The BOPAC Report:I am posting this recent article again because on the
Australia version (reprinted here) there is a comment that raises some good issues.
‘Obama Political Correctness’ Leading To A Very Dangerous ‘Islamic Political Correctness’.Written by Zach Jones
Islamic ‘political correctness’ seems to be taking over our reason and resolve. How far can this go in America?
Unfortunately, it is likely that it could go very far given that most Americans appear to be asleep at the switch. American’s are tired and just want the ‘Change Fairy’ to take care of it all. There is no ‘Change Fairy’. America and the world are faced with a patient, determined adversary. Islamic terrorists/radicals have made substantial progress in Great Britain, Denmark and Minnesota towards their goal of establishing Sharia law throughout the world.
Atlas Shrugs has an interesting article illustrating the constant chipping away of western systems of law and values. In Great Britain, a Muslim killer is threatening legal action to force female prison guards to wear veils because his ‘human rights’ are being violated! Give me a break!
First prisons face their toilets towards Mecca, what will be next? Will radical Islamic parents bring lawsuits against our schools to force female teachers to wear burkas?
If the only lines of defense are our courts, school boards and the teachers’ unions, there’s not a lot of hope that ‘political correctness’ won’t replace our Constitution and way of life. Step by step, they are winning.
Just consider the Supreme Court’s dealing with Obama’s probable lack of eligibility to serve as President of the United States. The Supreme Court's silence set back Berg v Obama, Lightfoot v Bowen, and some of the other lawsuits instead of looking at the merits of the allegations. It seems that ‘Obama political correctness’ has trumped the Constitution of the United States. Apparently, the Supreme Court is refusing to risk the outrage of Obama supporters (most of whom have never read the Constitution) by asking Obama to demonstrate his eligibility and answer the allegations against him.
If the Supreme Court will not protect the Constitution, what makes anyone think that they will protect the rights of a female school teacher if their actions might offend the Islamic community? Step by step, change is coming, Islamic change. With each step, America’s Liberty Bell sees her crack get larger.
The American media is playing a pivotal role in facilitating Islamic radicals’ goals by manipulating the psyche of Americans. The media is putting the average American’s awareness to sleep. One day, ‘Joe the Plumber’ will wake up and his wife will need to dawn her burka before going out of their house.
The media downplays the “War on Terror”, blames America, and refuses to look seriously at any of the controversies that impact Obama. They have ignored the 30 legal actions challenging Obama’s eligibility. They have ignored the very real possibility that Obama may have held (or holds) citizenship in a predominately Muslim country, Indonesia. They have misrepresented the scope of what Obama’s short form birth certificate can establish (only the long form can show a Hawaiian birth). They have ignored Obama’s associations with Tony Rezko, Wright, Ayers, Larry Sinclair, Farrakhan, ACCORN, etc. Had the press been doing their job as journalists/reporters, there would not be Barack Obama in the Oval Office.
An objective and free press, that reports the news and does not try to ‘shape the news’, is vital for our Republic to survive. Right now the American Press is AWOL. Truth is what protects our freedom. Step by step, ‘change’ is coming, Islamic change. I can hear the Liberty Bell’s crack growing.
All the while, Obama is giving his first interviews to Arabic media, appeasing Iran, closing the prison for terrorists in Cuba, planning his first trip overseas to Indonesia, appointing a tax evader as Sec. of the Treasury, attacking Rush Limbaugh and voices of opposition, and including billions of funding in the bailout for groups like ACCORN! Did you hear the crack grow larger just now?
Let’s not let the Congress off the hook. Members of Congress, having been made aware of the existence of reasonable allegations challenging Obama’s eligibility to serve as President, proceeded to ratify the vote of the Electoral College without objection from even one Senator or Representative. The ‘Obama Political Correctness’ trumped the Senators’ and Representatives’ oaths to uphold and protect the U. S. Constitution. If our members of Congress are so worried about offending Obama’s supporters, even in the face of a likely violation of the Constitution’s eligibility requirements; what makes anyone think that they will stand up to outrageous demands from some segments of the Islamic community?
The Supreme Court’s action and the Congress of the United States’ regrettable certification of the vote of the Electoral College have effectively thrown the political football down to the individual members of the United States Military. Each individual soldier, sailor, and airman may now reflect upon the possibility that Obama is not the President of the United States and as such cannot give ‘lawful orders’ to follow.
Make no mistake; this is a political football that has arisen because America’s obsession with ‘political correctness’ has gone wild. Somehow the powers that be (the courts, Congress, politicians, the media) have determined that it is not ‘politically correct’ to stand up for the Constitution if it means that the historic circumstance of the first African-American President would be required to be undone. Shameful!
Given that some of our leaders in government and the media have lost their integrity and spines, (it does seem very likely that in the not too distant future) America’s female teachers, prison guards, police, and military will be required to wear burka so as to not offend.
Great Britain is leading the way so why not jump on board? Okay fathers, it’s time to take a good long look at your mothers, daughters, sisters and spouses to glimpse the future.
Lawful orders are lawful orders and unlawful orders are unlawful! How can anyone serving as President who is not a “Natural Born Citizen” issue any lawful orders? The issue needs to be resolved.
Reader Contribution
In the well written article cited below, Mr. Jones misses a very important factor - the rise of socialism in America and elsewhere. Historically, weak governments led to weak socialism in Germany and Russia. This in turn led to totalitarianism. The pattern is the same in the United States, as F.A. Hayek in "The Road to Serfdom" predicted it could. Political correctness is one of the first steps in convincing people that they should serve others. The omission is that in order to help others, one must be able to help one's self first. A good example of this is Rotary International, whose motto is "Service Above Self". What that logo doesn't sayh is that in order to be a Rotarian one must have established himself in a business or profession, and then is willing to spend some time in charitable activities. And many Rotarians do not join Rotary for altruistic purposes, rather they join for business contacts, i.e., for their self interests. Now Obama calls self-interest, "selfish". This is a typical Marxist tactic, to make people feel guilty. But consider self-interests from another viewpoint. When one works hard to achieve anything, it is not just the working individual that benefits. His family also benefits. Ergo, he is benefiting someone who might otherwise be poor. The Marxists implement their plans by convincing people not to benefit themselves. Taking money from the rich to "give" to the poor accomplishes nothing but making the rich poor. On the other hand letting the rich get richer means that they have to earn that extra money, and in so doing, they must provide products and services, while employing people. How does this tie into the Islamic threat? When a socialist government is not strong enough to force people to become slaves to the state, it takes harsh totalitarians to do so. By allowing Islamics to get their way, which is contrary to the freedom of the individual to make choices and pursue his own destiny, the socialists, like Obama and most of the Democratic Party and its base, will either prove too weak, or they will have to enforce a fascist state, using the same methods as Hitler, Stalin and like dictators throughout history. Americans, who have been dumbed down by our academics, brainwashed by the socialist media, and aided and abetted by the so-called conservative media (who insist on calling socialists and other radicals "liberals", because they are afraid to be derided if they call them communists, fascists, Marxists, socialists or totalitarians, which is truly what they are), do not have a clue that a real liberal stands exactly for what the conservatives claim to be for, freedom of the individual, free markets, free trade, etc., all of which are the major contributing factors to the greatest improvements in economic prosperity the world has ever seen (although given today's economic environment that may be short lived). Thus, I do not think that one can discuss the impacts of Islam without discussing the trend towards socialism, which can only lead to total submission to the state. The main difference is that socialists think they are smart enough to run the world. Islamics know they are ruthless enough to run the world. Brains do not stand up very well to bullets, and talk doesn't work very well when one's throat is cut. The great economic philosophers have seen this coming for ages, Hayek, Milton Friedman, Adam Smith, Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand, etc., but there are few institutes of learning where they are taught or even mentioned. Obama has the perfect opportunity to increase the size of the U.S. military with his followers, to bring economic disaster to the United States (not to mention the rest of the world), so that people will be screaming for a "leader" who will put on the band aid, kiss their finger, and tell then that they will be all better soon, provided, of course, that they submit to"spreading the wealth" and perform mandatory "volunteer" service for the "greater good". The only question in my mind is whether Obama is ruthless enough to preempt the Islamics and form the world in his vision (Heil Obama or else). If he is not, but makes enough "progress" towards totalitarianism, then all it will take is a more ruthless person (a front for Obama who will later overthrow him), and we will see the end of individual freedom for a long time.
As for the U.S. Constitution, it will be undermined by every means under the guise of "updating it".
To cite Hayek once again, once the legal system permits laws that target persons or groups, and the impact of those laws can be known in advance, that is the beginning of the end of freedom. A good recent example was making laws that reduced credit limitations. It was known that sooner or later the economy would take a turn for gthe worse, and those loans would go bad. This is no different that the causes of the Asian economic crisis. When one makes a loan that has a high risk of not being repaid, the chances of the lender getting his money and interest decrease according to the risk level. Lowering the credit requirements was supposedly for the "greater good". Marx would have been proud.
Howie M
Obama Political Correctness' Leading To A Very Dangerous 'Islamic Political Correctness'.
Written by Zach Jones