Monday, March 16, 2009

Obama - Pravda Reports Eligibility Controversy - Main Stream Media AWOL - Larry Sinclair - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Once again Pravda is reporting what the Main Street Media will not!

From Pravda:
Obama: the only US president to be sued (part I)
By Mark S. McGrew

On February 9, 2009, a New Jersey attorney, Mr. Mario Apuzzo, filed a lawsuit on behalf of Plaintiffs, Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., Lowell T. Patterson, Darrell James LeNormand and Donald H. Nelson, Jr.

The lawsuit, Civil Action Number. 1:09 –cv-00253 was filed in United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.

You can see the actual case filing at Mr. Apuzzo’s website.

The defendants in this case are: Barrack Hussein Obama II, and Individually, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, United States of America, The United States Congress, The United States Senate, The United States House of Representatives, Richard B. Cheney (President of the US Senate, Presiding Officer of Joint Session of Congress, Vice President of the United States and Individually), Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House and Individually).

All of the defendants have been served with a copy of the complaint and have 60 days to respond to the complaint. Will they stand up like honest citizens and answer the complaint, or will they hide behind high priced lawyers like Obama has been doing?

Basically, the lawsuit says there is no verifiable proof that Obama is an American citizen and is therefore ineligible to be the President of the United States. It also points out that the United States Code of Federal Regulations was violated by the defendants, during the course of counting Electoral votes, by not asking any members of Congress if they objected to the counts. A normal counting of the votes takes approximately 2 hours. Obama’s took 36 minutes and it is on record that there was no call for any objections.

This lawsuit is important because, the cold hard fact of life is that if Obama is not qualified or eligible to be the President of the United States of America, every action Obama takes is fraudulent. Any Treaty, Executive Order, Agreements, and/or Laws signed by him are not valid and can be rescinded, reneged on or totally ignored by any Nation on Earth, including future American administrations, now and into the distant future. Any trade agreements between Nations and Corporations can be denied or rescinded.

By the very nature of Obama’s citizenship being questioned, it places the liberty of all Americans in jeopardy. Obama himself, can end all lawsuits, quiet all questions, stop all Internet chatter about his citizenship by simply producing a legitimate Birth Certificate. What reason could he have for employing legal firms to obstruct anyone from seeing where he was born?...Continue Reading
Thank you Pravda for being an alternative to American Media (more free and informative).

The Main Street Media continues to be AWOL on almost all of the controversies surround Obama. AWOL on Rezko, Larry Sinclair and his allegations that he and Obama used cocaine and engaged in consentual sex in 1999, William Ayers, Gov. Blago, possible violation of the Logan Act during the campaign, birth certificate controversy, fund raising, ACORN, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Tea Parties across the USA, Dr. Orly Taitz, Phillip Berg, etc., etc., etc. Look forward to the following parts to this story.