Saturday, June 5, 2010

Great News For Larry Sinclair - He's Being Sued! - Maybe the Truth will be Established - Man's Country - Lame Cherry - Lt. Col. Lakin - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report

The Secret Life of O –

Connections are being made and what at first appeared as a simple matter of secret personal preferences might be growing into some sort of systemic cancerous reflection of many in American politics. The cancer is secrecy about infidelity and identity. I could care less what people’s sexual preferences are - but I do care about honesty, security clearances, transparency and the possibility of blackmail regarding members of our government.

From Lame Cherry:
Obama's Man's Country
There has been a story circulating around the internet by Wayne Madsen which if true confirms a great deal of the profiling conducted here in the Barack Hussein Obama Chicago sodomite group he was involved in, as it is stated that B. Hussein Obama and Rahm Emanuel both belong to a gay sex shop called Man's Country.

The fascination I have with this story is not that it confirms research, profiling or provides even more exoneration to Lawrence Sinclair, but that it fills a crucial void in this story of Obama the gayster, as he bounced around the globe from Indonesian adoptee to Pakistani partridge hunter.

No one has asked the question in this yet, if the reason Obama was introduced to the secret handshake crowd which lifted him from gay Columbia University to the Gay Clubs of Chicago, was not about Marxism, black liberation, Muslim mafia money, but instead was about the connected gay community opening doors for one of their own…Continue Reading

Larry Sinclair’s Journey –

Well, finally some good news for Larry Sinclair. He’s being sued! This is good news because the ultimate defense for defamation is the alleged conduct, etc. is ‘true’. It’s good news because it is another opportunity for the state run media to cover a story they have been trying so hard to hide. It’s good news because Larry Sinclair will have another opportunity to review the results of the ‘polygraph’ exam results. For those who have been following Larry Sinclair’s story, most are aware that the results were not definitive. It seems that Larry Sinclair passed a computer analysis of the results. All good news! I wonder if Larry can subpoena the records of ‘Man’s Country’ to verify recent news stories about Obama and Emanual’s memberships there. That would be great! Maybe a reward for former lovers to come forward. I said COME not &*)(! How about the subpoena for Axelrod.

I think Larry Sinclair will welcome his day in court. It’s always been about the TRUTH for most of us following Larry Sinclair’s story. We have watched how Mr. Sinclair has been vilified and threatened. It is TIME FOR THE TRUTH!

What do you want to bet that somehow this lawsuit goes away? Some may not want people to have the opportunity to judge for themselves who’s more credible – Larry Sinclair or Obama.

From Courthouse News:
Obama Accuser Accused


WASHINGTON (CN) - A political blogger claims a gadfly defamed him with "wild allegations" about colluding with then-Senator Barack Obama's campaign to hide the murder of a church choir director, cocaine use and gay sex. Daniel Parisi sued Larry Sinclair in Federal Court, and also sued a radio talk show host, Sinclair Publishing, Barnes & Noble,, and Books-a-Million.
Parisi claims Sinclair published a book in 2009 that accuses him of colluding with Obama's adviser David Axelrod to rig a polygraph exam that would debunk Sinclair's story that he had sex and took cocaine with then-Senator Obama.
Parisi claims that in 2008 Sinclair posted "wild allegations regarding the purchase, sale and use of drugs and sexual activity by and between Sinclair and Obama," on YouTube. That video was still posted on YouTube this morning (Thursday)….Continue Reading

Lt. Col. Lakin’s Journey –

Unfortunately but not unexpectedly, Lt. Col. Lakin’s journey is going to be a difficult one. The Investigating Officer has said he will not consider evidence of Obama’s ineligibility. This means that Lt. Col. Lakin will not be able to obtain a fair trial if such evidence is not allowed to be presented at his Courts Martial. Certainly an issue for appeal, but given that those with power have added a few extra wardrobe accessories to go with Lady Justice’s blindfold – ear plugs, a sock in her mouth, shackles on her feet, and handcuffs – it will be steep climb. Those in the DC area should note that the Art. 32 hearing is open to public – bring video cameras.

And Obama continues to hide documentation that every other President has allowed to be made public. This courageous Officer is risking his career and liberty to live up to the Oath he took and Obama sits on his hands

From World Net Daily:

Army slams door on Obama details

Lt. Col. Lakin hearing: 'Items pertaining to president's credentials are not relevant'

Posted: June 03, 2010
4:06 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

An Army "investigating officer" has banished evidence about the controversy over President Obama's eligibility – or lack thereof – to be commander-in-chief from a pending hearing for a career military doctor who announced he is refusing orders until Obama documents his constitutional status.

"In my view our constitutional jurisprudence allows Congress alone, and not a military judicial body, to put the president's credentials on trial," wrote Daniel J. Driscoll in a memorandum determining what evidence the defense for Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin will be allowed to explore at next week's hearing.

"It is my opinion the discovery items pertaining to the president's credentials are not relevant to the proof of any element of the charges and specifications set forth in the charge sheet," he continued. "Consequently I will not examine the documents or witnesses pertinent to the president or his credentials to hold office."

The ruling came prior to a scheduled Article 32 hearing for Lakin, who posted a video inviting his own court hearing because of the status of the president and questions over whether his eligibility means orders given under his control would be invalid. …Continue Reading
CitizenWells gives another example of how the American Justice system is decaying. It seems that most people still have a shot at equal justice as long as their cases don’t involve controversial ‘political’ issues that challenge power. First we learned that what was thought as a fair media was exposed to be nothing more than a tool for those seeking to undermine the Constitution and now we discover that our justice system is in the process of changing the very definition of ‘justice’ to one written in Chicago. Time will tell just how corrupt our courts have become.
Hollister v Soetoro aka Barack Obama, Update, June 3, 2010, Motion for recusal of Judge Robertson, Attorney John D. Hemenway motion

June 3, 2010

Hollister v Soetoro aka Barack Obama, Update, June 3, 2010, Motion for recusal

From Attorney John D. Hemenway.

“On behalf of Colonel Gregory Hollister, et al, Attorney John D. Hemenway filed a “Motion for Recusal” in the Colonel Gregory Hollister, et al, v. Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama, et al, lawsuit now pending in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. The Judge in question is Judge Robertson who ruled the issue of “the President’s citizenship was raised, vetted, blogged, texted, twittered, and was otherwise massaged by America’s vigilant citizenry…,” among numerous other bias statements. Atty Hemenway cites numerous cases including a SCOTUS case regarding bias and the recusal of Judges. The Motion for Recusal embedded below the snippet speaks for itself and is well worth the time to read.

This is the same Judge that ruled that Jihadists at Gitmo are entitled to the same benefits as our Troops….Continue Reading
Brothers and Sisters in the Military – When are you going to demand Obama establish that he is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to serve as Commander In Chief? Don't be OBamboozled!

If your Oath to protect the Constitution is not important today, why don’t we just change the military oath of allegiance to reflect our current level of commitment?

I, _______, do solemnly swear to protect ME and I will try to defend the Constitution as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the aforementioned ‘ME’.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.
Albert Einstein

Other News –

From CitizenWells:

Blagojevich trial day 2, June 4, 2010, Jury selection, Judge James Zagel, Prosecutors and defense attorneys question jurors, Open thread

June 4, 2010

The Universal United Church of OBamboozle! State Run Media Always Welcome! Every Secret Well Kept! Kal Penn, Larry Sinclair, not a Natural Born Citizen, Bill Ayers, Reggie, etc., etc., etc. "