Saturday, January 31, 2009

The BOPAC Report - Obama Groveling To Iran - Israel's Survival In Question - Obama "Pitchen and Catchen" Appeasement Policies

The BOPAC Report:

Well, the rookie World Leader's 'pitchen and catchen' with his appeasement diplomacy is not working out so well. Not only will America suffer, but Israel may not survive the Obama administration.

Obama 'friend': End of Israel 'within reach'

Activist boasts 'Western support, complicity' starting to crack
Posted: January 30, 2009
12:20 am Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Ali Abunimah
JERUSALEM – Accusing the Jewish state of "genocide," an anti-Israel Palestinian activist once commended by President Obama has predicted the end of Israel, which, he boasted, is "within reach, in our lifetimes."

In a piece earlier this month titled, "Why Israel won't survive," Ali Abunimah, co-founder of Electronic Intifada, a pro-Palestinian online publication, accused Israel of war crimes and gloated, "Now, the other pillar of Israeli power – Western support and complicity – is starting to crack. We must do all we can to push it over."...Continue Reading

And a little more evidence of the lack of effectiveness of Obama's groveling and undermining Israel's future.

Iran says Obama's offer to talk shows US failure
Jan 31 09:16 AM US/Eastern
US President Barack Obama's offer to talk to Iran shows that America's policy of "domination" has failed, the government spokesman said on Saturday.

"This request means Western ideology has become passive, that capitalist thought and the system of domination have failed," Gholam Hossein Elham was quoted as saying by the Mehr news agency.

"Negotiation is secondary, the main issue is that there is no way but for (the United States) to change," he added.

After nearly three decades of severed ties, Obama said shortly after taking office this month that he is willing to extend a diplomatic hand to Tehran if the Islamic republic is ready to "unclench its fist".

In response, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad launched a fresh tirade against the United States, demanding an apology for its "crimes" against Iran and saying he expected "deep and fundamental" change from Obama....Continue Reading

Friday, January 30, 2009

The BOPAC Report - Gov. Blagojevich - Obama - Larry Sinclair - Joe the Private's Oath of Allegiance

The BOPAC Report:

This is exactly what I fear with the new BOPAC (Barack Obama Pitchen and Catchen) Administration, Obama's friends are pitchen and catchen ways to destroy Israel.

From World Net Daily:

Obama 'friend': End of Israel 'within reach'
Activist boasts 'Western support, complicity' starting to crack
Posted: January 30, 2009
12:20 am Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Ali Abunimah
JERUSALEM – Accusing the Jewish state of "genocide," an anti-Israel Palestinian activist once commended by President Obama has predicted the end of Israel, which, he boasted, is "within reach, in our lifetimes."

In a piece earlier this month titled, "Why Israel won't survive," Ali Abunimah, co-founder of Electronic Intifada, a pro-Palestinian online publication, accused Israel of war crimes and gloated, "Now, the other pillar of Israeli power – Western support and complicity – is starting to crack. We must do all we can to push it over." ...Continue Reading

From Larry Sinclair
, the man who has alleged that he and Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999, has a post up about Gov. Blagojevich's impeachment and the likelihood that he will be talking. I bet Gov. Blago will be pitchen and catchen with efforts to get Obama to intervene or set up a pardon later down the road if he is convicted.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

After listening to Rod Blagojevich speak outside his Chicago home this evening I am certain that IL's impeached Governor is going to start talking about alot of IL and Chicago Political doings...Continue Reading

From my other site, I am currently running an article that many of you may be interested in reading.

Obama, Oaths of Allegiance, the UCMJ, Unlawful Orders,

Joe the Private, and a Call to Protect the Republic

Throughout the history of America, there have been those special individuals of courage and principle who have answered the call to protect the Republic. I believe in these extraordinary times, the call to protect the Republic is being sounded again....

...This last word “unlawful” is of the utmost importance and gives rise to questions of individual responsibility, criminal liability and morality on the battlefield. It is well established that when an “order” is given to an individual soldier, such an order (in effect) comes through the entire chain of command...Continue Reading

This article can also be found on an Australian website at:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Obama Political Correctness Leading To A Very Dangerous Islamic Political Correctness - Comment Included - F.A. Hayek - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

I am posting this recent article again because on the Australia version (reprinted here) there is a comment that raises some good issues.

‘Obama Political Correctness’ Leading To A Very Dangerous ‘Islamic Political Correctness’.
Written by Zach Jones

Islamic ‘political correctness’ seems to be taking over our reason and resolve. How far can this go in America?

Unfortunately, it is likely that it could go very far given that most Americans appear to be asleep at the switch. American’s are tired and just want the ‘Change Fairy’ to take care of it all. There is no ‘Change Fairy’. America and the world are faced with a patient, determined adversary. Islamic terrorists/radicals have made substantial progress in Great Britain, Denmark and Minnesota towards their goal of establishing Sharia law throughout the world.

Atlas Shrugs has an interesting article illustrating the constant chipping away of western systems of law and values. In Great Britain, a Muslim killer is threatening legal action to force female prison guards to wear veils because his ‘human rights’ are being violated! Give me a break!

First prisons face their toilets towards Mecca, what will be next? Will radical Islamic parents bring lawsuits against our schools to force female teachers to wear burkas?

If the only lines of defense are our courts, school boards and the teachers’ unions, there’s not a lot of hope that ‘political correctness’ won’t replace our Constitution and way of life. Step by step, they are winning.

Just consider the Supreme Court’s dealing with Obama’s probable lack of eligibility to serve as President of the United States. The Supreme Court's silence set back Berg v Obama, Lightfoot v Bowen, and some of the other lawsuits instead of looking at the merits of the allegations. It seems that ‘Obama political correctness’ has trumped the Constitution of the United States. Apparently, the Supreme Court is refusing to risk the outrage of Obama supporters (most of whom have never read the Constitution) by asking Obama to demonstrate his eligibility and answer the allegations against him.

If the Supreme Court will not protect the Constitution, what makes anyone think that they will protect the rights of a female school teacher if their actions might offend the Islamic community? Step by step, change is coming, Islamic change. With each step, America’s Liberty Bell sees her crack get larger.

The American media is playing a pivotal role in facilitating Islamic radicals’ goals by manipulating the psyche of Americans. The media is putting the average American’s awareness to sleep. One day, ‘Joe the Plumber’ will wake up and his wife will need to dawn her burka before going out of their house.

The media downplays the “War on Terror”, blames America, and refuses to look seriously at any of the controversies that impact Obama. They have ignored the 30 legal actions challenging Obama’s eligibility. They have ignored the very real possibility that Obama may have held (or holds) citizenship in a predominately Muslim country, Indonesia. They have misrepresented the scope of what Obama’s short form birth certificate can establish (only the long form can show a Hawaiian birth). They have ignored Obama’s associations with Tony Rezko, Wright, Ayers, Larry Sinclair, Farrakhan, ACCORN, etc. Had the press been doing their job as journalists/reporters, there would not be Barack Obama in the Oval Office.

An objective and free press, that reports the news and does not try to ‘shape the news’, is vital for our Republic to survive. Right now the American Press is AWOL. Truth is what protects our freedom. Step by step, ‘change’ is coming, Islamic change. I can hear the Liberty Bell’s crack growing.

All the while, Obama is giving his first interviews to Arabic media, appeasing Iran, closing the prison for terrorists in Cuba, planning his first trip overseas to Indonesia, appointing a tax evader as Sec. of the Treasury, attacking Rush Limbaugh and voices of opposition, and including billions of funding in the bailout for groups like ACCORN! Did you hear the crack grow larger just now?

Let’s not let the Congress off the hook. Members of Congress, having been made aware of the existence of reasonable allegations challenging Obama’s eligibility to serve as President, proceeded to ratify the vote of the Electoral College without objection from even one Senator or Representative. The ‘Obama Political Correctness’ trumped the Senators’ and Representatives’ oaths to uphold and protect the U. S. Constitution. If our members of Congress are so worried about offending Obama’s supporters, even in the face of a likely violation of the Constitution’s eligibility requirements; what makes anyone think that they will stand up to outrageous demands from some segments of the Islamic community?

The Supreme Court’s action and the Congress of the United States’ regrettable certification of the vote of the Electoral College have effectively thrown the political football down to the individual members of the United States Military. Each individual soldier, sailor, and airman may now reflect upon the possibility that Obama is not the President of the United States and as such cannot give ‘lawful orders’ to follow.

Make no mistake; this is a political football that has arisen because America’s obsession with ‘political correctness’ has gone wild. Somehow the powers that be (the courts, Congress, politicians, the media) have determined that it is not ‘politically correct’ to stand up for the Constitution if it means that the historic circumstance of the first African-American President would be required to be undone. Shameful!

Given that some of our leaders in government and the media have lost their integrity and spines, (it does seem very likely that in the not too distant future) America’s female teachers, prison guards, police, and military will be required to wear burka so as to not offend.

Great Britain is leading the way so why not jump on board? Okay fathers, it’s time to take a good long look at your mothers, daughters, sisters and spouses to glimpse the future.

Lawful orders are lawful orders and unlawful orders are unlawful! How can anyone serving as President who is not a “Natural Born Citizen” issue any lawful orders? The issue needs to be resolved.

Reader Contribution


In the well written article cited below, Mr. Jones misses a very important factor - the rise of socialism in America and elsewhere. Historically, weak governments led to weak socialism in Germany and Russia. This in turn led to totalitarianism. The pattern is the same in the United States, as F.A. Hayek in "The Road to Serfdom" predicted it could. Political correctness is one of the first steps in convincing people that they should serve others. The omission is that in order to help others, one must be able to help one's self first. A good example of this is Rotary International, whose motto is "Service Above Self". What that logo doesn't sayh is that in order to be a Rotarian one must have established himself in a business or profession, and then is willing to spend some time in charitable activities. And many Rotarians do not join Rotary for altruistic purposes, rather they join for business contacts, i.e., for their self interests. Now Obama calls self-interest, "selfish". This is a typical Marxist tactic, to make people feel guilty. But consider self-interests from another viewpoint. When one works hard to achieve anything, it is not just the working individual that benefits. His family also benefits. Ergo, he is benefiting someone who might otherwise be poor. The Marxists implement their plans by convincing people not to benefit themselves. Taking money from the rich to "give" to the poor accomplishes nothing but making the rich poor. On the other hand letting the rich get richer means that they have to earn that extra money, and in so doing, they must provide products and services, while employing people. How does this tie into the Islamic threat? When a socialist government is not strong enough to force people to become slaves to the state, it takes harsh totalitarians to do so. By allowing Islamics to get their way, which is contrary to the freedom of the individual to make choices and pursue his own destiny, the socialists, like Obama and most of the Democratic Party and its base, will either prove too weak, or they will have to enforce a fascist state, using the same methods as Hitler, Stalin and like dictators throughout history. Americans, who have been dumbed down by our academics, brainwashed by the socialist media, and aided and abetted by the so-called conservative media (who insist on calling socialists and other radicals "liberals", because they are afraid to be derided if they call them communists, fascists, Marxists, socialists or totalitarians, which is truly what they are), do not have a clue that a real liberal stands exactly for what the conservatives claim to be for, freedom of the individual, free markets, free trade, etc., all of which are the major contributing factors to the greatest improvements in economic prosperity the world has ever seen (although given today's economic environment that may be short lived). Thus, I do not think that one can discuss the impacts of Islam without discussing the trend towards socialism, which can only lead to total submission to the state. The main difference is that socialists think they are smart enough to run the world. Islamics know they are ruthless enough to run the world. Brains do not stand up very well to bullets, and talk doesn't work very well when one's throat is cut. The great economic philosophers have seen this coming for ages, Hayek, Milton Friedman, Adam Smith, Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand, etc., but there are few institutes of learning where they are taught or even mentioned. Obama has the perfect opportunity to increase the size of the U.S. military with his followers, to bring economic disaster to the United States (not to mention the rest of the world), so that people will be screaming for a "leader" who will put on the band aid, kiss their finger, and tell then that they will be all better soon, provided, of course, that they submit to"spreading the wealth" and perform mandatory "volunteer" service for the "greater good". The only question in my mind is whether Obama is ruthless enough to preempt the Islamics and form the world in his vision (Heil Obama or else). If he is not, but makes enough "progress" towards totalitarianism, then all it will take is a more ruthless person (a front for Obama who will later overthrow him), and we will see the end of individual freedom for a long time.

As for the U.S. Constitution, it will be undermined by every means under the guise of "updating it".

To cite Hayek once again, once the legal system permits laws that target persons or groups, and the impact of those laws can be known in advance, that is the beginning of the end of freedom. A good recent example was making laws that reduced credit limitations. It was known that sooner or later the economy would take a turn for gthe worse, and those loans would go bad. This is no different that the causes of the Asian economic crisis. When one makes a loan that has a high risk of not being repaid, the chances of the lender getting his money and interest decrease according to the risk level. Lowering the credit requirements was supposedly for the "greater good". Marx would have been proud.

Howie M
Obama Political Correctness' Leading To A Very Dangerous 'Islamic Political Correctness'.
Written by Zach Jones

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Drudge Report - CIA Spy Boss - Secret Sex Videos - Is It The First Opportunity To Blackmail Obama Over His Eligibility?

The BOPAC Report -

I just saw this as a headline on

ABCNEWS: CIA Spy Boss Allegedly Drugged Muslim Women, Made Secret Sex Videos... station chief in Algeria under investigation... Developing...

The very first thing that popped into my mind was how much stuff does this spy guy have on Obama regarding the allegations of Obama's birth in Kenya, his Indonesian Citizenship and the likelihood that he is not eligible to serve as President!!!

Is this one of the first opportunities to Blackmail Obama? I'm sure Saint Larry Sinclair will be investigating this and contacting the spy chief to compare notes.

Larry Sinclair is the man who alleges that he and BOPAC used cocaine and had consensual sex in 1999. Larry and Obama's alleged sex was consensual as opposed to the CIA spy chief's!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Philip Berg Press Release - Obama - Berg v Obama - Globe Magazine - Birth Certificate - Not Eligible To Be President

The BOPAC Report -

Philip Berg has a new update:

01/26/09: PRESS RELEASE - New Issue of GLOBE Magazine [Feb. 2nd] Highlights
Philip J. Berg, Esq. Efforts to Expose Obama not being “qualified” to be President.
Also, Berg states U.S. Supreme Court denied Injunction request but Berg has three [3] cases still open and Berg states he will prove Obama “ineligible” to be President

(Contact information and PDF at end)

(Lafayette Hill, PA – 01/26/09) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States and his cases that are still pending, Berg vs. Obama [2 cases – 1 under seal] and Hollister vs. Soetoro a/k/a Obama announced today that the new issue of GLOBE Magazine [2/2/09 issue] highlights his efforts to expose Obama not being “constitutionally qualified” and therefore, Obama should be removed from office.

Berg also stated that the U.S. Supreme Court denied his request for an Injunction from the Conference that was held on January 16, 2009. However, the case that was denied by the U.S. Supreme Court, Berg vs. Obama is still pending in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals where Berg just filed a Brief on 1/20/09. Berg said I had bypassed the Third Circuit hoping that the U.S. Supreme Court would hear our case on an expedited basis because of the significance of the case.

The two [2] other cases are in Federal Court and I will advise you shortly about the status of each.

Berg said, “This is the 5th time GLOBE Magazine has highlighted the question of Obama’s lack of ‘constitutional qualifications’ to be President. The new story about Obama is the center spread and two [2] other pages. More and more people are aware of the fact that Obama does not meet the constitutional ‘qualifications’ and that this is the biggest ‘Hoax’ perpetrated on the citizens of the United States in 230 years.”

Berg concluded, “I am proceeding for the 305 + million people in ‘our’ U.S.A., for ‘our’ forefathers and for the thousands and thousands that have died defending our Constitution with the legal fight to prove that Obama is not constitutionally qualified to be President.”

Berg vs. Obama, Third Circuit Court of Appeals No. 08 – 4340
Berg filed Brief on 1/20/09

Berg vs. Obama, U.S. District Court
Case filed under seal on 11/07/08 – cannot be discussed

Hollister vs. Soetoro a/k/a Obama,
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, No. 08-cv-02254
Response to Hollister Complaint due 1/26/09 by Soetoro/Obama and Biden

For copies of all Court Pleadings, go to

For Further Information Contact:
Philip J. Berg, Esquire

555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659
Cell (610) 662-3005

Chief Justice Roberts Disappointing Military Officer By Covering For Obama

The BOPAC Report -

Yesterday, I had a post up:
Chief Justice Roberts – Keeper of America’s Future
(Respect for the Law or Disillusionment

In part, the post pled for you to protect the sanctity of the law.
…And from that very act, one loses a certain degree of respect for the sanctity of all laws…

Please don’t let the ‘one’ referred to be Chief Justice Roberts, because if you lose your respect for the sanctity of the law, America will be lost on her path.

The 'act' as referring to Chief Justice Roberts is that you appear to have chosen to deny access to a class of plaintiffs with legitimate grievances against Barack Obama (Soetoro) because of political pressure. The class of plaintiffs is anyone who is challenging the eligibility of Obama to serve as President.

Maybe you're worried about your place in the history books or some other personal reason, but the Court denying a plaintiff an opportunity to present their evidence that would protect and enforce a Constitutional provision is tragic on so many levels.

This time in Lightfoot v Bowen, you denied the plaintiffs their right to be heard.

…And from that very act, one loses a certain degree of respect for the sanctity of all laws…

What will it be next time?

Will it be easier now that you appear to have committed your first 'act'?

Next time, the 'right' may be a "Fundamental Right" such as the right of a criminal defendant to be heard and confront his accuser.

Would you deny a "Defendant's Fundamental Right" because of the road you appear to be on? I pray you will not.

What if next time, instead of a Plaintiff, you have before you a Defendant? What if the Defendant is a member of the United States military that has refused to follow an "Order" from the 'President' because he or she reasonably believes it to an "Unlawful Order" that it came from a person who may well be ineligible to serve as President?

Since you may have committed your first 'act', could you now deny a soldier who is trying to live up to their oath? I pray you could not.

However, I'm honestly not sure about you or any of the other Justices at this point in time.

Today America's future looks a lot bleaker because of your apparent failure to protect the Constitution by not honoring your oath of office. I had always believed in and counted on the Supreme Court to be above politics. It looks like I was wrong.

Dr. Orly has posted a heartfelt letter from a Lt. Col. in the United States military to you,Chief Justice. I hope you will consider it!

Monday, January 26, 2009
Open letter to Chief Justice Roberts from LtCol Earl Graef
Orly , Please at your discretion post this letter.
Memorandum and Open Letter

From: LtCol. David A. Earl-Graef

To: Chief Justice John G. Roberts

Date: 26 Jan 2006


I can not express in words the disappointment I feel regarding the recent actions of the Court to deny those of us in the military important answers to questions regarding our Constitutional duty as clearly stated in our Oath of Office. While these actions are not an injury such as one might sustain on the field of battle, they constitute an egregious injury to the faith I have placed in the court. While I can not say that of its nature the injury is mortal, it is not without morbidity! While I can not say that I shall succumb to it, the actions of the Court have deeply wounded the spirit of this American Soldier. I am left brokenhearted and conflicted in this moment to the point of tears.

I had earlier written to you and asked that you consider the Oath of Office that I took and every American Soldier takes and asked that you honor and respect its sacred vows in your actions. I ask you now in your heart; have you done this?....Continue Reading

Pakistan - Obama- Larry Sinclair - "Start Spreading The News " - Frank Sinatra

The BOPAC Report:

Yesterday, Larry Sinclair had a very interesting post up about Obama's attack on Pakistan. Today, a pro-Pakistan blog had Larry's post up front and center. I'm reminded of Frank Sinatra singing, "Start spreading the news"...

January 26, 2009...8:34 am
Obama War Crimes In Pakistan


Before going to bed last night the news wires were smoking with official calls from Pakistan officials that the United States and Barack Obama immediately cease its air strikes into Pakistan. Pakistan officials clearly instruct Obama that it will not tolerate the murder of civilians as occurred Friday in the US Air Strikes into the sovereign Nation Pakistan.

I take this time to urge any and all US Military personnel to refrain from implementing any directives issued from the Obama White House until such time as Barack Obama has demonstrated that he is legally entitled to hold the office of POTUS.

I urge Pakistan and any other Country that has civilian deaths as the result of any Obama order to immediately issue a warrant for the arrest and extradition of Barack Obama to that country to face charges of MURDER in light of the fact that Barack Obama is not a legally sitting President of the United States. Pakistan officials have every legal and moral obligation to demand the arrest and extradition of Barack Obama at this time...Read Here

Or Read It at Larry Sinclair's site -
Larry Sinclair is the man who alleges that he and Obama did cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999. This is one of the numerous stories that the American media has been hiding because it might take the shine off of the Obama "Fairy Tale".

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Obambi - David Axelrod - Valerie Jarrett - Advisors of Obama - Subpoenas Issued - Blagojevich

The BOPAC Report:

The following article from Obambi speaks for itself.

Sunday, January 25, 2009...4:42 am
Sweeping federal subpoenas of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s administration include requests for records involving David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett, senior advisers to President Barack Obama

Sweeping federal subpoenas of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s administration include requests for records involving David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett, senior advisers to President Barack Obama.

Among 43 subpoenas released by the Blagojevich administration Friday, one from Dec. 8 seeks notes, calendars, correspondence and any other data that relate to Axelrod, Jarrett and 32 other people and organizations.

That was the day before the FBI arrested Blagojevich, a two-term Democrat, on charges that he tried to trade his appointment to replace Obama in the Senate for campaign contributions. Wiretapped conversations show Blagojevich thought Jarrett was interested in the seat and he wanted campaign money or a high-paying job in return, according to a sworn statement.

From Larry Sinclair, the man who alleges that he and Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999, comes this -


First: George Bush strikes inside Pakistan with permission and he is immediately accused of exceeding his authority and is accused by Obama of intentionally ordering the "murder" of innocent civilians. Barack Obama orders a strike inside of Pakistan, killing innocent civilians and is praised? What is wrong with this picture?

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Cleveland Leader - Obama Snubs Military Heroes - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report -
From The Cleveland Leader:

Obama Snubs Nation's Heroes, Becomes the First President to Skip Ball Honoring Medal of Honor Recipients in Over 50 Years
Submitted by Julie on January 21, 2009 - 10:13pm.

Barack Obama may have stumbled over his words briefly during his inauguration, but he made an even bigger blunder later Tuesday evening. The newly sworn-in President opted not to appear at what should have been one of the most important Balls on his agenda that evening - The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball.

The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball was begun in 1953 for President Dwight Eisenhower's inauguration. The event recognized recipients of the Medal of Honor, the nation's highest military award. There were 48 Medal of Honor recipients in attendance, who were undoubtedly disappointed by the Commander-in-Chief's failure to show. Over the past 56 years and 14 inaugurations, no President has skipped this event - until now.... Continue Reading

Thought for Today - Lawful orders are lawful orders and unlawful orders are unlawful! How can anyone serving as President who is not a “Natural Born Citizen” issue any lawful orders?

Devvy - No, We Don't Have A New President!! I agree - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Gotta love Devvy!


By: Devvy
January 22, 2009

© 2008 -

“It is a terrible thing when you think you got on a bandwagon and it turns out to be a garbage truck." Ernst (Putzi) Hanfstaengl*

The circus out in Washington, DC., for the unlawful swearing in of the impostor president, Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro and so forth, is now over.. All the gushing and slobbering over the trashy looking rag worn by the militant Michelle Obama, has faded into the night. I wonder how many of the mindless mouth pieces giving their commentary about the "wonderful, smart First Lady," know that in 1993, Michelle Obama, was ordered by the Illinois Supreme Court to stop practicing law? The faux First Lady was ordered by the court; it was not her choice. (Click here). The records are sealed by the court so we don't know why, but I am told by lawyers sending me email, it had to be something major for such drastic action. Continue Reading!

The BOPAC Report - Atlas Shrugs - Obama - Jihadis' President -

The BOPAC Report -

You people who voted for BOPAC and care about Israel, it is your responsibility to stay on BOPAC's ass!

This is from Atlas Shrugs:

By their fruits we shall know him, and so we know b. Hussein.
The man is in office all of what, 48 hours? And what does he tackle? He unshackles the jihad: he closes Gitmo, freeing the worst America haters, jihadis and murderers in the jihad's war on the West. What does he tackle? Eliminating "torture," the most effective tool for extracting information. What's torture? Sexual contact with female interrogators, sleep deprivation, waterboarding ........
Obama issued four executive orders in a sweeping repudiation of his predecessor's "war on terror." "There we go," Obama quietly remarked as he signed them.

I ask you, did he take one action to stop the jihad?

It irked me when Obama said, ""The United States intends to prosecute the ongoing struggle against violence and terrorism," he said. Violence? It's war, brother....Continue Reading

Dr. Orly Request - Obama - Criminal Matters - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report - Dr. Orly Request - Lightfoot v Bowen
January 23, 2009 by zachjonesishome

The BOPAC Report -

Dr. Orly has a request up:

Friday, January 23, 2009

from ea Leo

Here is another ACTION you can take (Orly’s Request):

Currently we are coordinating efforts to schedule personal meetings of groups of volunteers with Chief US attorneys for criminal matters in each and every district of the US. Mr. Ken Burr and George Lewis will be in charge of this projct. call MR Burr 972-679-2918

Most important on TO DO LIST:

It is easier to get a story on the Nightly News that some seem to think.

Go to your local TV Station with as big a crowd as you can gather, demand that our Congress investigate the “citizenship” of Barack Huessin Obama.

It is likely that if you draw a large enough crowd that your local TV Station will cover the story that you laid upon there doorstep and they will in turn feed said story to the Networks in New York and DC.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

The BOPAC Report - Another Lawsuit Against Obama.

The BOPAC Report:

And the legal challenges just keep coming! Okay Mr. Open and Transparent Government the ball is in your court to prove it.

The following is a comment on ObamaCrimes blog:
KERCHNER et al v. OBAMA et al
written by Charlie-Creativeogre, January 22, 2009

KERCHNER et al v. OBAMA et al

Postby Creativeogre on Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:50 pm
I have received permission from the Plaintiff in this case to post these documents

" Ogre,

My attorney has authorized me to give you a copy of the amended case of Kerchner, et al, v. Obama, et al. The original case was filed early Tuesday morning prior to the swearing in. We filed this amendment subsequent to the swearing in the strengthen our Quo Warranto arguments and some other arguments in the case. Please feel free to post this document in your Country First blog"

On early Tuesday morning, January 20, 2009, at about 3:00 a.m., I filed a Complaint for Emergency Injunction, Declaratory Relief, Mandamus, and Petition for Quo Warranto on behalf of my clients, Mr. Kerchner, Mr. Patterson, Mr. LeNormand, and Mr. Nelsen, against defendants, Barack Hussein Obama II, United States of America, United States Congress, United States Senate, United States House of Representatives, Richard B. Cheney, and Nancy Pelosi. I filed the complaint in the Federal District Court of New Jersey and is now pending in Camden. It bears Civil Action No. 1:09-cv-00253. The complaint seeks to learn the truth about whether Obama is an Article II "natural born Citizen" and eligible to be President and Commander in Chief. On January 21, 2009, I filed an Amended Complaint for Emergency Injunction, Declaratory Relief, Mandamus, and Petition for Quo Warranto. The Complaint and the Amended Complaint can be accessed and viewed at the District Court of New Jersey and Pacer web site. I will also be uploading a copy of the documents at this blog site as soon as possible so that they may be more easily viewed.

The defendants have not yet been served. I am now in the process of requesting that the Court issue to me the summonses so that I can then serve as soon as possible the Summons and Amended Complaint on the defendants.

As you know, the courts have refused to reach the underlying merits of the many lawsuits that have been filed on the question of whether Mr. Obama is an Article II "natural born Citizen" and eligible to be President and Commander in Chief. My clients and I hope that we will get a court to reach the underlying merits of this question so that the American people will be assured that Mr. Obama is their legitimate President and not an usurper. I will appreciate whatever comments anyone has on the merits of this lawsuit.

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.

Documents can be viewed at Country First

The Betrayal - Excellent Article - Obama - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:
I love the first paragraph of this article because it says it all.
From The Betrayal:

An Informed Citizenry
Posted on January 22nd, 2009 by David Crockett

An excelent article by Richard L. Wilde on Restore the Constitutional Republic

Patriotism is not blind subservience to government, nor loyalty to a particular leader or party. Patriotism is vigilance in protecting and preserving the US Constitution from all who would pervert or overthrow it, or in any way diminish our many rights, liberties, or sovereignties; and, is a willingness to pay a price for our freedom....Continue Reading

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

55-60% Believe Barack Obama's Eligibility Has Some Merit!!

The BOPAC Report:

From Dr. Orly:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Supreme Court hottest potato
The New Media Journal | The Supreme Court’s Hottest Potato by Paul R. Hollrah The Supreme Court’s Hottest PotatoPaul R. Hollrah, Recent polls tell us that from 55-60 percent of the American people now believe that the question of Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as President of the United States has at least some merit. Continue Reading

Attack on Free Speech - Unlawful Orders - Obama - Tom Kovach

The BOPAC Report -

Must Read from Dr. Orly's site.

Obama'a Effect On Lady Liberty

The BOPAC Report-
From Dr. Orly:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Berg v Obama Update - BOPAC

The BOPAC Report:

Today we have a new update from Philip Berg:

01/20/09: PRESS RELEASE - Berg states that the Inauguration of Obama today will be recognized as a “Sad Day” for America when it is proven that Obama is “not qualified” pursuant to the U.S. Constitution to be President. Today begins a “Usurper” as President Obama is “ineligible” to be President as Obama is “not” “natural born.” We are headed for a “Constitutional Crisis.”

(Contact information and PDF at end)

(Lafayette Hill, PA – 01/20/09) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States and his case, Berg vs. Obama, in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals is still pending as well as two [2] other cases regarding the question as to whether Obama is constitutionally qualified to be President.
Berg stated, “It is a Sad Day for America as Obama is ‘not qualified’ to be President pursuant to ‘our’ United States Constitution. Today, unfortunately, a ‘Usurper,’ Obama, takes the oath of office as President and every law he signs and appointment he makes will be void. It is regretful that Obama has permitted this to happen as he knows he is ‘not natural born’ and this is the greatest ‘Hoax’ ever placed upon the citizens of the United States of America in 230 years.”

Berg continued, “I am committed to keeping our efforts going to continue litigation until the truth of Obama being ‘not qualified’ for President comes out. There is nothing more important than ‘our’ U.S. Constitution and we will fight on!”

For copies of all Court Pleadings, go to

For Further Information Contact:
Philip J. Berg, Esquire

555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659
Cell (610) 662-3005

Globe - Eight Shocking Obama Secrets - Birth Certificate - Larry Sinclair

The BOPAC Report -

Globe Magazine comes through again!

The Shocking Secrets That Could Destroy Obama's Presidency!

It's the story every American needs to read! Barack Obama is hiding eight shocking secrets that could destroy his presidency before it even gets off the ground, political insiders say. In a blockbuster Special Report, insiders rip the lid off the scandals about where Obama was REALLY born, his sex life, drug abuse and the mysterious past he's hiding from the world. The new President has artfully dodged some of the most serious questions ever posed to a Commander-in-Chief. But top political leaders are demanding answers NOW - and the mounting pressure could trigger a firestorm that will bring down his administration. Don't miss a single word - only in GLOBE!

"...his sex life, drug abuse..." This must be about Larry Sinclair's allegations that he and BOPAC used cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999!

Thank you Globe for reporting!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The BOPAC Report - Obama (BOPAC) - Supreme Court - Berg v Obama

The BOPAC Report -

Thank you JJ!

This is a letter to the editor of the Washington Times:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

LETTER TO EDITOR: Supreme Court accountablity

I stand amazed at what I am witnessing in our constitutional republic. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Constitution the rule of law in this nation? Don't Supreme Court judges take oaths promising to protect and uphold that Constitution from foreign and domestic enemies? If our laws are derived from this text, then what is it called when those laws are ignored? It is called, "breaking the law."

Our Constitution lays down the eligibility requirements for presidents. One requirement states that the president of the United States must be a natural-born citizen. Now, any reasonable thinking person knows citizenship is proven by one's birth certificate.

President-elect Barack Obama's presentation of a Certification of Live Birth certified that he was born alive but not that he was born in Hawaii . So we have rumors of a Kenyan birth. How do you get to the bottom of rumors? You inquire and investigate.

Our Supreme Court judges are required to uphold our law and get to the bottom of this unnecessary upheaval that Mr. Obama has hurled America into. What's so hard about producing a real birth certificate? He is challenging our rule of law by refusing to prove his natural-born citizenship and is, therefore, undermining the foundation of our nation.

If our Supreme Court justices continue to deny "hearing" the many lawsuits that they are being presented with concerning Mr. Obama's citizenship, then they are failing to do their jobs. The law states eligibility through natural-born citizenship is required. It is the court's duty to get to the bottom of this and hold Mr. Obama accountable to the law.


Louisville, Ky.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The BOPAC Report - Andy Martin

The BOPAC Report -

I just want to share Andy Martin's new post:

Friday, January 16, 2009

Andy Martin says the Obamas are the most vulgar, nouveau riche family to ever occupy the White House

Andy Martin criticizes Barack Obama for staging a $150 million "inauguration." Andy says that Obama's lavish spending will trigger resentment and reaction. Borrowing $150 million so Obama can strut around on January 20th is a disgrace to our nation. Obama should not be living the high life at a time when ordinary Americans are suffering economically. Martin says austerity should start at the White House and restrict the excesses of what is rapidly becoming the most vulgar presidency in history. Instead of mimicking Lincoln, Obama should be studying Lincoln, Martin says. Obama's "Lincolnesque" behavior is a parody of our greatest president.

Internet powerhouse Andy Martin says, "The Obama's are the most vulgar, nouveau riche family to ever occupy the White House. Our long national hangover is now beginning; we just don't realize it yet"

Martin says, "Borrowing money from China to stage an inaugural party shows just how far removed from reality Barack Obama really is"

"In 2009, Barry Obama is so 2008; maybe he should sit down with Robert Rubin and Bernie Madoff and see where his hubris will lead him

"The Obamas are not the Huxtables," says Andy

Executive Editor

“Factually Correct, Not
Politically Correct”




Why are the U.S. Media afraid to tell Americans about any of Obama's blemishes? They have too much invested in him. Where are the reporters covering the 33 lawsuits challenging Obama's eligibility to hold the Office of the Presidency? Where are the reporters investigating Larry Sinclair's allegations that he and Obama did cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999? Where are the reporters investigating BOPAC's fund raising? AWOL as always. ABC, NBC, CBS, & FOX are now becoming entertainment channels, presenting only a version of the news that suits their interests.

Obama - BOPAC - If you like BOPAC, feel free to use it to describe Obama and his Administration

On my main blog, I have started referring to Obama and his administration as BOPAC, The BOPAC Administration, etc. If any bloggers would like to adopt BOPAC or any variation, you are welcome to it. Maybe it will become a T-Shirt and/or bumper sticker.

Here's why I chose BOPAC:

The BOPAC REPORT (Name History)

The other day Larry Sinclair had a post up that gave me an idea for the name change. It seems to me that the new name, The BOPAC Report, appropriately describes all facets of Barack Obama’s life - stories and spin about his birth and heritage; his relationships with Rev. Wright, William Ayers and Tony Rezko; the amazing lack of available/disclosed records concerning Obama’s past including his birth, adoption, citizenship, bar applications, educational records, medical records, disciplinary records, if any; stories and spin about his past drug use; details about his relationship with ACORN; records concerning his connections with and support from socialist/communist organizations; and accountability about his campaign fund raising, etc. He’s always pitchen and catchen shadows of truth - spinning it - throwing it back - never being held accountable.

Everything about Barack Obama seems to be coming from a hidden place (like a closet or elsewhere), never in the light; and I do believe it will define his Presidency, The BOPAC Administration, should the Court allow him to usurp the Presidency without proving he is a “Natural Born Citizen” as required by the Constitution of the United States.

Anyway, that’s my announcement. If any other blogs or persons would like to use the names - BOPAC, The BOPAC Report, The BOPAC Administration - feel free. It is such a perfect name from Obama’s life and career. It would probably make a fine bumper sticker!

Have a Great Day!


I will also be posting updates concerning Berg v Obama, Hollister v Barack Soetoro… and Lightfoot v Bowen when I have new information. BOPAC has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars pitchen and catchen the facts and courts regarding these lawsuits. BOPAC is big enough to handle all issues that may come up!

And where is the media regarding the issues that touch BOPAC? AWOL as usual.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hollister v Barry Soetoro - Philip Berg - Berg v Obama


Wednesday, January 14, 2009...2:16 am
Hollister vs. Barry Soetoro

By Phil Berg

Time is our enemy and we have to be prepared.

We are working day & night to be prepared for the next proceeding: whether to appear in Court in Washington, D.C., or to prepare documents for Court, or to prepare Press Releases to keep people aware of our progress.

As you know, this Friday, January 9, 2009 our case, Berg vs. Obama, is being “Conferenced” by the nine [9] Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court [Docket No. 08 – 570]. Then, on January 16, 2009 again, we have a “Conference” before the U.S. Supreme Court in this case.

Also, we have pending two [2] other cases because we are determined, no matter how long it takes, to expose Obama’s “Hoax” on the 305 million people in our country, that Obama is “not qualified” pursuant to our U.S. Constitution to be President.

The new case is Hollister vs. Barry Soetoro a/k/a Obama filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Docket # 08-02254 (JR). Hollister is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel that can be recalled at any time by the President. His dilemma – is Obama a “qualified” President that he must take orders from or is he “not qualified” and therefore, he is required to legally disobey Obama’s orders? The other case is “under seal” and therefore, I cannot discuss.

Thank you.



For More information go to:
Phil Berg for Obama Crimes
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I just saw where Dr. Orly is formally requesting that Chief Justice Roberts recuse himself from swearing in Obama on January 20, 2009, due to his conflict of interest in Lightfoot v Bowen. I hope this works out for Dr. Orly Taitz!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Very Important-petition filed with the Supreme Court for Justices to recuse themsleves from swearing Obama as president

No. 08A524
In The

Supreme Court of the United States

Gail Lightfoot, Neil B. Turner, Kathleen Flanagan, James M. Oberschain, Camden W. McConnell, Pamela Barnett, Evelyn Bradley


Debra Bowen, Secretary Of The State Of California


Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ
26302 La Paz
Mission Viejo CA 92691

Petioner(s) Lightfoot, et. al. respectfully suggest that Honorable Chief Justice Roberts and Honorable Associate Justices of the Supreme Court recuse themselves from the swearing of Barack Hussein Obama as the president of the United States on January 20, 2009 due to conflict of interest….Continue Reading


It remains important for all of us to keep fighting and writing the Supreme Court Justices!

Can you imagine how the Media would wet themselves if Chief Justice Roberts actually took this action? I bet they would make up a story like Chief Justice Roberts had a heart attack or his back went out - anything but the truth! The truth is that there are many thousands of US citizens (many in the Military) who question whether Obama is eligible to hold the Office of the Presidency! There is mounting evidence that supports these concerns and the media continues to try to hide this controversy from the rest of America who are not paying attention.

The media continues to be AWOL from their jobs as journalists. They are acting the same way towards the dozens of lawsuits against Obama as they did regarding Larry Sinclair’s allegations that he and Obama had sex and used cocaine in 1999. Will there be room in CitizenWells’ “Constitution Hall of Shame” for the main stream media? I hope so.

Born in
Africa, now
Masquerading as an
American (President)

Monday, January 12, 2009

BERG v Obama STILL Alive in 3RD Circuit Court of Appeals!

From Philip Berg:

Press Release by Phil J Berg Jan 12, 2009
written by Linda Starr, January 12, 2009
For Immediate Release: - 01/12/2009
For Further Information Contact:
Philip J. Berg, Esquire
555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
Cell (610) 662-3005 U.S. Supreme Court No. 08 - 570
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

U.S. Supreme Court denies Berg vs. Obama
Berg states he is disappointed for the 300+ million U.S. citizens, for our “Forefathers” and for the tens of thousands that have died defending “our” Constitution and we will fight on as Obama is “not qualified” to be President

(Lafayette Hill, PA – 01/12/09) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States and his case, Berg vs. Obama, in the U.S. Supreme Court announced today that the U.S. Supreme Court has “denied” our Petition For Writ of Certiorari Before Judgment.

Berg said, “I am disappointed for the 300+ million U.S. citizens, our ‘Forefathers’ and for the tens of thousands that have died defending ‘our’ Constitution.

I am committed to keep our efforts going to continue litigation until the truth of Obama being ‘not qualified’ for President comes out. The Obama candidacy is the biggest ‘HOAX’ every put forth to the citizens of the United States in 230 years.

In addition to the current case in the U.S. Supreme Court, we have or will have:

1. A case filed two [2] months ago captioned Berg vs. Obama, said case ‘under seal’ so I cannot comment further;

2. The case of Hollister vs. Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama, filed 12/31/08 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Civil Action No. 08-02254; said case being an ‘Interpleader’ case with the Plaintiff, a retired Colonel from the U.S. Air Force, who is questioning whether to obey or disobey an order if Obama recalls him, based upon whether or not Obama is a ‘qualified’ President;

3. The case that was denied in the U.S. Supreme Court is still pending in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Berg vs. Obama, with our Brief due by January 20, 2009; and

4. If Obama is sworn in as President, we will file a Petition for Writ of ‘Quo Warranto,’ a case that will challenge Obama as being ineligible to serve as President because he is ‘not qualified.’

Berg states ‘if Obama is sworn in’ because Obama knows he is ‘not qualified’ and he should hold a Press Conference and Obama should state that I, as a black American, received more votes than anyone else on November 4, 2008 for President and on January 8, 2009 the Joint Session of Congress counted the Electoral College votes and announced that I am President-elect, but because of things in my background, I cannot be sworn in as President. However, Obama is not man enough to state the above!

More and more people are aware of the fact that Obama does not meet the ‘qualifications’ for President. When the truth finally comes out, individuals including Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle Obama, Howard Dean [Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC)], other top officials of the DNC, senior campaign staff and some of his new administration should be brought into the criminal justice system, indicted and tried with incarceration for those convicted.”

Berg continued, “Obama is setting himself up to be blackmailed and perhaps he is already being blackmailed. He was the candidate for ‘change,’ but look at his cabinet – 70% from President Clinton’s days and how about his Secretary of Defense, Gates. Give me a break!

There is nothing more important than ‘our’ U.S. Constitution and we will fight on!”

For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to


Born in
Africa, now
Masquerading as an

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lieutenant Colonel Urges Military and Civilians to Get Involved In Proding Supreme Court in Berg v Obama and Lightfoot v Bowen

The following is a letter that Dr. Orly received from a member of the United States Military. A Lieutenant Colonel is urging our military and all civilians to support the Supreme Court as they face a decision that takes a great deal of courage. The decision to protect the Constitution regarding Obama's eligibility will result in cries of outrage from many Obama supporters and the media. However, it must be done if the rule of law means anything at all.

We will probably find out on Monday if the Court had the courage to act on Berg v Obama. Just a reminder, please contact the Supreme Court to urge granting Certiorari in Lightfoot v Bowen.

From Dr. Orly's site:

Saturday, January 10, 2009
A letter from Lieutenant-Colonel Dr. David Earl- Graef
Friday, January 9, 2009 4:41 PM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "David Earl-Graef" View contact details To:

Orly please feel free to edit and use at your discretion . It is strong language but factual

To All Americans,

I am sorry to interrupt this discussion thread but this is extremely

This is not about sore losers, this is not about race. This about the
very foundations of our Nation. It is not about fear of change. I for one do not fear change but
only fear change that is not given the careful consideration our
founding fathers would have afforded it.

This is about America and the ability of our military to defend her and possibly much more. As a US military officer, I am just beginning myself to see the potential problems that may be
facing us. Before you discard any of this information please take the time to verify on OFFICIAL US Government sources such as the site for our United States Supreme Court.

FACT: Chief Justice John G. Roberts has agreed to hear Bowen vs
Lightfoot. A case challenging the constitutional qualifications of
Barak H. Obama aka Barry Soetoro to be POTUS. Check the court Docket.

Comment- If the Chief Justice did not think we have a problem he would NOT distribute this case let alone give it to the full court to read. He does not want to look dumb or waste the time of the court after all he is the Chief.

FACT: Congress did not listen and hear this very loud signal he sent
to them yesterday but it rang a warning shot through many of the United States Armed Forces
more like a loud bomb. If I heard it, I KNOW the Joint Chiefs of the Military heard it.

Fact: Unfortunately you will have to take this as true on its
merits. But I assure you The Joint Chiefs as military officers take the
constitution very seriously.

FACT: If only ONE of the Joint Chiefs of Staff balks we lose an
entire arm of our military ! He can not nor will not give the order
to mobilize the forces if he has a reason to question the validity of that order. In
fact he himself is duty bound to not obey this if not given by a "legal" President or at a minimum is conflicted as to the right thing to do !! The Oath states he will obey the lawful orders of those above him not ANY order. Chief Justice Roberts has as much as told them by distributing this case we may have a constitutional problem with Obama. So at this very moment our Military leaders are likely conflicted. Not a good thing.

*****The words of JOE BIDEN. He warned of an international crisis
soon and implied it would be of immense proportion soon after Obama took office may . ****** Have you
already forgotten ????? Have you been distracte by the economy. Did Biden know something ??? Has anybody bothered to ask him??

And he thinks Barak can handle it. Do you ??? Let Obam face down Putin without the Navy or maybe the
Air Force or maybe the Army or mayybe ALL of them to back him up. I suppose some of you out there
still believe in a Superman. Reality check. He was a comic book
character and Obama is not a Superman like some of you believe. He is not the messiah otherwise he would not be giving us doom and gloom for the economy. He would waive his hand and fix it. Please wake
up !!

We are not asking Obama for the moon only that he give us some
additional information to assure us he is who he says he is AND qualify under the Constitution and we in the military will do whatever he asks us to do to protect this country. This is what we do.

This is reasonable and prudent but Obama is refusing and fighting this with
everything and I mean everything in his power.

To my Fellow Officers and Enlisted who are required to lay their lives at the very feet of Liberty.

Do not despair but take good faith. Remember those who came before. He is not our President yet so you still have a right to raise concerns all the way to the Pentagon. Let the Officers in your command know that Justice Roberts has taken the first stand to insure the Constitution is followed. Let our Chief Justice know you support him and appreciate him for HIS courage valor to stand up for us. Call/ write your congressman. Pass this letter to every blog you can. Ask your family to do the same we are a mighty voice and it can be heard.

END - VISIT Dr. Orly's Site

I am wondering if CitizenWells will be adding the entire Congress to his "Constitution Hall of Shame"?

This is probably the first time in American History that members of the military are seriously considering if they are willing to follow the orders of an incoming President. Where are the reporters? AWOL - it's not part of the Obama "Fairy Tale".

The media's conduct has been scandalous regarding their protection of Obama's "Fairy Tale". They have not reported or investigated many stories that they would normally be all over but for the fact the stories involve Obama. Where have they been regarding Larry Sinclair's allegations that he and Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999? AWOL

I applaud this Lieutenant Colonel and if I were still in the Navy, I would stand with him in asking for the proof that Obama could easily provide.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lightfoot v Bowen - Dr. Orly - Berg v. Obama - Electoral College - Congress

From Dr. Orly:
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts agreed to hear my case
Press Release from Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ01.07.09.
Good news,
Chief Justice John Roberts agreed to hear my case Lightfoot v Bowen, challenging eligibility for presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. He distributed the case to the full conference of the Supreme Court. The timing of this decision by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, is absolutely remarkable. On January 7, one day before the January 8 vote by Congress and Senate, whether to approve or object to the electoral vote of Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, as president of the United States, Chief Justice Roberts is sending a message to them: "Hold on, not so fast, there is value in this case, read it. Hawaiian statue 338 allows Foreign Born children of Hawaiian Residents to obtain Hawaiian Birth Certificates, it allows one to get Hawaiian Certification of Life birth based on a statement of one relative only, without any corroborating evidence. You need to investigate, you need corroborating evidence. If only one Congressman or one Senator presents a written objection, then there has to be a formal investigation by the joint session of Congress and Senate. During this investigation original birth certificate from Hawaii will be subpoenaed. All other pertinent documents will be subpoenaed: ...Continue Reading

Lightfoot v Bowen Distributed For Confernence - Way to Go Dr. Orly!

Dr. Orly's case Lightfoot v Bowen has been distributed for Conference before the Supreme Court of the United States. See Here!

Berg v. Obama - Burris is Natural Born Citizen - Is Obama? I Don't Think So.

Burris is a Natural Born Citizen! Is Obama? NOPE! Call Senators, Representatives, and the Supreme Court Today!

In an interesting article on Advance Indiana, it seems Roland Burris took it upon himself to swear that he is a "Natural Born Citizen".

Will Obama swear to the same thing and prove it?

Berg v Obama
is in Conference on January 9, 2009, for the Supreme Court to decide if they are willing to grant Cert. Go to WND and FEDEX the Supreme Court of the United States!

From Advance Indiana:

Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Burris: I'm A Natural Born Citizen
Senator-designate Roland Burris has been asked to testify on Thursday before the Illinois House impeachment committee about the circumstances surrounding his appointment by Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Senate Democrats turned Burris away at the doors to the world's most exclusive club on the ground that his appointment had not been signed by Secretary of State Jesse White, the mere ministerial act his office performs in the appointment process. In advance of his planned testimony on Thursday, Burris furnished the impeachment committee an affidavit. In that affidavit, Burris states that he is at least 30 years of age and "a natural born citizen of the United States." Article I of the U.S. Constitution requires a senator to be at least 30 years of age and "a citizen" of the United States for at least nine years. The "natural born citizen" requirement is only found in Article II of the U.S. Constitution establishing the qualifications for president of the United States. One can't help but wonder if Burris' "natural born citizen" status mentioned in his affidavit is a pointed barb at President-elect Obama, whose status has been called into question in more than a dozen lawsuits and who has withheld support for Burris' appointment...Continue Reading

And from The Steady Dip:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Impeach, expel Barack Obama
As I predicted, attempts to indict, expel or impeach Obama have begun before he is inaugurated!

Impeach, expel Barack Obama

Why investigate Senator Obama?

Barack Obama was in the Illinois Senate for 8 years and was elected to the US Senate from Illinois in 2004. Senator Obama has been rushed to the forefront of the Democrat Party without being vetted for his integrity and credentials to be the Democrat Party's candidate for president. Little was known about the senator from Illinois until the past year. However, the investigations of the Federal Government, indictments by Patrick Fitzgerald, testimony during the Tony Rezko trial and research by those without ties to the Democrat Party, have unearthed volumes of incriminating evidence about Senator Obama that are of grave concern.

The grass roots effort behind this website and petition has evolved out of the concern of millions of caring citizens. So, what can you as an average caring citizen do: If you do not know the real Obama, spend some time to get the facts. The main Stream Media has done a poor job of covering Senator Obama. Read the petition and ask questions...Continue Reading

"The main Stream Media has done a poor job of covering Senator Obama."

I couldn't agree more! They also did a terrible job by not investigating and reporting on Larry Sinclair's allegations that he and Obama did cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999. They have failed to seriously investigate anything that may impact negatively on Obama.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ann Coulter - Banned For Life - Where Can I Buy Your Book? - Larry Sinclair is also banned for life by NBC?

World Net Daily is reporting that Ann Coulter is banned for life by NBC. Don't worry Ms. Coulter, this will help your book sales. Where does one buy your book? (See below.) Larry Sinclair has a new book coming out soon that details his allegations against Obama. Mr. Sinclair alleges (among other things) that he and Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999? I haven't seen Larry Sinclair on NBC. I guess he is banned for life also?


'It's over': Ann Coulter banned for life by NBC
'We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama'
Posted: January 05, 2009
8:25 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

NBC has reportedly banned best-selling author Ann Coulter for life after abruptly canceling an appearance on the "Today" show to promote her new book, "Guilty: Liberal 'Victims' and Their Assault on America."

"We are just not going to have her on any more, it's over," a top network source told the Drudge Report.

Get the book that got Ann Coulter banned from NBC – it's autographed, now in stock and ready to ship!

This afternoon, NBC explained it abruptly cut Coulter from its planned broadcast tomorrow morning, because the schedule was overbooked...Continue Reading

Monday, January 5, 2009

Thank You Philip Berg - A Letter Written During The Campaign - ZachJonesIsHome

I just want to take the time to repost a thank you letter that I wrote during the campaign and again say, thank you Mr. Berg.

Philip Berg, Esq. is Standing Tall For All of Us

(Even Without The Blessings of the Lower Court)

I for one would like to say thank you Mr. Berg!

Dear Sir:

I want to publicly extend my deepest appreciation to you, Mr. Berg, for taking on the enormous Constitutional crisis that is facing America; the possibility that a person who might not be eligible, under the requirements set forth in our Constitution, to hold the office for which he is being allowed to run. If your allegations are found to have merit it will mean that Sen. Obama, knowingly solicited hundreds of million of dollars in campaign contributions under fault pretenses from unsuspecting American citizens and voters. It will mean that he and others conspired to keep this information secret and intentionally thwarted Sen. Clinton’s chances of becoming the first female President of the United States. Thank you for bringing this action, Sir.

Fortunately for us all, every now and again, a cause will come along that will stir the soul and passions. What cause could be more important that standing tall against those who could be seeking to undermine our legal system for electing the President of The United States of America? Who among us would challenge those of such power and wealth who could be trying to win an office for which they are not eligible? Who among us would take on a Senator, one with a historic candidacy, who is wildly popular by any standard? A lawyer who would take on such a case would certainly be led down roads that seem to go on forever, that are full of obstacles, and that usually demand going on with little support or understanding from neighbors, friends or even family. Thank you for your courage and determination.

As you well know, the case that goes against the fleeting public emotional attachment carries the most risk to the lawyer. If the person challenged by an attorney is highly revered, the lawyer becomes a lightening rod for attack; just as the exceedingly despised defendant, who is defended in court against the desires of the mob. For those who don’t fully appreciate what I’m trying to say, watch the movie – To Kill a Mockingbird. Thank you Mr. Berg for standing up for us, knowing that to win or lose such a case would exact a high price from you.

Thank you for having the courage to take Berg v. Obama all the way to the Supreme Court in your efforts to advert such a possible travesty of Justice.

To those of you who may not be aware, Sen. Obama could have easily defended his eligibility to hold the U. S. Presidency by merely presenting exclusive proof of where and when he was born; and that he has never held a citizenship from another country that would nullify or call his U. S. citizenship into question. Sen. Obama chose not to answer the complaint; but instead, he chose to take the route of a legal technocrat seeking to challenge Mr. Berg’s “Standing to Sue”. When Sen. McCain was questioned about his birth certificate, he immediately presented a vault copy of his birth certificate showing the date and location of his birth, without legal hocus pocus.

“Standing to Sue” means that party has sufficient stake in an otherwise justiciable controversy to obtain judicial resolution of that controversy. Sierra Club v. Morton, 405 U. S. 727, 92 S. Ct. 1361, 1364, 31 L.Ed.2d 636

The Hon. R. Barclay Surrick decided Sen. Obama’s Motion to Dismiss in part on the following reasoning:

…regardless of questions of causation, the grievance remains too generalized to establish the existence of an injury in fact. To reiterate: a candidate’s ineligibility under the Natural Born Citizen Clause does not result in an injury in fact to voters. By extension, the theoretical constitutional harm experienced by voters does not change as the candidacy of an allegedly ineligible candidate progresses from the primaries to the general election…

Everyone must fully understand the meaning of Judge Surrick’s decision in dismissing Mr. Berg’s lawsuit. First, it does not mean that Sen. Obama is in any way eligible to hold the Office of the Presidency. Second, it does mean that even if everyone knew that Sen. Obama was born on the moon, it would not matter regarding the decision about Sen. Obama’s Motion to Dismiss. Judge Surrick found that a voter would not suffer enough injury by the possible election of an ineligible candidate as President to grant him or her standing to be authorized under law to bring this type of lawsuit. Third, this challenge to Sen. Obama’s eligibility is not over.

If Citizens exercising the most precious right that we have under the Constitution, in what is expected to a free and fair election process, do not have standing – who does?

I would suspect, and also pray, that you do in fact have standing and that the higher courts will reinstate your action against Sen. Obama, et alli. However, it wouldn’t hurt if some people who clearly have an even bigger stake in the outcome of Berg. v Obama would join with you as plaintiffs in the action.

Those I’m thinking about are Sen. John McCain, Sen. Hillary Clinton, Ralph Nader, Congressman Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and the other candidates of the Democratic Primary. I want to publicly challenge each one of the people to stand with Phillip Berg, Esq., to prevent the possible election of a person who may not meet the requirements under the Constitution of The United States to hold the Office of the Presidency.

I also want to challenge each of you reading this thank you letter to contact the above named individuals and encourage them to take their “Standing” and stand up for America and its system of laws.

Even though this decision was to be expected, it must have weighed heavily on you, Mr. Berg. Thank you for bearing this disappointment for America with grace and continuing on.

I don't know that there are any short cuts to doing a good job.
Sandra Day O'Connor


Zach Jones, a/k/a

I urge everyone to give their support to Philip Berg, Esq. by visiting his site and by contacting the Supreme Court. Also, contact the members of the House and Senate to urge the Senators and Representatives to have courage and do what is right! Contact info for Senators and Representatives can be found at CitizenWells's Constitution Hall of Shame.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Devvy Kid - Berg v Obama - Impeach Obama

Devvy Kidd has a new article up. Excellent!


By: Devvy
January 5, 2009

© 2008 -
Americans all across this country are expressing their doubt as to whether or not Barack Hussein Obama (or whatever his real, legal name might be) is constitutionally (legally) eligible to hold the office of President of the United States. Last month, America Online (AOL) conducted a poll that must have shocked Obots and his attorneys. The question was: Do you think there is any merit to the controversy surrounding Barack Obama's citizenship? A whopping 52% said yes; 42% said no and 6% said not sure. Looks like O'Reilly's flogging of the 'tin foil' kook aid drinkers isn't selling so well out there. Not that the big O would dream of giving any credible coverage to the issue; he's fair and balanced didn't ya know?

Big Bill isn't alone out there. David Horowitz says, "Don't write me about the constitution." That darling of conservatives apparently believes mob rule is the order of the day. Obama's constitutional eligibility means nothing. When are Americans going to stop supporting the so-called conservative "leadership" in this country when these individuals have no regard for the supreme law of the land?

Before Obama even became 'president-elect,' there was a drive to impeach him while he was an unlawfully seated U.S. Senator. You can read the particulars and petition here. Some very interesting stuff. One has to wonder just what might be percolating behind the walls at the Federal Department of Justice....

Before impostor Obama is even sworn in (God forbid), there's a growing movement to impeach him right out of the Oval Office. As Scarlett O'Hara said in the fabulous epic, Gone With the Wind: "Well, fiddle-dee-dee"! I suppose this is the only way a lot of people have to vent over the sham last year called primaries and the presidential election. However, the thought of Biden as president with the witch from the San Francisco Gay Bay Area as VP (Pelosi) is enough to frighten anyone to death. But, if Obama was not eligible to run in the first place, I don't believe impeachment would be the legal avenue since he had no right to hold that office in the first place. Biden is just the attached baggage and he would go, too. ...Continue Reading

Don't forget to call the Members of the House and Senate and the Supreme Court!

Contact information for House and Senate can be found on CitizenWells' Hall of Shame Page.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Obama On Judicial Watch's "Washington's 10 Most Wanted Politicians", CitizenWell's "Man of the Year" on the "Constitution Hall of Shame"

Yesterday, Barack H. Obama won the 2008 "Man of the Year" on Citizenwells' "Constitution Hall of Shame."

A Military Times Poll shows that our military men and women have a lot of doubts about an Obama Commander in Chief.

There's one more important award that Barack H. Obama won in 2008 that I overlooked!

International Business Times reports that Barack Obama has made Judicial Watch's list of Washington's 10 Most Wanted Politicians! Excellent Choice!

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2008

...President-Elect Barack Obama (D-IL): As Barack Obama assumes thepresidency he already brings to the White House a large amount of ethicalbaggage. Obama's presidential campaign had some of the ethical trimmingsof a Chicago ward election. It was marked with enormous corruption issues,ranging from its alliance with the sleazy ACORN operation's "voterregistration" and "get out the vote" efforts to its acceptance ofuntraceable, and in too many cases, illegal online contributions. Thereare also Obama's corrupt dealings with convicted felon Tony Rezko andunrepentant terrorist William Ayers, his below-market rate mortgage loans,his stock dealings and related "earmark" votes in the U.S. Senate, and hismissing or non-existent official papers from his years in the IllinoisState Senate. His ongoing cover up of his and his team's role in theBlagojevich "pay-to-play" scandal is ruining his presidency even before hetakes the oath of office....Continue Reading!

Where are are Media? AWOL again! When will they report on Larry Sinclair's allegations that he and Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999? When will they report on Berg v. Obama being discussed on January 9, 2009, in a U.S. Supreme Court Conference? When will the Media accurately report on the Obama birth certificate controversity? When will they report on Sen. Obama's possible violations of the Logan Act in 2008?

Dr. Orly
has an interesting post up today, the subject of which the Media has also neglected to report.

ATI News President O'Leary-"Obama has shown a stunning lack of tolerance for free speech"
"... ATI-News President Brad O'Leary examined Obama's legal and organizational attempts to silence media detractors during the presidential race and found, "Obama has shown a stunning lack of tolerance for free speech throughout the course of this campaign.""* * Obama radio critic finds talk show time slashed
Program host: 'I'm just trying to bring to light what he's said'...Continue Reading!

So, I wonder if Obama will win the 2009 Enemy of The First Amendment Award?

It really is time for the Media to stop trying to sell their Obama Fairy Tale! People are just beginning to become aware and many are having buyer's remorse. You think your readership is bad now, just keep up your nonsense for another year.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Obama Selected 2008 "Man of the Year" for "Constitution Hall of Shame" - Excellent Choice!

CitizenWells has Barack H. Obama as the 2008 "Man of the Year" for the "Constitution Hall of Shame".

US Constitution
Hall of Shame
2008 Man of the Year
Senator Barack H Obama

Barack Obama is named the US Constitution Hall of Shame Man of the Year
for obvious reasons. Obama, whose father was a Kenyan citizen and under
British rule, and therefore not a natural born citizen and not eligible
to be president, has worked all of the 2008 election year to steal the
presidency. What is even more scary, is that Obama was probably born
in Kenya, not a US citizen at all and therefore an illegal alien.

Barack Obama has thumbed his nose at the US Constitution, rule of law
and American people. His arrogance and “me me me” attitude is a product
of the “government owes me” mentality and Chicago crime and corruption
that engenders a position of being above the law. Obama has looked
down upon the US Constitution despite taking an oath to “support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic”

Obama’s disregard for the rule of law goes back for many years to strong
ties to crime and corruption in Chicago and Illinois involving such
corruption figures as Rezko, Levine, Blagojevich and many others and
continues as he attempts to avoid proving he is eligible to be
president. Here are some prominent examples of Obama’s flagrant disregard
for the US Constitution and Rule of law.

Barack Obama has run for the office of President of the United States and
id clearly not eligible. For his own selfish gain he has ignored the US
Constitution, unfairly impacted other candidates and disenfranchised
millions of voters. He has also obtained millions of dollars of campaign
donations under fraudulent circumstances and caused many others to spend
enormous amounts of time and money trying to expose Obama’s fraud.

Here are some facts...Continue Reading!

I think CitizenWells has made an excellent choice!

Obama - Man of the Year for the Constitution Hall of Shame - and look what the Military Times is reporting:

2008 Military Times poll: Wary about Obama

Troops cite inexperience, Iraq timetable
By Brendan McGarry - Staff writer
Posted : Thursday Jan 1, 2009 11:06:56 EST

When asked how they feel about President-elect Barack Obama as commander in chief, six out of 10 active-duty service members say they are uncertain or pessimistic, according to a Military Times survey.

In follow-up interviews, respondents expressed concerns about Obama’s lack of military service and experience leading men and women in uniform.

“Being that the Marine Corps can be sent anywhere in the world with the snap of his fingers, nobody has confidence in this guy as commander in chief,” said one lance corporal who asked not to be identified....Continue Reading!

I bet in a few months, Obama will be Hamas' "Man of the Year" too!!

Again I want to urge everyone who is concerned about Obama's failure to show that he is eligible to hold the Office of the Presidency to call the Members of Congress!

Contact Information for Senators and Representatives can be found at CitizenWells' Hall of Shame page.

And where is the Media? AWOL as usual. Just as they continue to try to hide from Larry Sinclair's allegations that he and Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999, the Media continues to see no evil, hear no evil, and report no controversies about Obama.

Is it time to start a Media Hall of Shame?