Sunday, November 2, 2008

Larry Sinclair posts transcripts, affidavits, and audio of Obama's grandmother confirming that he was born in Kenya.

This is from Larry Sinclair:

Larry Sinclair has transcript up of Obama's grandmother saying that Obama was born in Kenya.
From Larry's Site-

Saturday, November 1, 2008
UPDATE: I still personally believe that Barack Obama's ADOPTION and legal name are the issues that should be explored. After all, Obama has as has the media supporting him shown how easy he has been able to produced forged documents, time after time after time.....

Barack Obama has played games with the American Voter over his birth, from a photo shopped copy of his Sister Maya's Birth Certificate to his recent Hawaii visit claiming to be visiting a sick grandmother while in reality seeking the help of Hawaiian officials to continue his fraud. The simple answer Barack Obama is produce the document. But he will not, just like he will not answer questions as to what he was doing on November 6 & 7th, 1999, or what his relationship was with the murdered Donald Young, or why he refuses to honor requests for release of his phone records or the fact that his Aunt is in this country illegally and receiving public housing!?
Continue at Larry Sinclair's site:

You need to go to his site to view documents, affidavit, and listen to audio. http://larrysinclair-0926.blogspot.c...nal-audio.html

Where is the Media? AWOL