Friday, January 30, 2009

The BOPAC Report - Gov. Blagojevich - Obama - Larry Sinclair - Joe the Private's Oath of Allegiance

The BOPAC Report:

This is exactly what I fear with the new BOPAC (Barack Obama Pitchen and Catchen) Administration, Obama's friends are pitchen and catchen ways to destroy Israel.

From World Net Daily:

Obama 'friend': End of Israel 'within reach'
Activist boasts 'Western support, complicity' starting to crack
Posted: January 30, 2009
12:20 am Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Ali Abunimah
JERUSALEM – Accusing the Jewish state of "genocide," an anti-Israel Palestinian activist once commended by President Obama has predicted the end of Israel, which, he boasted, is "within reach, in our lifetimes."

In a piece earlier this month titled, "Why Israel won't survive," Ali Abunimah, co-founder of Electronic Intifada, a pro-Palestinian online publication, accused Israel of war crimes and gloated, "Now, the other pillar of Israeli power – Western support and complicity – is starting to crack. We must do all we can to push it over." ...Continue Reading

From Larry Sinclair
, the man who has alleged that he and Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999, has a post up about Gov. Blagojevich's impeachment and the likelihood that he will be talking. I bet Gov. Blago will be pitchen and catchen with efforts to get Obama to intervene or set up a pardon later down the road if he is convicted.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

After listening to Rod Blagojevich speak outside his Chicago home this evening I am certain that IL's impeached Governor is going to start talking about alot of IL and Chicago Political doings...Continue Reading

From my other site, I am currently running an article that many of you may be interested in reading.

Obama, Oaths of Allegiance, the UCMJ, Unlawful Orders,

Joe the Private, and a Call to Protect the Republic

Throughout the history of America, there have been those special individuals of courage and principle who have answered the call to protect the Republic. I believe in these extraordinary times, the call to protect the Republic is being sounded again....

...This last word “unlawful” is of the utmost importance and gives rise to questions of individual responsibility, criminal liability and morality on the battlefield. It is well established that when an “order” is given to an individual soldier, such an order (in effect) comes through the entire chain of command...Continue Reading

This article can also be found on an Australian website at: