Sunday, November 2, 2008

Obama's Grandmother says Obama Born in Kenya

This is from CitizenWells:

Sarah Obama tape, Obama born in Kenya, Proof, Obama grandmother, Philip J Berg tape, Sarah Obama present at Obama Kenyan birth, Affadavit, Tape transcript

November 1, 2008 ·

Larry Sinclair is posting the transcript of the real Sarah Obama tape stating she was present when Barack Obama was born in Kenya. A fake tape has been circulating on the internet for the past several days. Larry Sinclair
received the affadavit and transcript from Philip J Berg who was waiting to translate and authenticate the tape.

Here is Larry Sinclair’s explanation regarding the fake tape:

I put up a post telling people yesterday a “video” link claiming to be the “smoking gun….” was not associated with Phil Berg and was in fact a scam just like the Axelrod orchestrated API fraud.

People said I was wrong, that it was a Berg video.

Maybe this will make it clear I only post things that I know to be true.

Hi Larry,

You were correct, that is not Obama’s grandmother
saying the words the video claims. See below.

Attached Message

Subject:Bogus video
Date:Sat, 01 Nov 2008
07:17:55 -0700

Phil & Lisa,

I have viewed the Youtube video claiming to translate what Obama’s grandmother is saying and I believe it is bogus. The on screen script showing “nate dhalani” is not a recognized swahili phrase, and neither word is recognized as a swahlili word. I tried watching her mouth, and what is in the audio does not match anything.

For her to say “Barack was born here”, she would say “Barack zaliwa hapa”. For her to say, “he was born in this village”, she would say “zaliwa za kijiji hi”. I would put something out distancing ourselves from this video. I think it is an Obama attempt to get Phil’s name connected to a bogus translation.

Bishop McRae
Anabaptists Churches of North America”

View the sworn affadavit and transcript and listen to the audio here:

Help Philip J Berg uphold the Constitution:

End of CitizenWell's Post

Where is the media? AWOL

The Media's behavior is shameful. What about the allegations that Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual gay sex with Larry Sinclair in November of 1999? Will the MSM stop taking sides in the election and do their jobs? Will they investigate Mr. Sinclair's allegations? Will they dig into Obama’s past as hard as they have jumped on Sarah Palin? Will they look deeply into Obama's relationships with William Ayers, Rev. Wright, Tony Rezko, Acorn, and all the rest? Will they look into the Democratic involvement in Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac failures? Will they call Sen. Obama to task for his possible violations of the Logan Act in Iraq and Kenya?