Saturday, June 13, 2009

Obama - Wrongdoing in Regards to Firing Americorps Inspector General - Michelle Malkin

The BOPAC Report:

Michelle Malkin must never sleep. Thank you Ms. Malkin for all you do!

Obama’s Americorps scandal — and the First Lady’s meddling
By Michelle Malkin • June 12, 2009 09:43 AM

President Obama is hoping you won’t notice his abrupt change of inspectors general over at Americorps, the government-run, taxpayer-subsidized “community service” boondoggle (which Republicans helped expand as part of the $6 billion GIVE/SERVE Act in March despite its wasteful track record. Thanks, Republicans).

With intervention from Michelle Obama, the Americorps inspector general was given the boot and replaced — for doing his job too well, it seems, and uncovering squandering of funds by favored contributors, educational institutions, and left-wing groups....Continue Reading

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