Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama - The BOPAC Administration - The Great Betrayal - David Horowitz - Ben Johnson - Iraq - President Bush

The BOPAC Report:

Today on Frontpage Magazine,David Horowitz and Ben Johnson explore the success and criticism of the Iraq war. This is an excellent read. Unfortunately, the success in Iraq may be short-lived under the BOPAC Administration.

The Great Betrayal

By David Horowitz and Ben Johnson | Thursday, March 19, 2009

On this sixth anniversary of America's invasion of Iraq, there is finally a consensus among supporters and opponents that we’ve won the war. The surge that Bush launched and Democrats opposed has been successful and, as a result, Iraq has become a Middle Eastern democracy, an anti-terrorist regime, and an American ally. It would be hard to imagine a more remarkable turnabout or a more comprehensive repudiation of conventional political wisdom. Yet this has not led to a comparable reappraisal by critics of the war of their previous attacks, or to any mea culpas by Democrats who launched a scorched earth campaign against the president who led it, and continued it for five years while the war dragged on.

The Democratic attacks on the war described America’s commander-in-chief as a liar who misled his country and sent American soldiers to die in a conflict that was unnecessary, illegal and unjust. This made prosecution of the war incalculably harder while strengthening the resolve of our enemies to defeat us. It is time to re-evaluate the words and actions of the war’s opponents in the stark light of a history that proved them wrong....Continue Reading