Monday, January 26, 2009

Pakistan - Obama- Larry Sinclair - "Start Spreading The News " - Frank Sinatra

The BOPAC Report:

Yesterday, Larry Sinclair had a very interesting post up about Obama's attack on Pakistan. Today, a pro-Pakistan blog had Larry's post up front and center. I'm reminded of Frank Sinatra singing, "Start spreading the news"...

January 26, 2009...8:34 am
Obama War Crimes In Pakistan


Before going to bed last night the news wires were smoking with official calls from Pakistan officials that the United States and Barack Obama immediately cease its air strikes into Pakistan. Pakistan officials clearly instruct Obama that it will not tolerate the murder of civilians as occurred Friday in the US Air Strikes into the sovereign Nation Pakistan.

I take this time to urge any and all US Military personnel to refrain from implementing any directives issued from the Obama White House until such time as Barack Obama has demonstrated that he is legally entitled to hold the office of POTUS.

I urge Pakistan and any other Country that has civilian deaths as the result of any Obama order to immediately issue a warrant for the arrest and extradition of Barack Obama to that country to face charges of MURDER in light of the fact that Barack Obama is not a legally sitting President of the United States. Pakistan officials have every legal and moral obligation to demand the arrest and extradition of Barack Obama at this time...Read Here

Or Read It at Larry Sinclair's site -
Larry Sinclair is the man who alleges that he and Obama did cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999. This is one of the numerous stories that the American media has been hiding because it might take the shine off of the Obama "Fairy Tale".