Monday, January 5, 2009

Devvy Kid - Berg v Obama - Impeach Obama

Devvy Kidd has a new article up. Excellent!


By: Devvy
January 5, 2009

© 2008 -
Americans all across this country are expressing their doubt as to whether or not Barack Hussein Obama (or whatever his real, legal name might be) is constitutionally (legally) eligible to hold the office of President of the United States. Last month, America Online (AOL) conducted a poll that must have shocked Obots and his attorneys. The question was: Do you think there is any merit to the controversy surrounding Barack Obama's citizenship? A whopping 52% said yes; 42% said no and 6% said not sure. Looks like O'Reilly's flogging of the 'tin foil' kook aid drinkers isn't selling so well out there. Not that the big O would dream of giving any credible coverage to the issue; he's fair and balanced didn't ya know?

Big Bill isn't alone out there. David Horowitz says, "Don't write me about the constitution." That darling of conservatives apparently believes mob rule is the order of the day. Obama's constitutional eligibility means nothing. When are Americans going to stop supporting the so-called conservative "leadership" in this country when these individuals have no regard for the supreme law of the land?

Before Obama even became 'president-elect,' there was a drive to impeach him while he was an unlawfully seated U.S. Senator. You can read the particulars and petition here. Some very interesting stuff. One has to wonder just what might be percolating behind the walls at the Federal Department of Justice....

Before impostor Obama is even sworn in (God forbid), there's a growing movement to impeach him right out of the Oval Office. As Scarlett O'Hara said in the fabulous epic, Gone With the Wind: "Well, fiddle-dee-dee"! I suppose this is the only way a lot of people have to vent over the sham last year called primaries and the presidential election. However, the thought of Biden as president with the witch from the San Francisco Gay Bay Area as VP (Pelosi) is enough to frighten anyone to death. But, if Obama was not eligible to run in the first place, I don't believe impeachment would be the legal avenue since he had no right to hold that office in the first place. Biden is just the attached baggage and he would go, too. ...Continue Reading

Don't forget to call the Members of the House and Senate and the Supreme Court!

Contact information for House and Senate can be found on CitizenWells' Hall of Shame Page.