Friday, January 23, 2009

The BOPAC Report - Atlas Shrugs - Obama - Jihadis' President -

The BOPAC Report -

You people who voted for BOPAC and care about Israel, it is your responsibility to stay on BOPAC's ass!

This is from Atlas Shrugs:

By their fruits we shall know him, and so we know b. Hussein.
The man is in office all of what, 48 hours? And what does he tackle? He unshackles the jihad: he closes Gitmo, freeing the worst America haters, jihadis and murderers in the jihad's war on the West. What does he tackle? Eliminating "torture," the most effective tool for extracting information. What's torture? Sexual contact with female interrogators, sleep deprivation, waterboarding ........
Obama issued four executive orders in a sweeping repudiation of his predecessor's "war on terror." "There we go," Obama quietly remarked as he signed them.

I ask you, did he take one action to stop the jihad?

It irked me when Obama said, ""The United States intends to prosecute the ongoing struggle against violence and terrorism," he said. Violence? It's war, brother....Continue Reading