

To follow by faith alone is to follow blindly


Hear reason, or she'll make you feel her

The End