Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Constantly Ignored by Congress, Americans Left Little Choice but to Shut Washington, D.C. Down!

The BOPAC Report:

Constantly Ignored by Congress, Americans Left Little Choice but to Shut Washington, D.C. Down!

(I would like to suggest a date – the day of the 2010 State of the Union Address)

Today I was listening to Rush Limbaugh’s radio program when one of his listeners shared an interesting idea that got my attention. The listener was a small business owner, 30 years in business, who was fed up with Congress not listening to the wishes of the American People. He was calling for all small business owners to fire half of their employees (for a few weeks?) and the resulting loss of tax withholdings and concurrent demands for unemployment benefits, food stamps, etc. by the fired workers would overwhelm the system.

Rush immediately recognized that this idea was actually the same idea that Obama and the left are employing, the Cloward-Piven strategy.

…”The Cloward/Piven Strategy is named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Their goal is to overthrow capitalism by overwhelming the government bureaucracy with entitlement demands. The created crisis provides the impetus to bring about radical political change….”

It is an interesting concept of turning a wholly leftist/fascist strategy for radical change back on the instigators. Naturally, the caller understood that his idea would involve substantial “short-term pain for long-term gain” and would require a lot of employers taking part to be effective.

What’s obvious is that Rush’s caller was basically expressing the extreme frustration that millions of Americans are feeling right now. How can ordinary citizens get the attention of Congress when they are taking the phone off the hook and locking their doors?

Even though it’s probably not ripe today, the Rush caller idea is simple, powerful, and definitely would get Washington and the media’s attention. However, I believe the pain to the “innocent” temporarily unemployed would be too much. It might be something to try next year during hunting season for hunters looking for some time to hunt and draw a check; or when school’s out for summer so they can go on family vacation. By summer, prior to the 2010 elections, both the to be laid off employees and millions of stressed employers could be eager to take part in such an act of political disobedience. I’m ready now but later might be better.

So what can be done now to get the attention of Obama, Reid, Pelosi and Congress? What if for the days before and the night of the next Presidential State of the Union at the end of January another “Tea Party”/strike is organized to descend on Washington, D. C.? Trucks, RV’s, Cars, Motorcycles, Bikes, Strollers, Wheel Chairs, Veterans, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, 9/11 Families, Navy Seals’ families, College Students, High School Students, Elementary School Students, Lawyers, Judges, former AARP members, Ordinary Americans carrying bull-horns, cowbells, bag pipes, drums, and every other manner of noise making device imaginable coming to Congress to be HEARD! Wow!

Maybe, everyone could ask his or her Congressional Representative to boycott the 2010 State of the Union Address. (Are you there Representatives Bachmann and Wilson?)

Even though previous D.C. Tea Party demonstrations have had over a million participants, the media have found ways to ignore/ridicule/minimize them. What if 2 or 3 million Americans came to Congress to be heard – could the media ignore that? I don’t think so! What if the sound could be heard when Obama begins spinning his lies and misrepresentations – could the media ignore that? I don’t think so! What if traffic is tied up for days – could the media ignore that? I don’t think so!

Americans are upset and frustrated because they are not being listened to by Obama or the Congress. If fact even Blue Dog Democrats are frustrated. The level of frustration must be extremely high to cause a Freshman Democratic Representative from Alabama, Parker Griffith, to switch parties today.

Why are they so upset and frustrated? Let me count the ways:

Obama and Eric Holder are planning to have 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s trial in NYC! Polls show that 59% of Americans are opposed to this travesty. Congress has power to prevent it but again they choose not to listen the American people.

Obama is closing GITMO and bringing the terrorists to Illinois (within 20 miles of a nuclear power plant). When you ask Americans you find that 64% are opposed to bringing GITMO terrorists to America. Is Obama or Congress listening? No.

Three Navy Seals are being prosecuted for allegedly giving Islamic terrorist, Ahmed Hashim Abed, a fat lip during his capture. Abed was the mastermind of the brutal attack in Falluja in 2004 where 4 Blackwater security contractors were hung on a bridge and burned. Where is Obama and Congress? AWOL.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff are ignoring the very real possibility that Obama is not a “natural born citizen” and is therefore not eligible to serve as President or Commander in Chief. Are they listening? No. Is Congress listening? No. All that is happening is that Obama has/is spending over 2 million dollars trying to keep his school records, long form birth certificate, bar application, college papers, etc. hidden.

Americans opposed to Obamacare are being ignored by Congress. The latest Quinnipiac poll show that “53 percent of voters disapprove of plans to make over the health-care system, with 36 percent in support.” Will Congress listen? No.

Shockingly, Reid and Pelosi’s Democrats are putting measures in the Healthcare legislation that tries to make parts of it not subject to repeal. How’s that for Congress not listening!

No matter what you believe about abortion, the vast majority of Americans (72%) recognize that it is wrong to force taxpayer who believe abortion is wrong to fund abortions. Will Congress listen? No.

The majority of American small business owners (66 against/24 for) and the public (53 against/37 for) are against Cap and Trade legislation. Is the Congress listening? No.

Americans, who keep their own budgets balanced, expect Obama and Congress to keep America’s budgets balanced! Do they listen? No.

And there’s Inspector General Walpin’s firing, Obama bowing to every world leader he can find, Obama photo ops with our returning war dead, ACORN, SEIU, Larry Sinclair, attacks of FOX, Obama’s boot licking media, Cambridge Police “acted stupid”, coming attacks on the Second Amendment, not showing proper respect when our soldiers were slaughtered by a terrorist at Ft. Hood, etc., etc., etc. It never ends.

Americans have been trying hard to have their voices heard vis-à-vis Tea Parties nationwide. Were they heard? No. They were ridiculed and vilified by Obama, Gibbs, Pelosi, many Members of Congress and the mainstream media.

Everyday, more Americans are waking up.

It is time to start saying ENOUGH a little more loudly.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dogs of Blue – What Will They Do?

The BOPAC Report

Dogs of Blue – What Will They Do?

Will They -

Find Their Voices for Their Constituents or Will They Choose to Betray the Founding Concept that America is a Representative Republic

Democratic extremists, now in charge of the “Democratic Party”, are poised to force all of America and the “Democratic Party” of my parents on a possibly irreversible socialist path without regard for what Americans are thinking. At this moment, just one group holds the reigns of America’s future in their hands. A handful of Blue Dog Democrats have the power to block Obama’s people in their attempt to rest power and control away the People, States and the Constitution under the guise of saving the planet and providing government run healthcare.

The question is what will the Blue Dogs do. Will they follow their articulated positions that got them elected by the people they represent? Positions like promises of fiscal responsibility, of having balanced budgets, fair taxes, belief in a strong dollar, the need for a strong defense, respecting the Constitution, energy independence including drilling and nuclear, the need for more scientific discussion/investigation of global warming and the solutions, job creation and articulated views on social issues such as abortion, illegal immigration and gun control – are the ones that got many moderate/centrist Democrats elected in the era when Republicans had seemingly gone wild. Will Blue Dogs put Party leadership commands above the beliefs, principles and desires of their constituents?

Make no mistake, millions of Americans have been watching the Democratic leadership and Obama demand that Democrats (Blue and otherwise) get in line, shut up and vote for this “historic” government-run healthcare legislation. Regardless of the fact that “Historic” does not always equate to good legislation, it doesn’t seem to matter to Obama, Pelosi or Reid. Of the millions who are watching, I’m sure that the vast majority can’t help but come to the conclusion that the Obama Administration cares much more about creating an unbreakable dependence on the Federal Government, rather than on actually making reforms that would improve healthcare and benefit most Americans.

Why would a majority of Americans oppose this legislation if they trusted the Democratic leadership or the federal government? Why would 10% of Democrats and 5% of those who voted for Obama be calling for the impeachment of Obama so early in his term? Are they waking up? Of the 52% of who oppose Obamacare, 90% say that too much government is involved. Let me be clear, Americans are overwhelmingly for sensible healthcare reform. But what is critical for Blue Dogs to understand is that most Americans are also fully aware that improvements to healthcare can be made without infringing upon our freedoms, rights and responsibilities.

In the efforts to pass some sort of government run healthcare bill, any sort, Obama’s forces have been arm-twisting, threatening, and buying votes to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars and with tons of pork. Regretfully, many Blue Dogs have been coerced. It seems that politicians today rarely fail to live up to American’s low opinion of them. Nevertheless, I do continue to hold out hope for Sen. Lieberman. (Come on Joe, don’t sell America out.)

Are these Blue Dogs so insulated and isolated in Washington that they can’t see that the vast majority of rural Americans actually realize the proposed healthcare legislation in the Senate will push America over the cliff to bankruptcy and a downgrading of her sovereign credit rating? How can they not know what their constituents want?

Yes - the government run healthcare reforms and the coming Cap & Trade legislation are “historic”. But, they are “historic” in that they will collapse America’s economy and her values. What a way for a “Blue Dog Democrat” to be remembered! Blue Dogs remembered for allowing irresponsible Democratic spending, control and taxing to take America to a dung-pile of mediocrity with fewer rights and protections for its people. Blue Dogs remembered for creating the new America where the masses do only the minimum to get by and everyone else funds Obama’s stash. Now that’s something they should be proud to tell their grand children about!

Yes, America is waking up to the reality that we made a terrible and dangerous mistake by electing Obama and giving his Party control of both Houses of Congress.

Blue Dog Democrats like Sen. Lieberman stand at the precipice. The decision of what America will look like is theirs.

Here’s what’s amazing. What they need to do to save America from a socialist future is not that hard. It will probably get them re-elected in the process.

The first thing is they need to vote against any healthcare reform with any kind of government run option; or anything that has the effect of crippling private insurance. Blue Dogs need to tell Harry Reid to stop and start over with Republicans at the table. (They can consider tort reform, deductibility of premiums, buying insurance across state lines, medical savings accounts, more options for catastrophic coverage, etc.)

Second, they need to quickly open up the debate on the science of climate change and find commonsense solutions to the effects of an increase CO2 in the atmosphere. They must investigate climate-gate and try to re-establish some credibility in the scientific community and their methods. Cap and Trade is not a commonsense solution. It is not a solution at all and has failed everywhere it has been tried. It is a vehicle for more government control, diminished U.S. sovereignty, and fraud. Commonsense solutions involve looking for technology to remove CO2 as needed from the atmosphere; and using or converting the by-products into something that can be used. Commonsense is to push for nuclear power while exploring more “clean” energy. Commonsense is not increasing taxes and prices on energy in a time of recession.

Blue Dog Democrats need to claim the center strongly and proudly. They need to identify what that means to them. I’m sure that many Republicans and Independents would join them. They need to recognize that the Tea Party protesters are not the radical right. They’re nothing other than ordinary Americans with serious concerns.

Tea Party people are Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Constitutionalists, Conservatives, etc., and they are not in lock step on social issues. They are people like me who have differing views depending on the issue – abortion, marriage, legalization of drugs, capital punishment, etc. They do however seem to be strongly united around ideas such as limited government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, and adherence to the Constitution. What’s not to love about that?

Blue Dog Democrats need to distance themselves from Pelosi, Reid, the far left, SEIU, ACORN, and Obama.

They need to encourage the press to report accurately and fairly the shenanigans that are going on in Congress and the Obama Administration. America will not survive long without a free and independent press. When something not right is going on some Blue Dog Democrat, Republican or Independent needs to let people know. Transparency and accountability needs to be the norm.

If any Blue Dogs do really exist, they should be able to easily appeal to the Tea Party Movement if they are sincere.

A real good start to get things really going would be to organize and declare that they are going to caucus with Republicans until the Democrats come back to their senses.

When you run for re-election, I even have a suggestion for a theme song to play at your rallies. It’s a take off of an old standard that Louie Armstrong used to sing.

What a Wonderful ‘Tea Party’ World

I see Dawgs of Blue, Tea Parties too

I see them Stand for me and you

And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I see Dawgs of Blue and Doing What’s Right

A Sound Dollar’s day, A Bark Sounding Might

And I think to myself, what a Tea Party world…

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Climate Gate - Garbage in, Garbage out - ..."If researchers cannot measure what they said they could, an unscientific rationale is just cover for a multitrillion-dollar political agenda"...- Crap in, Crap out - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:
Climate Gate Continues

The mainstream media continues to try to shape/misshape the climategate story so that Obama and Gore will not be overcome by a tidal wave of ridicule. 

Global Warming Consensus: Garbage in, Garbage out
Written by Michael Barone

Saturday, 28 November 2009 06:44

As Air Force One heads to Copenhagen for the climate summit Dec. 9, it will presumably not make a U-turn while flying over the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at University of East Anglia near Norwich, England. But perhaps it should.

The 61 megabytes of CRU e-mails and documents made public by a hacker cast serious doubt on the ballyhooed consensus on manmade global warming that the Copenhagen summit was called to address.
The CRU has been a major source of data on global temperatures, relied on by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. But the e-mails suggest that CRU scientists have been suppressing and misstating data and working to prevent the publication of conflicting views in peer-reviewed science periodicals. Some of the more pungent e-mails:
"I can't see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. Kevin and I will keep them out somehow — even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!"
"Can you delete any e-mails you may have had with Keith re AR4?"
"I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline."

"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty we can't."
"I'm getting hassled by a couple of people to release the CRU temperature station data. Don't any of you three tell anybody that the UK has a Freedom of Information Act!"

You get the idea. The most charitable plausible explanation I have seen comes from The Atlantic's Megan McArdle. "The CRU's main computer model may be, to put it bluntly, complete rubbish."

Australian geologist Ian Plimer, a global warming skeptic, is more blunt. The e-mails "show that data was massaged, numbers were fudged, diagrams were biased, there was destruction of data after freedom of information requests, and there was refusal to submit taxpayer-funded data for independent examination."...Continue Reading
Quote for the Day -

..."If researchers cannot measure what they said they could, an unscientific rationale is just cover for a multitrillion-dollar political agenda"...

From The Daily Mail:

Saturday November 28, 2009

AS world leaders prepare to gather in Copenhagen to discuss again what to do about the weather, damning evidence has been released showing that some scientists have manipulated evidence regarding their theory of anthropogenic global warming -- warming caused by mankind.

E-mails from Phil Jones, head of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, are at the eye of this political storm. Many believers in manmade global warming rely heavily on his research group.

In one e-mail to Professor Michael Mann of Pennsylvania State University, Jones wrote, "I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e. from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline."

Tricks belong in magic shows, not science. Surely, researchers are not willing to lie.

And then there was this e-mail: "The fact is, we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't. . ."

"There should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate."

Global temperatures have not risen since 1998.

It is a travesty that that is so?

Or is it good cause to slow down the bum's rush toward draconian policies to counter what, lacking evidence of "global warming," must now be called "climate change"?

If researchers cannot measure what they said they could, an unscientific rationale is just cover for a multitrillion-dollar political agenda. ...Continue Reading

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Secession from Obama’s America

Secession from Obama’s America –

Is it a Field of Dreams or a Plea for Return to a Constitutional Republic?

Last night I stumbled upon an article, A Case For Secession-Introduction, (first of a series) on and it struck me that the time may soon be approaching when one or two states will be called to step up for the rest of us in hopes of saving the Republic. I’m not advocating for secession now; I’m just looking at the possibility with a little more interest. How such a move might shift our ‘government’ back to position where Representatives actually have to listen to and respect their constituents is a question that interests me. What is clear is that with Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in control, Democratic Members of Congress are currently being effectively bribed with earmarks, promises or threats to pass legislation America does not want. They are not listening.
Polling demonstrates over and over the majority of Americans are against government run healthcare, are against unreasonable infringement of our Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms, are against illegal immigration, are against socialism, are against tax dollar funding of organizations like ACORN and SEIU, are against politicians creating unsustainable debt that will cripple their children’s futures, are against government manipulate of the news, are against government creating more unsustainable entitlements, are against Congress not adhering to the Constitution, are against Congress exceeding their power, are against Congress trampling on the rights reserved to the states under the Constitution, and are against unreasonable infringement of rights of privacy and free speech. In many states, the majorities are huge. They generally reflect states with populations that realize that government handouts do nothing other than create dependence to government/politicians and harm the recipients.
Today Congress is acting like a mule; and like a mule, sometimes the only way to get its attention is to hit it between the eyes. As we (a majority) all know, the Obama Congress is running America’s balance sheet, value of her dollar, and entire economy over the cliff. Most of us also know that it’s only drastic action can get the attention of this Congress that appears hell bent on ushering in a new socialist nation. Ordinary Americans are trying with massive Tea Parties, but one certain way to get Washington’s attention and possibly prevent the coming economic and social disaster (annihilation) is for one state or two to say ENOUGH! The preverbal two by four between the eyes may be what is called for to save the futures of all Americans.
Logistically there are only a few states that have strong enough economies and sufficient resources to tell the Federal Government to go screw itself, we are going our own way.

Alaska has sufficient resources (energy, etc.), access to trade with other countries (Canada and Russia), self-sufficient people, leaders who have a minimal concept of a balanced budget, and natural independence from the contiguous United States.

Texas has many of the same attributes as Alaska (a notion of being somehow independent of the rest of the country, trade with Mexico, Latin America and an independent/self-sufficient people).
N. Dakota, Nebraska a few other boarder/coastal states may be able to manage independence for themselves, but not without a lot of determination. Other central states like Oklahoma would probably need prearranged trade compacts with neighboring states to be successful. They would go along as they have been; except they would not pay federal taxes, nor receive federal tax dollars nor serve in the U. S. military. That would certainly get people’s attention.
Most of the states that might reasonably consider secession as an option are the ones that ARE NOT like California, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, or New Jersey, etc. where politicians have intentionally created large dependent populations of people and groups with their hands out for “other peoples’ money” (dependent voting blocks tied to money- not principle).
To have a shot at successfully seceding, it is likely that a state must first have a large majority of its population that is interested in independence, who are self-reliant, who as a group have not been used to taking more than their fair share of federal tax dollars, who are not looking for ways to avoid fair taxes but who don’t want to be carrying the load for the above named states, who have reasonable expectations of government; and most importantly, who care about freedom, equality and the principles of the United States Constitution more than the “Federal Government”. America is its people; it is not the buildings, institutions, and politicians in Washington, D. C.
If a state did have the courage to choose secession, many of their residents would likely flee. However, millions of independent/self-sufficient Americans, small businesses, and numerous large businesses would be just as quick to try to come to live and thrive in freedom. Like the movie ‘Field of Dreams’ – build it and they will come. I believe that is true. Especially, if the state is built/rebuilt upon the principles that founded the once great U.S.A., it would ensure a diverse, hardy, can do citizenry that encourages one another. You know, a citizenry like America once had. Not the one that sues every time their coffee is too hot or they have their feeling hurt slightly.
Such a state’s own tax dollars, collected in a fair and reasonable manner from its citizens, would go twice as far as those they had been paying the federal government. Tax systems could be simplified so everyone has a stake in the services provided by government because they too are paying taxes. Those in times of need would be given a helping hand up to reach their potential instead of under the government’s foot!
If fact, upon secession, such a state could made one big but simple change in the system that would go far to encourage individuals to strive for success. What if the state recognized that it would be more likely that voters would choose the best candidate to represent all the people if voters did not have a big conflict of interest present? What if the state said that if you are currently receiving monetary benefits from the state/tax-payers (worker’s compensation, welfare, etc., excluding total disability) you cannot vote in any state election until you stop receiving government assistance? If one wants to participate in elections, one would need to try to get better if injured, try earnestly to find work, or find a way to stop receiving benefits from the state.
Education, environmental protection, etc. could all happen because it would not be in people’s self-interest to scam the state. Spending for the public good would likely be a lot more reasonable and not tied to corrupt special interest groups like ACORN.
If one or two states did choose to succeed from the Union, it would not necessarily have to be on a permanent basis. It might be done with the understanding that when the federal government starts respecting the rights of the individual and the states, balances its budget or at least seriously starts down that path, respects and again follows the Constitution; and stops supporting enterprises with a history of intimidation/voter fraud like SEIU and ACORN; then they would consider rejoining the union.

Somehow I imagine every Senator and Representative saying to himself or herself –
What have we done? We have brought about the destruction of America. It was on my watch!

(One additional thing for Members of Congress to remember is that states like California, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and some other bloated, selfish, leftist states have much lower percentages of residents enlisting in the military than states that would be more likely to entertain seceding! Who would protect America and her diminishing freedoms from al Qaeda and the Taliban? Maybe they could make a deal with the state/nation to allow its free citizens to serve in the U. S. military.)

Maybe Members of Congress wouldn’t say anything and just continue bleeding America’s taxpayers without listening to them.
I hope for the former; but if the latter occurred, I would pack my bags and move to Texas or wherever. I would be going to that ‘Field of Dreams’!
Never in my 55 years on this earth have I thought that I would seriously consider the idea of secession from the United States of America. I guess I was wrong. Personally, I will be waiting to see if America can be set again on its path under the Constitution through the electoral process in 2010.
If America can’t be righted to its course, it may be prudent for all freedom loving Americans to be reading up on secession.
Speaking of the 2010 elections, have you heard that Larry Sinclair, the man who alleges that he and Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999, is running for Congress?

Friday, October 23, 2009

FBI Listens to FOX and Talk Radio – Rush Limbaugh – Palin Endorses Doug Hoffman – Michelle Malkin – The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

ChiBama Politics -

Heads In The Sand - Obama's Supporters

Yesterday I was listening to Rush Limbaugh and one of his callers confirmed what I believed. Most of my friends and family who are in the military and law enforcement all listen to Fox and Talk Radio. What’s Obama going to do when the FBI, Law Enforcement, and the Military say ENOUGH? I urge everyone in the military to contact Dr. Orly Taitz. Maybe we won’t lose the war in Afghanistan if the military makes sure they are being led by someone who is eligible to hold the Office of the Presidency. I believe it is the sworn duty of every member of the military to make sure they are not following “unlawful orders”.
From Rush Limbaugh:
FBI Tells Caller: Listen to Rush
October 22, 2009
RUSH: Marie in Los Angeles. Hello and welcome to the EIB Network. Great to have you here.
CALLER: Yes, hi, Rush.
CALLER: Thanks for taking my call. I’m a faithful listener for years. I just wanted to make another comment about the salaries Feingold (sic) is telling them what they can pay their executives.

RUSH: Feinberg.

CALLER: Feinberg, I’m sorry. No one is questioning Obama about this. When he took over the banks and the automobile companies, he said, “I don’t want to run these companies.” He said, “We’ll just be shareholders.” See, it’s our money, the taxpayers’ money. He said, “I don’t want to, and I’ll give the money back.”

RUSH: I remember it. “I don’t want to run these companies. I got a war to win. I don’t want to run companies.”

CALLER: Why aren’t they questioning him? Because when Joe Wilson called him a liar, his whole campaign was on untruths. I get so upset when I hear this, that when they wanted to pay the money back but he said, “Oh, no! We have a stress test. We have to wait and see whether you have enough money before you can go back and run a bank,” and no one is following this. He’s going to continue to run these banks. This is what he wanted to do in the first place. And so they should really call him down. There’s nobody to talk to him about it.

RUSH: Now –

CALLER: I called Congress. Who do you talk to when the top people you can’t trust? You know, I called the FBI, and you know what they told me?


CALLER: They said, “Watch Fox cable and listen to talk radio,” and then I called another time –

RUSH: Wait a minute! Wait a minute. Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up. You called the FBI?

CALLER: Well, I wanted to find out what was going on with ACORN, the 14 states that they had arrested these people.

RUSH: What FBI office did you call?

CALLER: Los Angeles.

RUSH: And they told you to listen to Fox News and talk radio?

CALLER: Talk radio.

RUSH: To find out what was going on?

CALLER: Yes. And the next time I called you know what they said?


CALLER: Listen to talk radio and watch Glenn Beck. And they said, “We all watch Glenn Beck.”

RUSH: That’s what they told you at the FBI?

CALLER: Exactly. And so when I wanted to find out they said call the Justice Department, what was going on. Well if you can’t trust the Justice Department, who do you talk to? Who do you talk to? You can’t trust the top. I called John Boehner, because he’s the one you can really talk to. I said, “You’ve got to tell them that Obama is going after the Internet and talk radio. They’ve gotta stop it.”

RUSH: And what did he say?

CALLER: Well, I talked to the office. They said, “Yeah, we know what’s going on,” and when I called the FBI they said, “We know what’s going on, but we can’t do anything because the Secret Service will say they’re in charge.” This is what’s going on right now.

RUSH: You know what, folks? I feel like I’m in that balloon flying over Colorado.

CALLER: They all know what’s going on, but who do you go to? I feel like screaming.

RUSH: The woman calls the FBI (laughing) to find out what’s going on. The FBI says, “Listen to Limbaugh. Watch Fox”? Look, to your original point here that Obama said he didn’t want to run companies, and yet he’s running companies. Don’t forget what I said at the top of the show: One of the primary ingredients to any president’s long-term success is the deniability. The Drive-Bys are doing very well getting the story out, “Hey, this Feinberg guy acted totally on his own. Obama is so busy working on Afghanistan, he didn’t even know.” Now, let’s take ‘em at their word just for the moment. Obama didn’t know, okay? So Feinberg says, “Hey, Wall Street, 90% you’re gone.” Has Obama said, “I think that’s a little high. Uh, I wish I’d have been consulted on that. Uh, we’re going to roll that back to 88%.” Has he said anything? He ordered this, but they’re trying to give him deniability.

Tea Party -

Tea Party - Supporting Those of Any Party Who Support The Constitution, Limited Government, Responsible Fiscal Policy, Lower Taxes, and Free Markets

Good News from Michelle Malkin!

Lead StoryMessage to GOP: Can you hear conservatives now?; Update: Palin is listeningContinue Reading
Tags: Democrats, Larry Sinclair, Media bias, Michelle Malking, Obama, Obama smearing, Orly Taitz, Palin, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, U. S. Military

By Michelle Malkin • October 22, 2009 12:00 PM
Scroll down for updates…Palin endorses conservative Doug Hoffman…

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dr. Orly Taitz - Captain Connie Rhodes - Emergency Hearing Granted on September 11th!!! Judge Clay D. Land - Veterans & Patriots Welcome - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Natural Born Citizen & Unlawful Orders -
The Entire Obama Administration is Full of Poop!  Misrepresentation and Vilifications are the Obama Norm.

Breaking News from Dr. Orly Taitz:

Tomorrow at 2pm hearing for Captain Connie Rhodes MD in GA

September 10th, 2009 I just got word from Ms. Sweeden, clerk for District Court Judge for the Middle District of GA. We were granted an emergency hearing for Captain Connie Rhodes, MD, flight surgeon, who is scheduled to be shipped to Iraq day after tomorrow on September the 12th. Capt Rhodes states that she is willing to go to Iraq, as long as she knows that the orders going down the chain of command are lawful orders. We asked this case to be certified as a class action case, as she represents a whole class of plaintiffs situated in similar position. The hearing will be tomorrow at 2pm in Columbus GA, Federal Building 1201 12th street. Judge Clay D. Land courtroom. Judge Land was gracious and a real Southern gentleman in that he waived the technical requirement of a signature of the local counsel as a contact.

I hope that members of the military and other patriots of this country will be in the courtroom to support Cpt. Rhodes MD.
I will be making my travel arrangements shortly.

Joe Wilson - CitizenWells - Thank You Rep. Joe Wilson - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Thank you Joe Wilson! Here's an excellent post by CitizenWells:

Joe Wilson, SC representative Wilson, Obama speech, John McCain, Obama lies, protocol, Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, Wilson calls Obama liar, Republicans, Democrats, Wilson pressured to apologize
September 10, 2009

Protocol, following societal norms, or marching lock step, prevented Adolf Hitler and the Japanese military from being stopped leading up to World War II. Just think, if there had been more people like SC representative Joe Wilson that had stood up and called Adolf Hitler a liar soon enough. One person for the good or evil can make a difference.

Last night, during Obama’s speech to Congress and the nation on health care reform, representative Joe Wilson called Obama a liar. Obama is a liar. That along with his Acorn thugs and other deception from the Obama camp allowed him to steal the election. More people should speak up and expose Obama for what he is.

Once again, I go back to the example of pre war Nazi Germany and compare it to the 2008 election cycle. Many Americans begged their state election officials and congressmen to speak up.

Just imagine if one state election official, one elector, one congressman had spoken up. We would not have an illegal president trying to ramrod an unpopular health care bill down our throats. We would not have a multitude of radical, socialist, communist Czars guiding policy.

It is bad enough that our elected officials want to follow protocol, not make waves and be courteous to the opposing party. However, to criticize one for being patriotic and looking out for their constituents, that is cowardly and un American.

Apparently John McCain did not learn his lesson during the election campaign. He was more interested in following protocol and not questioning his opponent, Obama, than serving the American people.

John McCain said the following regarding Representative Wilson calling Obama a liar.

“totally disrespectful”

“no place for it in that setting or any other.”

“should apologize for it immediately.”

I want to be crystal clear about my reaction to McCain’s comments.

John McCain, your comments are cowardly, un American and show a great deal of disrespect to the American people!
Representative Joe Wilson, your comment last night deserves our respect and praise. Don’t let the protocol conscious jackasses make you back down.

Don’t back down!
I urge everyone to contact representative Joe Wilson and show your support. Urge him to continue to fight the lies from the Obama camp. Also, let John McCain and others that insulted Joe Wilson and pressured him to apologize, know what you think.

Representative Joe Wilson, God bless you.

Don’t back down!

DC Address:

The Honorable Joe Wilson
United States House of Representatives
212 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-4002

DC Phone: 202-225-2452 202-225-2452
DC Fax: 202-225-2455
Email Address:
WWW Homepage:

District Offices:

903 Port Republic Street
Beaufort, SC 29902

Voice: 843-521-2530 843-521-2530
FAX: 843-521-2535

1700 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 1
West Columbia, SC 29169
Voice: 803-939-0041 803-939-0041
FAX: 803-939-0078

Thanks commenter JJ

Friday, August 21, 2009

Petition Filed In D.C. - Defendants are Barry Soetoro, (aka Barack Obama) Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean and the Media - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

ChiBama Politics & Eligibility –

Yesterday, CitizenWells put up news of a new petition before the federal courts against "Barry Soetoro, (aka Barack Obama) Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean and the Media". This time it is in Washington D.C. and should be heard by Chief Judge Royce Lamberth. I look forward to reading the Petition.

Federal Grand Jury petition filed, Breaking news, August 20, 2009, Chalice radio, Attorney Stephen Pidgeon, US District Court in Washington DC
Just in from Chalice:

“August 20, 2009

Written by Chalice

Patriot’s Heart Network (, in the name of our members and represented by Attorney Stephen Pidgeon, along with Carl Swensson ( Robert Debeaux, Robert Pinkstaff, and Dr. Penny Kelso have successfully filed a petition in the US District Court in Washington, D.C. requesting a Federal Grand Jury be assembled to look into high crimes against the United States of America and against our 1st amendment rights. Defendants on the Petition are Barry Soetoro, (aka Barack Obama) Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean and the Media. These crimes include Conspiracy, False Personation, Intimidation of Voters, Fraud and False Statements, Fraud and related activity, Treason and Misprision of Treason. The motion for relief seeks the appointment of a Federal Grand Jury by the Chief Judge of the DC Court, Royce Lamberth.

This issue about Natural Born Citizenship status and the eligibility to be President is NOT a fringe issue. It is not mere fodder of the misdirected gullible tin hatter clubbers. The mocks of those who attempt to minimize and/or toss away sincere American voices as those who just have ‘no clue.’ Qualification to serve as President is a SERIOUS Constitutional issue and it is time that “We The People” get the answers in which We are entitled. We have been ignored, mocked, and laughed at by many. We remain undeterred in our determination to move forward.

For the past several months, we have alerted the various branches of government to our grave concern about the eligibility of this President to hold this position of power. Two weeks ago, we served Congress with testimony of the grave concerns of 1.2 million voices. In return, we received signed receipts and/ or photographic evidence that We the People have served Congress notice of these Constitutional issues! (Information about the trip is available HERE) Through joint efforts with Rise Up For America, we provide information on how citizens across the country can follow-up with their elected Congressional officials. Attorney Generals have been duly informed as well. One action, PHNMedia encourages all to take is to ask their Senators and Representatives to Define Natural Born Citizen. We did so in DC and found neither Senator interviewed knew the meaning, but they voted to confirm the Electoral College! The video or audio evidence of these interviews will be valuable as part of this case.

Yesterday, another step in our journey for the truth has been taken.

The Petition filed yesterday will go before Chief Judge Royce Lamberth (Bio Here ) This Petition calls for the convening of a Federal Grand Jury. Read the full Petition HERE. The allegations of Treason, Fraud, and Misprision are not to be taken lightly! Our complaint calls out Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, Pelosi, Dean AND IMPORTANTLY the media! However, make no mistake, once a Grand Jury is convened, others may be identified for their complicity in this cover-up. High crimes against our Republic are taking place while those responsible to act and report on such matters remain deafening in their silence. It is crime punishable by terms from 3 to 20 years in jail for falsifying birth documents. This is more serious when it is in pursuit of a Federal job. We the People have not seen the proof Obama is eligible to be President. This Petition before the District Court lays out with solid evidence and reasoning, the fact that our First Amendment Rights were abridged by the crimes of the defendants on the petition.

We, the plaintiffs in this case encourage all of you to read the 181 page Petition. There are other action points we offer for your consideration. Please visit to be kept abreast of these. Join to become part of the Plaintiff voices from Patriots Heart Network.

It’s simple, really. We the People, DEMAND from the Media to accurately “Define Natural Born Citizen.” We DEMAND from all branches of our government PROOF that the person in the White House is NOT a Usurper. We demand proof of his eligibility. If eligibility is not established, then our nation and all of the laws return to January 19, 2009. Every action that a Usurper takes are nullified when lack of eligibly to serve is established. It is the US District Court where such matters are heard. It is in this court where We the People demand Redress through the appointment of a Federal Grand Jury.

We cannot do this alone. We DEFINITELY need your help! Join us today!”

Read more:

Friday, August 7, 2009

Obama's Thugs Attack ObamaCare Protestors - Atlas Shrugs - STLToday -The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Six people, including P-D reporter, arrested at Carnahan meeting
By Leah Thorsen

UPDATE: St. Louis County police say six people were arrested. Two of those were arrested on suspicion of assault, one of resisting arrest and three on suspicion of committing peace disturbances. Carnahan was gone when the ruckus started.

Kenneth Gladney, a 38-year-old conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with “Don't tread on me” printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room of the St. John's Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was waiting to be treated for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face that he suffered in the attack. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack started.

“It just seems there's no freedom of speech without being attacked,” he said...Continue Reading

From Atlas Shrugs:

Tampa, St. Louis ...Obama's Union Thugs are Beating People up at Town Hall Meetings

The unifier, the great post-American hopenchange fascist has adopted the street tactics of Chicago thug politics to ram his takeover down our throats. Well the people are not going quietly - thank G-d. His ACORN/SEIU/Union goons are beating the folks up. America has been sucker punched. Check out this video - stay with it...union thugs are beating up Randy Arthur at Castor town hall meeting in Tampa on Thursday - this is low grade civil war. They are ratcheting up civil unrest so that they can call in reinforcements? We the people! They answer to us.

Kathy Castor's union thugs beat up a guy (in the green shirt) and shut the doors to prevent the opposing opinions from being heard. She then proceeded leave, not taking any questions, because "she couldn't hear." Translation: she doesn't have answers 'cause she hasn't read the House bill. The big, gruffy camera guy - the buffoon - is one of them. Very aggressive - watch him making trouble.

More Tampa video here - they would not let the folks in There were 1500 people there and they would not let them in the front door. When the doors were finally opened, only about 75 people were allowed in. Meanwhile, the union & ACORN thugs were quietly ushered in through the BACK door and had already taken seats that were RESERVED for them in the front.

This just in from Saint Louis: CONSERVATIVE ATTACKED (hat tip Laura)

"Kenneth Gladney, 38, a conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with "Don't tread on me" printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room at St. John'sMercy Medical Center, where he said he was awaiting treatment for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack.

"It just seems there's no freedom of speech without being attacked," he said. "...Continue Reading

Monday, July 27, 2009

Prime Minister Netanyahu Follows Dr. Orly Taitz on Facebook - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Dr. Orly Taitz Related -

Looks like Benjamin Netanyahu may one day ask the question: Where's the Birth Certificate? Too cool, if this really is Benjamin Netanyahu.

From Dr. Orly Taitz:

I can’t believe it, but Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, signed up to be my friend on facebook. Now I need Nicolas Sarkosi, Gordon Brown and Vladimir Putin and I am in business...Continue Reading

And don't forget -


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Report Reveals that Acorn is a Criminal Enterprise - Glenn Beck - Obama Feels The Reggie Love?- Globe -The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

ACORN Criminal Enterprise -

Glenn Beck, Acorn, Oversight Report, US House of Representatives, July 22, 2009, Glenn Beck Show, Acorn criminal enterprise, evading taxes, racketeering, investment fraud
July 22, 2009

Glenn Beck announced on his show, July 22, 2009, that he has a copy of the US House of Representatives oversight report on Acorn. Beck states that the oversight report reveals that Acorn is a criminal enterprise and is guilty of racketeering, tax evasion, obstruction of justice, embezzlement and investment fraud. Glenn Beck will go over the report on his next show. Visit CitizenWells' site for interesting comments.

Larry Sinclair Related -

It seems Obama may have a new romantic interest! From Globe Magazine.

New Obama Gay Outrage

PRESIDENT Barack Obama is embroiled in yet another gay sex scandal – this time accusers are making incredible charges involving his hunky personal aide Reggie Love! GLOBE uncovers the outrageous claims about the 28-year-old who is the Commander-in-Chief’s “body man” – and the First Lady’s fury. It’s must reading for every American…Read Post

Friday, July 17, 2009

Larry Sinclair's Book Sales Doing Just Fine - - Boycott GM and Chrysler - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Larry Sinclair's Road -

Congratulations to Larry Sinclair and thanks to for the info!

Friday, July 17, 2009...4:16 am
Hey StopHate, How does it feel to be a reason why people bought the Larry Sinclair’s book?

Looks like the book is so popular it’s temporarily out of stock at Amazon. lol

And don't forget -


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Obama - Larry Sinclair - Book Reviews Start Coming In - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Larry Sinclair's Journey -

The reviews of Larry Sinclair's new book,Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair – Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder, are beginning to come in. They're good. From Larry Sinclair's blog:

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The below was received by email and I felt it was only fair to share it.

Hi Larry,

I just got your book today and have already read it. Here is the review I sent to everyone on my e-mail list. You have my permission to publish my review and you can include my name if you like.

Yours truly, Edward Safranski.

Hello all,

I've read thousands of books in my life and I just finished another one titled, Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair – Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder. I highly recommend it. I have the autographed copy #90 of 500 early released books. The Obama machine successfully suppressed the book for many months but it has finally been printed and delivered. Get yours from

Sinclair Publishing, Inc.
9 Spring Drive
Port Orange, Florida

After reading it I have no doubt whatsoever that Larry Sinclair is telling the truth. He is open, honest, and in my opinion, not seeking a payoff. He freely acknowledges all of his own faults including his life of crime from his teens onward for about twenty years. Even though he's queer and I'm straight, he reminds me of myself, someone who cares very much about the truth getting out just for the sake of truthfulness. The truth is that Barack Obama sold him cocaine in Chicago in 1999. Barack Obama smoked crack while Larry Sinclair gave Obama blow-jobs twice, once in a limousine and the next day in a hotel room. It is almost certain that Barack Obama and Reverend Wright were the two who orchestrated the murder of Donald Young, the homosexual choirboy lover of Barack Obama, at the Chicago church in order to avoid a scandal. And now that murder is not being investigated by the Chicago police for it would no doubt lead to the White House.

The Obama supporters are as brainless as Nazi fanatics supporting Hitler or Communist fanatics supporting Stalin, or for that matter, Republicans who endorse the Bush Crime Family. They engaged in a vicious smear campaign against Sinclair and I really am surprised and glad he is still alive and I admire his courage in telling the truth. Sometimes the truth does come out in spite of all obstacles. Happy book reading. All the best, Eddie.

All the best,

Friday, July 10, 2009

Atlas Shrugs Covers Obama's Lusting in his Heart - Eyes - Whatever - TWICE - Larry Sinclair - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

The following photo has certainly spread like wildfire. Several over at Larry Sinclair's site might suspect that Michelle Obama has blessed Obama's current glances. I suppose she would prefer this image to the wide spread "down-low" rumors about Obama.

From Atlas Shrugs:

Checking Out the Latest Imports

Sarkozy's face is priceless................

(A reader tells me she's .....16) Behave! ................Pathetic, really.

Update: Jenny caught the leerer leering yet again....Continue Reading

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Important Update from Dr. Orly Taitz - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Quick update. There is an important update on Dr. Orly Taitz's blog today! It takes courage to stand up to power. I salute you Dr. Orly. Zach


An officer has contacted me a few days ago (I will not provide his name), stating that he is about to be deployed to Afghanistan on July the 15th from Fort Benning. We were supposed to file an injunction, a stay of the deployment of this officer to Afghanistan until the eligibility of of Barack Hussein Obama as Commander in Chief is verified. The documents were supposed to be filed in the middle district of Georgia today. Due to personal reasons this officer cannot be the plaintiff at the moment, however all the pleadings in the case are ready to go. If you know any enlisted or officers, who are ready to be deployed, but want to stay their deployment until Obama’s legitimacy for the posittion of Commander in Chief is verified, please have them contact me. As the case is ready, it can be filed within hours.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Obamanomics Takes Toll on Obama Poll Numbers - Michelle Malkin - Porkulus Two? Trying Failure Twice - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Obamanomics –

It seems that Obamanomics is taking a toll on Obama’s popularity. From Rasmussen Reports -

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 32% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-seven percent (37%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of –5.
The number who strongly disapprove inched up another point to the highest level measured to date and the overall Approval Index is at the lowest level yet for Obama (see trends). …Continue Reading

Porkulus One, Two, Three.... Obama, Tyson, Pelosi, Frank, etc. are all attempting to flush the American economy in order to replace it with tight governmental control (socialism).

Document drop: Porkulus One is a failure, so let’s do it again!
By Michelle Malkin • July 8, 2009 09:13 AM

As you all have heard, Laura D’Andrea Tyson, the Clinton economic adviser now on Team Obama, has floated a second stimulus plan. Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island has echoed the call. Other Democrats are open to it.

Only 10 percent of Porkulus One has been spent, misspent, or gone untracked, but who’s counting?

I’ve uploaded two documents for your perusal this morning: The first is a GAO report on stimulus spending by states and localities, which will be released this morning at a House oversight hearing.

You can read the whole thing here.

Bottom line: The funds are not being spent on what they’re supposed to be spent on. States made up their own criteria for spending. School and transportation bureaucrats preserved their own jobs instead of “stimulating” others.

The second document is a GOP memo dissecting the failures of Porkulus One.

You can read the whole thing here. A few key excerpts:...Continue Reading

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Gov. Palin - Obama - ChiBama Politics

The BOPAC Report:

Thank you Gov. Palin for your service and I hope you will lead efforts across the nation to stop Obama from dismantling our Constitution and Nation. The ChiBama approach of imposing Chicago Politics (corrupt) on the Nation will lead to a mediocre America with greatly diminished rights for the individual. America needs you!

Palin: Politically speaking, 'If I die, I die.'

The Associated Press

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

ANCHORAGE, Alaska —Sarah Palin says she's not a quitter, she's a fighter, but adds that, politically speaking, "if I die, I die. So be it."

The Alaska governor spoke in taped interviews on ABC, NBC and CNN on Tuesday morning.

She tells CNN that "all options are on the table" for her future.

But she tells ABC's "Good Morning America" that she recognizes she might not have political staying power, saying "politically speaking, if I die, I die."

Speaking in fishing waders from the town of Dillingham, she says her resignation on Friday was a matter of progressing in an unconventional way because that's how Alaskans are.

Palin says she doesn't think she needs a title to affect "positive change," but also says she can't see herself being totally out of public service.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

General Motors Boycott Having Effect!- "New General Motors (GM) Seems Doomed to Fail" - Stockhouse - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Obamanomics -

Declines in car sales may be bottoming out. The good news is that the boycott of General Motors called for by many seems to be having the intended effect! Keep it up! Buy FORD!!!

Car Makers See End to Sales Slide


The three biggest car makers in America called a bottom to the long decline in U.S. auto sales as the industry reported its smallest monthly sales drop this year.

New-vehicle sales in June fell 28% from a year earlier to 860,000 cars and light trucks, according to the market-research firm Autodata Corp. That would be the smallest decline in any month this year....

...Meanwhile, though, many car makers continued to post significant declines. GM said its sales fell 33% to 174,785 vehicles, Chrysler Group LLC's declined 42% to 68,297 and even Toyota's were down 32% at 131,654.

Ford, the only one of the Big Three Detroit auto makers that didn't require government bailout loans and stayed out of bankruptcy-court proceedings, reported its sales declined just 11%
, to 154,873 cars and trucks. That total allowed Ford to outsell Toyota for the fourth straight month...Continue Reading

Best of all is the headline from Stockhouse:

‘New’ General Motors (GM) seems doomed to fail


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

AmeriCorps Inspector General Walpin Scandal - A Fair Story out of San Francisco - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

A quick post about the unjust firing of AmeriCorps Inspector General Walpin. I just saw a fair piece about the firing in a media source out of San Francisco. The San Francisco Chronicle writer Debra Saunders does a nice presenting the IG Walpin story fairly.

A 'confused, disoriented' whistle-blower?

Debra J. Saunders

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

As recent AmeriCorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin tells the story, when a White House aide called him on June 10, Walpin thought the administration was calling him to enlist his support - as a prominent Republican member of the New York bar - for the confirmation of Sonya Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court. Instead, Special Counsel to the President Norm Eisen informed Walpin that President Obama wanted Walpin out of his job.

Now the question is why Obama let him go.

Walpin's defenders believe Obama fired him because Walpin was a successful whistle-blower, who blew the whistle on the president's friends and pet causes.

In 2008, the Corporation for National and Community Service asked Walpin to check out St. HOPE, a Sacramento nonprofit run by former NBA star Kevin Johnson, who was subsequently elected mayor of Sacramento. Walpin's office found that AmeriCorps members had misused $847,673 in federal grant funds between 2004 and 2007 and that AmeriCorps hires had been misused to "personally benefit Johnson, including driving him to personal appointments, washing his car and running personal errands" and campaigning in a school board election.

Acting U.S. Attorney Lawrence Brown later announced a legal settlement that called for Johnson, St. HOPE itself and a former St. HOPE executive to repay taxpayers more than $400,000 the corporation had received in grants. On June 4, Walpin issued another report, this one questioning $16 million in awards by the Research Foundation of the City University of New York. As Walpin explained in a letter to CUNY, "The program doesn't work because it adds no service to the community which is not already provided by the Fellows program. Therefore, taxpayers are not getting their money's worth."

Clearly Walpin is a stickler. "There are people in our country who badly need the money for these community service benefits," he told me over the phone....Continue Reading

Support Freedom - Boycott General Motors (GM)

Obama's Unjust Firing of IG Walpin - ACORN - ACORN Int = COI - Larry Sinclair - The BOPAC Report

The BOPAC Report:

Obama’s unjust firing and treatment of AmeriCorps Inspector General continues to make the news.

From World Net Daily:

Does Congress have guts to investigate 'Walpingate'?
Fired inspector general among 3

Posted: June 22, 2009
By Drew Zahn

Former AmeriCorps watchdog Gerald Walpin is only the first – yet still the most controversial – of three inspectors general to leave their posts prematurely since President Obama took office, and now he's asking for a congressional hearing into his suspicious firing by the White House.

As WND has reported, inspectors general are supposed to be protected from political interference so they can root out fraud and waste of government grant money wherever it may lie.

Questions have been raised, however, about the White House's firing of Walpin and have been further exacerbated by the subsequent resignation of Amtrak's watchdog Fred E. Weiderhold, the International Trade Commission's termination of Inspector General Judith Gwynn's contract and the Treasury Department's request for a ruling on how much power it has over Neil M. Barofsky, the special inspector general overseeing the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program.

Walpin told CNSNews that when the White House fired him with a paper-thin explanation following his investigation into Obama supporter Kevin Johnson, the mayor of Sacramento, it created "a chilling effect" on other inspectors general.

"The best way to handle that – aside from President Obama admitting that he made a mistake – is to have a congressional hearing so that all facts can be put out for the public to see," Walpin said.

U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., have already sent letters to the administration, demanding facts, records and explanations for its questionable dealings with the inspectors general. But Walpin believes only a congressional hearing will reveal the whole story. …Continue Reading

And from the Delco Times:

Editorial: I.G.’s firing smells like political retribution
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The firing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin is raising some disturbing questions about President Barack Obama and his willingness to use his power to help political friends and punish perceived enemies.

As an I.G., Walpin was charged with investigating the misuse of federal funds. In one case he found that tens of thousands of dollars of AmeriCorps funds had been improperly spent by a community organization called St. HOPE.

The group was founded by Kevin Johnson, a former NBA player who recently got himself elected mayor of Sacramento.

Walpin found that St. HOPE and Johnson had misused thousands of an $850,000 federal grant, including dough that went to pay volunteers to engage in political activities, run personal errands for Johnson and even to wash his car.

Walpin had also been very critical of how $80 million in AmeriCorps funds had been spent by the City University of New York.

Both reports were embarrassing to big supporters of the president. AmeriCorps head Alan Solomont raised $800,000 for Obama’s presidential campaign and inauguration. Johnson is also a FOB (Friend of Barack’s).

No doubt, Walpin has made his share of enemies by aggressively doing his job of watchdogging taxpayer dollars.

After the White House gave Walpin the choice of being fired or turning in his resignation, something of a smear campaign followed…Continue Reading

ACORN (a corrupt Obama support organization) is going international.

From the Real Barack Obama RBO:

ACORN Int’l becomes COI

June 23, 2009 by Procrustes

ACORN Intl logoThe Washington Examiner’s Kevin Mooney reported June 21 that the organization formerly known as ACORN International — in an obvious attempt to shed its “tarnished” name — has officially become “Community Organizations International” (COI).

Do not be confused. This is not ACORN, it is ACORN International, a separate organization.

Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck did a segment June 22 with former ACORN board members Ron Sykes and Coya Mobley, who said ACORN may have changed its name but has kept its “plantation mentality”. (There was more to this interview but it has not been posted to YouTube yet. RBO will add the rest if it becomes available.)...Continue Reading

Just a reminder of the kind of government Obama is creating comes from The Examiner:

Obama's 'high crimes and misdemeanors'
June 19, 3:43 PM • Anthony G. Martin - Columbia Conservative Examiner

According to the provisions of the U.S. Constitution, Congress has the power to impeach and remove from office any President that is charged and found guilty of 'high crimes and misdemeanors.' The term encompasses felonies and other unlawful acts that are not considered felonies.

Barack Obama has a truckload of problems on his hands. He has enacted policies that fit the description of impeachable offenses. He can be thankful that Congress is controlled by his partners-in-crime, or else he would be facing serious charges.
Let's take a look at some of his offenses, shall we? …Continue Reading

Larry Sinclair has a book update up Monday.

Monday, June 22, 2009

As promised I have spent the weekend making the spacing adjustments needed on the book and have added the other corrections. I have submitted the Cover file for the necessary adjustments (increase of spine width) and expect to have it back by tomorrow morning for uploading.

On Tuesday I plan to upload the corrected files for final approval and the start of printing. When I said I am "very proud" last Friday what I am proud of is the fact that I have completed this book even though I have been attacked, threatened, harassed, and lied about non-stop. I am proud because I have told the truth and refuse to back down from the truth. I am proud because no matter what anyone says about me or tries to do to me, I can say I stood by the truth and refused to be intimidated.

It has been brought to my attention over the weekend that some have made claims as to the Books contents. Well, I can tell you that it is truthful, factual and has already caused some to publish admissions to their criminal activities of the past year in attempting to shut me up. Admissions of using my name and social security number in identification fraud, which people claimed I was making up when reported here last year. I guess as the saying goes, "Save the Last Dance for Me!"

Below is the final page from the Book

Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?
...Continue Reading

The following quote is from a commenter on Larry Sinclair's site that reminds people why Mr. Sinclair started on his journey.

Anonymous Al said...

This was never about making a personal attack upon Obama. As I recall it, all Mr. Sinclair initially sought to do in the Fall of 2007 was reach out to Mr. Obama, so he could refresh Mr. Obama's memory about his actual chronological illegal-drug use timeline.

Mr. Obama's campaign handlers' timeline suggested that his past illegal drug use was thirty years hence while in his youth, where Mr. Sinclair wanted that illegal drug use timeline to reflect a more recent use in 1999...

Somehow, in an effort to thrawt and marginalize Mr. Sinclair, persons yet to be determined within the Obama camp may have enlisted the aid of Mr. Young as a go between to determine if Mr. Sinclair would share his up close and personal storyline with others...possibly derailing/tarnishing the squeaky clean imagine they wished to present of Obama...

It'll be interesting to read this revealing book and finally connect some dots.

There are times in life when a standing ovation is appropriate... Given Mr. Sinclair's tenacity and determination in his own classic David vs. Goliath battle, where he was mocked, ridiculed, and threatened by a jeering enemy), he delivered on his promise. Take a bow, Mr. Sinclair.

Now if only those telepromter words could deliver more than more words...have to admit though, Obama is a good talker...

June 22, 2009 1:59 PM

Support Freedom - Boycott General Motors (GM)