The BOPAC Report -
I will be away for at least 3 weeks. I will not have any Internet or email access for this period. I will be back as soon as I can. Take care and keep paying attention! Zach Jones
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Larry Sinclair's Book - "Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair - Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?" - Available March 1 at Bookstores Near You - The BOPAC Report
The BOPAC Report:
Larry Sinclair has some big news today. His Book “BARACK OBAMA & LARRY SINCLAIR Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?” will be available to book stores on March 1, 2009! Congratulations Mr. Sinclair!
Larry Sinclair has some big news today. His Book “BARACK OBAMA & LARRY SINCLAIR Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?” will be available to book stores on March 1, 2009! Congratulations Mr. Sinclair!
From Larry Sinclair:
Thursday, February 12, 2009
(Updated @ 11:48 PM EST 2-12-09) The book will be available on March 1, 2009 for Book Stores. Approximately four weeks later the book will be available through Vantage Press. So to the idiot who just sent your misinformed comment, this book will indeed be available on Book Store shelves promoted by a major publisher. I am simply moving things up for those who want to obtain the book sooner.
As stated repeatedly, those who ordered a signed/numbered copy of
Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?
will have received your copies prior to the book being available to book stores.
The book will be available to book stores on March 1, 2009. Those interested in purchasing a copy from your local Borders, Barnes & Noble…Continue Reading
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Obama - U.S. Military - Captain Barnett - Birth Certificate - Eligibility - Orly Taitz - Philip Berg - The BOPAC Report
The BOPAC Report:
I hope those serving in the U. S. military will follow the example of Captain Barnett and ask the hard questions, especially those raised by Dr. Orly Taitz and Phil Berg in their lawsuits, wherever and whenever you can. It appears that Congress is turning a deaf ear to civilians, so you in the military may be the only people in America that will be listened to. (See Dr. Orly's site and Plilip Berg's site for reference.)
This is from Betrayal:
UPDATED Letter (Dr. Orly) received by Captain Barnett from Jay Macklin, General counsel of Department of Justice
Posted on February 12th, 2009 by David-Crockett
See at Defend Our Freedoms Foundation
U.S. Department of Justice
Executive Office for United States Attorneys
General Counsel’s Office Washington, D C 20530
FEB -4 2009
This responds to your January 13,2009 faxed letters to President George W. Bush and Patrick Fitzgerald at the Office of Special Counsel in which you ask both men to investigate President Barack Obama for treason, forgery, and campaign finance fraud. Because of the nature of your request, your letter was forwarded to the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, Department of Justice, for a response.
Your letter contains many allegations questioning the nationality and citizenship status of President Barack Obama, and therefore, the potential illegality of his presidency. The crimes which you directly or indirectly accuse President Obama of committing include forgery of his Hawaii birth certificate, using a campaign operative to forge his passport documents, and the illegal acceptance of campaign funds from foreign contributors.
While these allegations warrant an investigation, they have been directed to the wrong agency. You may wish to report these allegations of campaign finance fraud to the Federal Election Commission. You can find their telephone number online or you may write to the FEC at the following address:
Federal Election Commission
999 E Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20463
We appreciate the involvement of citizens such as yourself who take an active interest in their government.
Jay Macklin
General Counsel
I hope those serving in the U. S. military will follow the example of Captain Barnett and ask the hard questions, especially those raised by Dr. Orly Taitz and Phil Berg in their lawsuits, wherever and whenever you can. It appears that Congress is turning a deaf ear to civilians, so you in the military may be the only people in America that will be listened to. (See Dr. Orly's site and Plilip Berg's site for reference.)
This is from Betrayal:
UPDATED Letter (Dr. Orly) received by Captain Barnett from Jay Macklin, General counsel of Department of Justice
Posted on February 12th, 2009 by David-Crockett
See at Defend Our Freedoms Foundation
U.S. Department of Justice
Executive Office for United States Attorneys
General Counsel’s Office Washington, D C 20530
FEB -4 2009
This responds to your January 13,2009 faxed letters to President George W. Bush and Patrick Fitzgerald at the Office of Special Counsel in which you ask both men to investigate President Barack Obama for treason, forgery, and campaign finance fraud. Because of the nature of your request, your letter was forwarded to the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, Department of Justice, for a response.
Your letter contains many allegations questioning the nationality and citizenship status of President Barack Obama, and therefore, the potential illegality of his presidency. The crimes which you directly or indirectly accuse President Obama of committing include forgery of his Hawaii birth certificate, using a campaign operative to forge his passport documents, and the illegal acceptance of campaign funds from foreign contributors.
While these allegations warrant an investigation, they have been directed to the wrong agency. You may wish to report these allegations of campaign finance fraud to the Federal Election Commission. You can find their telephone number online or you may write to the FEC at the following address:
Federal Election Commission
999 E Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20463
We appreciate the involvement of citizens such as yourself who take an active interest in their government.
Jay Macklin
General Counsel
Obama - Stimulus - Dark of Night Legislation - Rewarding Bad Behavior - Tinkering With Risk By Congress - The BOPAC Report
The BOPAC Report:
I wrote Common Sense Regarding the Bailout during the election and at the time of the FIRST bailout. It remains true today for this "Stimulus" Bill that is being created in secret, hastily, and acting a vehicle for what should be separate legislation deserving public discussion. This stimulus bill is much more about payback to Democrat constituencies than it is as real economic stimulus.
Doing nothing will do much more for the economy than the efforts of the Foxes who are guarding the hen house, CONGRESS.
Common Sense Regarding The Bailout
Rule One: If you reward bad behavior, you get bad behavior.
In the news this week and probably in the weeks to come is the financial mess that threatens the U.S. economy. I sincerely hope that all parties (Congress, Wall Street, & Taxpayers) will take just a little time to consider the common sense lessons that most of us know to be true. The most important rule in shaping behavior is that if you reward bad behavior you will get more bad behavior.
Once we look past the spin the election and media are putting on this issue, we will find common sense pointing to a clear violation of the basic rule about rewarding bad behavior.
For years and years, bankers relied on time honored rules concerning the lending of money for purchasing houses. These rules included the following:
· Never lend more than a borrower can afford to repay;
· Never lend 100% of the value of the home because it important for the borrower to have a financial stake in the purchase and if home value goes down in the short term the banker’s risk will remain secured; and,
· If a loan has any possibility of remaining as a bank asset, make damn sure the first two rules are followed.
The current financial mess clearly stems from numerous legislative actions that effected the latter of these guiding principles in mortgage lending. Historically, risk to the mortgage lender and to the borrower (the possibility of losing equity) had kept this system secure and rolling along for years.
Congress, a few decades ago, decided to tinker with the system and the result was that risk was shifted from where it belongs. The Community Reinvestment Act was passed in 1977 and bankers who might have wanted to expand were effectively required to make numerous loans in neighborhoods where the property values were less stable (more risk) and to borrowers who were less likely to be able to repay these loans (more risk). More and more regulations were passed by Congress that further added to this change in the amount of risk that banks were exposed.
Under this Act, bank expansions could be held up by complaints from community groups such as ACORN. This gave such groups enormous leverage to threaten and extort lenders into make riskier and riskier loans.
Then in came Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac buying up the questionable loans (sub-prime) and encouraging more and more lending in unstable areas, to borrowers of questionable means. Fannie and Freddy then bundled up the risky loans and resold them on the world market. Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac had rewarded the banks’ bad lending practices by assuming their risk. The banks seeing their risk disappear were freed of the historic check on bad lending practices – LOSS. You know the rest of the story.
Well actually, many will buy into the spin that Sen. Obama and the Democratic leadership are trying to put out – that all of these problems lie at the feet of the Republicans and their not wanting regulation. This is blatantly a distortion of the facts.
If fact, Republican leadership has for the past couple of decades have tried to reign in Fannie Mae’s and Freddy Mac’s irresponsible manipulation of the financial markets. In 2005, Sen. McCain was a co-sponsor of legislation that would have, most likely, prevented this crisis. However, this legislation was blocked by Democrats. Understandably, the media has been reluctant to give Sen. McCain the credit he deserves given that they are wholeheartedly supporting Sen. Obama.
Sen. Obama’s guiding principle of “Obama First” will not allow him to tell voters about the real story of Democratic responsibility for this crisis. Additionally, Sen. Obama has extensive ties to those who led Fannie Mae on its path to fiscal crisis and to ACORN, a group that put incredible pressure on lenders to make risky loans.
The shift in risk away from lenders primarily resulted from Democratic policy initiatives aimed at getting more home ownership in minority neighborhoods. However well intentioned, these initiatives are a root cause the financial crisis we are now facing. Congress was incompetent by not being able to recognize the predictable consequences of their interference with this industry.
So what does common sense tell us about the need for a bailout?
First of all, there is plenty of blame to go around:
* Congress created the shift of risk that occurred and rewarded the bad lending practices by allowing the purchase these loans by Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac.
* Bankers should have held fast to their understanding of sound lending practices and tried harder to resist Congress’s drive to riskier loans.
* Groups like ACORN insisted that banks make loans to borrowers who lacked the ability to repay these loans.
* Borrowers should have resisted making loans that they were unlikely to be able to repay.
* The media should have alerted the voters about the real situation at Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac.
* Voters should have voted out the people who caused this financial mess years ago.
Second, the House of Representative did a good thing voting down the bailout.
“The American people rejected this bailout and now Congress did likewise,” said U.S. Rep. Mike Pence
Many times legislation that is enacted is such haste will be susceptible to serious defects and inclusion of hidden provisions.
Third, a bailout that rewards bad behavior will get more bad behavior on the part of business. Executives of banks that are involved in this bailout should not be rewarded with golden parachutes. Groups like ACORN must not receive any benefits under any bailout or rescue package. Borrowers who were not misled by lenders and those who were involved in buying homes for investment purposes should take their loss and move on. Members of Congress who encouraged, facilitated and/or concealed the problems with Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac should resign or be voted out of office. A non-partisan investigation should be required to investigate the failure of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac; and those who are guilty of wrong doing should go to jail. This is common sense.
Forth, any rescue package must require transparency and sound lending practices.
“It is now imperative that Congress come together and develop a response to the crisis facing our financial markets that reflects the American people’s belief in personal responsibility and fiscal discipline.” — Rep. Mike Pence, Republican.
Fifth, any package that is passed should not result in a Federal takeover of the financial industry. It is clear that the government and politics is the main culprit in the story of financial collapse and it should not be trusted to manage this industry in a responsible manner. Something along the lines of the extension FDIC insurance and loans to banks would be preferable. (After the Enron mess, Congress hastily required that assets be valued to market and this good intentioned regulation has exacerbated the current situation. When valued at today’s market, mortgages look worthless.) Allowing banks to value their assets in terms of what the market will be some time in the future could take some pressure off the markets and each individual bank’s portfolio. Politicians are not financial experts and many times they pass regulations that do more harm.
U.S. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, declared that the bailout might put the nation on the “slippery slope to socialism.”
Sixth, voters should be told the real story by the media.
Unfortunately, voters and tax payers will not be able to trust the media to provide accurate information. This election cycle has resulted in creating a media cheerleading section for Sen. Obama and Democrats. The media is refusing to look at any issue that may reflect badly against Sen. Obama.
The Media’s behavior thus far has been shameful. What about the allegations that Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual gay sex with Larry Sinclair in November of 1999? Will the MSM stop taking sides in the election and do their jobs? Will they investigate Mr. Sinclair’s allegations? Will they dig into Obama’s past as hard as they have jumped on Sarah Palin? Will they look deeply into Obama’s relationships with William Ayers, Rev. Wright, Tony Rezko, Acorn, and all the rest? Will they look into the Democratic involvement in Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac failures? Will they call Sen. Obama to task for his possible violation of the Logan Act? Will they look into the allegations made in Berg v. Obama that he is not eligible to be President? Probably Not.
In conclusion, it is clear that something needs to be done soon. However, whatever is done must be based on facts and common sense; and not politics.
I wrote Common Sense Regarding the Bailout during the election and at the time of the FIRST bailout. It remains true today for this "Stimulus" Bill that is being created in secret, hastily, and acting a vehicle for what should be separate legislation deserving public discussion. This stimulus bill is much more about payback to Democrat constituencies than it is as real economic stimulus.
Doing nothing will do much more for the economy than the efforts of the Foxes who are guarding the hen house, CONGRESS.
Common Sense Regarding The Bailout
Rule One: If you reward bad behavior, you get bad behavior.
In the news this week and probably in the weeks to come is the financial mess that threatens the U.S. economy. I sincerely hope that all parties (Congress, Wall Street, & Taxpayers) will take just a little time to consider the common sense lessons that most of us know to be true. The most important rule in shaping behavior is that if you reward bad behavior you will get more bad behavior.
Once we look past the spin the election and media are putting on this issue, we will find common sense pointing to a clear violation of the basic rule about rewarding bad behavior.
For years and years, bankers relied on time honored rules concerning the lending of money for purchasing houses. These rules included the following:
· Never lend more than a borrower can afford to repay;
· Never lend 100% of the value of the home because it important for the borrower to have a financial stake in the purchase and if home value goes down in the short term the banker’s risk will remain secured; and,
· If a loan has any possibility of remaining as a bank asset, make damn sure the first two rules are followed.
The current financial mess clearly stems from numerous legislative actions that effected the latter of these guiding principles in mortgage lending. Historically, risk to the mortgage lender and to the borrower (the possibility of losing equity) had kept this system secure and rolling along for years.
Congress, a few decades ago, decided to tinker with the system and the result was that risk was shifted from where it belongs. The Community Reinvestment Act was passed in 1977 and bankers who might have wanted to expand were effectively required to make numerous loans in neighborhoods where the property values were less stable (more risk) and to borrowers who were less likely to be able to repay these loans (more risk). More and more regulations were passed by Congress that further added to this change in the amount of risk that banks were exposed.
Under this Act, bank expansions could be held up by complaints from community groups such as ACORN. This gave such groups enormous leverage to threaten and extort lenders into make riskier and riskier loans.
Then in came Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac buying up the questionable loans (sub-prime) and encouraging more and more lending in unstable areas, to borrowers of questionable means. Fannie and Freddy then bundled up the risky loans and resold them on the world market. Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac had rewarded the banks’ bad lending practices by assuming their risk. The banks seeing their risk disappear were freed of the historic check on bad lending practices – LOSS. You know the rest of the story.
Well actually, many will buy into the spin that Sen. Obama and the Democratic leadership are trying to put out – that all of these problems lie at the feet of the Republicans and their not wanting regulation. This is blatantly a distortion of the facts.
If fact, Republican leadership has for the past couple of decades have tried to reign in Fannie Mae’s and Freddy Mac’s irresponsible manipulation of the financial markets. In 2005, Sen. McCain was a co-sponsor of legislation that would have, most likely, prevented this crisis. However, this legislation was blocked by Democrats. Understandably, the media has been reluctant to give Sen. McCain the credit he deserves given that they are wholeheartedly supporting Sen. Obama.
Sen. Obama’s guiding principle of “Obama First” will not allow him to tell voters about the real story of Democratic responsibility for this crisis. Additionally, Sen. Obama has extensive ties to those who led Fannie Mae on its path to fiscal crisis and to ACORN, a group that put incredible pressure on lenders to make risky loans.
The shift in risk away from lenders primarily resulted from Democratic policy initiatives aimed at getting more home ownership in minority neighborhoods. However well intentioned, these initiatives are a root cause the financial crisis we are now facing. Congress was incompetent by not being able to recognize the predictable consequences of their interference with this industry.
So what does common sense tell us about the need for a bailout?
First of all, there is plenty of blame to go around:
* Congress created the shift of risk that occurred and rewarded the bad lending practices by allowing the purchase these loans by Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac.
* Bankers should have held fast to their understanding of sound lending practices and tried harder to resist Congress’s drive to riskier loans.
* Groups like ACORN insisted that banks make loans to borrowers who lacked the ability to repay these loans.
* Borrowers should have resisted making loans that they were unlikely to be able to repay.
* The media should have alerted the voters about the real situation at Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac.
* Voters should have voted out the people who caused this financial mess years ago.
Second, the House of Representative did a good thing voting down the bailout.
“The American people rejected this bailout and now Congress did likewise,” said U.S. Rep. Mike Pence
Many times legislation that is enacted is such haste will be susceptible to serious defects and inclusion of hidden provisions.
Third, a bailout that rewards bad behavior will get more bad behavior on the part of business. Executives of banks that are involved in this bailout should not be rewarded with golden parachutes. Groups like ACORN must not receive any benefits under any bailout or rescue package. Borrowers who were not misled by lenders and those who were involved in buying homes for investment purposes should take their loss and move on. Members of Congress who encouraged, facilitated and/or concealed the problems with Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac should resign or be voted out of office. A non-partisan investigation should be required to investigate the failure of Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac; and those who are guilty of wrong doing should go to jail. This is common sense.
Forth, any rescue package must require transparency and sound lending practices.
“It is now imperative that Congress come together and develop a response to the crisis facing our financial markets that reflects the American people’s belief in personal responsibility and fiscal discipline.” — Rep. Mike Pence, Republican.
Fifth, any package that is passed should not result in a Federal takeover of the financial industry. It is clear that the government and politics is the main culprit in the story of financial collapse and it should not be trusted to manage this industry in a responsible manner. Something along the lines of the extension FDIC insurance and loans to banks would be preferable. (After the Enron mess, Congress hastily required that assets be valued to market and this good intentioned regulation has exacerbated the current situation. When valued at today’s market, mortgages look worthless.) Allowing banks to value their assets in terms of what the market will be some time in the future could take some pressure off the markets and each individual bank’s portfolio. Politicians are not financial experts and many times they pass regulations that do more harm.
U.S. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, declared that the bailout might put the nation on the “slippery slope to socialism.”
Sixth, voters should be told the real story by the media.
Unfortunately, voters and tax payers will not be able to trust the media to provide accurate information. This election cycle has resulted in creating a media cheerleading section for Sen. Obama and Democrats. The media is refusing to look at any issue that may reflect badly against Sen. Obama.
The Media’s behavior thus far has been shameful. What about the allegations that Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual gay sex with Larry Sinclair in November of 1999? Will the MSM stop taking sides in the election and do their jobs? Will they investigate Mr. Sinclair’s allegations? Will they dig into Obama’s past as hard as they have jumped on Sarah Palin? Will they look deeply into Obama’s relationships with William Ayers, Rev. Wright, Tony Rezko, Acorn, and all the rest? Will they look into the Democratic involvement in Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac failures? Will they call Sen. Obama to task for his possible violation of the Logan Act? Will they look into the allegations made in Berg v. Obama that he is not eligible to be President? Probably Not.
In conclusion, it is clear that something needs to be done soon. However, whatever is done must be based on facts and common sense; and not politics.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Democrat Midnight Power Play - Reed - Pelosi Shut Out Republican Input - Someone Tried to Orchestrate Collapse of US Economy to Aid Obama?
The BOPAC Report:
Obama's new politics my left foot. This is a disgusting attempt to not have any Republican input into the Stimulus Conference.
From Texas Darlin:
Obama's new politics my left foot. This is a disgusting attempt to not have any Republican input into the Stimulus Conference.
Republicans Shut Out of Stimulus Conference Negotiations
by Connie Hair (more by this author)
Posted 02/11/2009 ET
Updated 02/11/2009 ET
Republicans have caught the Democrats in a midnight “stimulus” power play that seeks to cut Republican conferees out of the House-Senate negotiations to resolve a final version of the Obama “stimulus” package. Staff members from the offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) met last night to put together the “stimulus” conference report.
They intend to attempt to shove this $1.3 trillion spending bill through in the dead of the night without Republican input so floor action can take place in both chambers on Thursday....Continue Reading
From Texas Darlin:
Sept. 08: Someone tried to orchestrate the collapse of US/world financial & political systems
February 11, 2009 by texasdarlin
© 2009 TexasDarlin/TD Blog
h/t Atlas
Who wanted Obama to win that badly, and WHY?
“…Here’s the facts….On Thursday (Sept. 15, 2008 ) at about 11:00 in the morning, the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw-down of money market accounts in the United States….to the tune of Five-Hundred-and-Fifty Billion Dollars…was being drawn out in the matter of an hour or two…”
“…..Someone threw us in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean without a life raft….”
– Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D Penn), explaining the September bailout...Continue at TexasDarlin's Site
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tennessee Legislator Joins Action Against Obama - Dr. Orly Taitz - Larry Sinclair Comments on Obama's Press Conference
The BOPAC Report:
Dr. Orly Taitz has garnered the support of a State Legislator. Dr. Orly is asking that everyone download the image and take to your state representatives to seek their support!
From Dr. Orly Taitz Site:
I just finished surfing the web and saw that Larry Sinclair watched Mr. Obama's three- card monte act last night.

Larry - Just to let you know, I went over to HillBuzz for a few minutes and you have support there! I heard that Glenn Beck has something going on where people send in photos if they believe 7 of 9 things that Glenn says. You should have a I Believe Larry site for people to send in photos. Well maybe not. The Cult might hunt people down!
Dr. Orly Taitz has garnered the support of a State Legislator. Dr. Orly is asking that everyone download the image and take to your state representatives to seek their support!
From Dr. Orly Taitz Site:
First State Representative Joins Action!
Representative Eric Swafford of Tennessee has agreed to be a Plaintiff in a legal action of Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ to demand that Barack Obama proves his eligibility.
Download a copy of Representative Swafford's consent form and bring it to your representatives today and insist they join in this action.
Representative Swafford proposed bill for Tennessee's soveignty yesterday.
More States are expected to follow soon.
I just finished surfing the web and saw that Larry Sinclair watched Mr. Obama's three- card monte act last night.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
After painfully watching the almost one hour Obama show last night I was amazed at how he used a prime time press conference to tell bold faced lies.
First: Contrary to Obama's claim that "Tax Cuts" over the past eight years are the cause of the nations current economic crisis, the fact is that during the Bush Administration we enjoy strong economic growth up until the last two of his eight year term. In addition, "Tax Cuts" had nothing to do with the current economy but in fact Barney Frank and Chris Dodds demanding home loans be made to people who had no income source to pay their house payments and the likes of the Penny Pritzkers who made a fortune off of sub-prime lending practices and then let the very banks failure the reason for the nations current economic crisis in the US....Continue Reading
Larry - Just to let you know, I went over to HillBuzz for a few minutes and you have support there! I heard that Glenn Beck has something going on where people send in photos if they believe 7 of 9 things that Glenn says. You should have a I Believe Larry site for people to send in photos. Well maybe not. The Cult might hunt people down!
julianne Says:
February 10, 2009 at 12:25 pm
chandler Says:
February 10, 2009 at 12:35 pm
I believe Larry Sinclair, too.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Obama - The Fairness Doctrine - Eligibility Issues - Media Bias - CitizenWells - Accountability
The BOPAC Report:
Danger Will Robinson! I read World Net Daily's piece about "The Fairness Doctrine's" possible return under the BOPAC Administration and the words from Lost In Space jumped out, "Danger Will Robinson!"
There is a danger and the danger is that Americans are only going to have available one version of the "news". To anyone who has studied the rise of Obama, it is clear that the Main Stream Media is operating in lock step with Obama's talking points and ignoring anything else that negatively impacts the Obama "Fairy Tale."
This is a CRITICAL issue "The Unfairness Doctrine", and Americans MUST not submit to, agree to or sit on the sidelines! The draconian limits on free speech that will be ushered in under the guise of rhetorical romance language such as "Fairness" will put all of America's rights and freedoms in jeopardy. It's like voters choosing the ideal of "Change" without adequately investigating the messenger, Obama, or the details of the message.
The issue of Free Speech and the impact of the "Unfairness Doctrine" is being expressed in various articles today!
The Post Chronicle illustrates the need for alternatives to the Main Stream Media because they continue to fail to do their jobs.
And from CitizenWells, he talks about accountability:
As the media continues to ignore the legal challenges such as Berg v Obama, Hollister v Barry Soetoro, Lightfoot v Bowen, and the 30 or so others, the MSM appears more and more committed to the Obama Fairy Tale. As the media continues to ignore the Rezko connections, Gov. Blagojevich, Ayers, Rev. Wright, and Larry Sinclair, the MSM appears more and more committed to the Obama Fairy Talk.
People are just beginning to wake up; and as they do,the Main Stream Media's viewership and readership continues to slip, but the media remains committed to the Obama Fairy Tale. I sincerely hope the MSM will soon have a "Come to Jesus" moment and start reporting all of the news in a fair and balanced manner. As for this moment, the Obama Fairy Tale continues.
Danger Will Robinson! I read World Net Daily's piece about "The Fairness Doctrine's" possible return under the BOPAC Administration and the words from Lost In Space jumped out, "Danger Will Robinson!"
There is a danger and the danger is that Americans are only going to have available one version of the "news". To anyone who has studied the rise of Obama, it is clear that the Main Stream Media is operating in lock step with Obama's talking points and ignoring anything else that negatively impacts the Obama "Fairy Tale."
This is a CRITICAL issue "The Unfairness Doctrine", and Americans MUST not submit to, agree to or sit on the sidelines! The draconian limits on free speech that will be ushered in under the guise of rhetorical romance language such as "Fairness" will put all of America's rights and freedoms in jeopardy. It's like voters choosing the ideal of "Change" without adequately investigating the messenger, Obama, or the details of the message.
New 'Fairness Doctrine' seen
as threat to Christian radio
Would Gospel need to be 'balanced'
with Islamic, atheist programming?
Posted: February 07, 2009
Frank Wright
WASHINGTON – As the National Religious Broadcasters convened today in Nashville, an ominous shroud cast by political chatter about the reimposition of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" in the nation's capital hung over the gathering.
NRB President Frank Wright said he sees the move as a credible threat under a Democrat-dominated Congress and with President Obama in the White House.
"And we have a personal concern," Wright told Broadcasting & Cable. "The only radio station that ever lost its license under the fairness doctrine regime was a Christian radio station in Red Lion, Pa. We are only responding now to the statements the Democrats themselves are making."
Representing 1,400 organizations, including large ministries and TV and radio stations, NRB said it is "girding itself for a major battle over broadcasting freedoms," and was prepared to go to court, lobby Congress, or take its message to the public.
"We have talked before about many of these issues, but now, with the shift in the political landscape, I think these same things have a much higher probability of being enacted or at least having legislation and hearings and debates, and on the regulation side at the FCC," said Wright....Continue Reading
The issue of Free Speech and the impact of the "Unfairness Doctrine" is being expressed in various articles today!
The Post Chronicle illustrates the need for alternatives to the Main Stream Media because they continue to fail to do their jobs.
Daily Kos, Factcheck And Snopes Or How To Vet A Presidential Candidate
by Rev Bresciani
Even though the main stream media ignores the Obama birth certificate controversy it still rages on the internet in articles and blogs. Is it extraneous nonsense, conspiracy claptrap and internet hype. Not by a long shot. Here's why.
Because of the Supreme Courts refusal to hear the cases put before them after conferencing them the speculation about Obama's missing documents including his signed birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, the mystery grows, the intrigue is compelling and the arguments have become the most volatile on the web.
In the absence of judicial intervention all the questioners and petitioners have only one avenue of recourse and that is to keep plugging away. With new cases arising and old cases still pending the latest thrust is to approach legislators with the question.
Often overlooked is the simple wisdom used in the logic of both the main stream media and the naysayers in general. In fact the very premise the naysayers are basing their argument on should be turned on them to be most effective. What is that argument?
If the main stream media completely ignores the whole matter it looks like it is no more than the ranting of a few conspiracy theorists and discontented blogospherians. It is a way of saying that the internet hasn't a clue and bloggers are just blabbermouths to start with so how could they possibly approach the dignity and acceptability of the of the msm? This idea should be set against the pompous for the greatest effect. That argument goes like this.
It was not the Supreme Court that vetted Obama, not the state courts, not the election commissions, not the attorneys general, not the legislature, not the DNC and not the Hawaii Office of Vital Statistics. Just who did vet Barack Obama? You guessed it, the internet!
The document Obama and the DNC offered which is now alleged to be fraudulent was posted only to the internet. The Daily Kos may be the high holy blog spot for space mountain type ego-centric wordsmithing, foul language and liberal blather but it is not the Supreme Court. Snopes and Factcheck are pretty close neighbors to the Kos. Regardless of who owns these sites they are merely more of the same; the internet!
When the msm, the DNC or anyone else tries to portray the Obama documentation activists as a group of conspiracy enthusiasts limited to the undisciplined ravings of the internet it is truly the pot calling the kettle black....Continue Reading
And from CitizenWells, he talks about accountability:
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and
lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
“Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be
maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.”
“The people will save their government, if the government itself
will allow them.”
Abraham Lincoln
...You, I and most Americans have let this happen. Like the frog slowly
cooking in a pot of water, not realizing that it is being cooked, we
have allowed our institutions, like Congress and the Judicial as well
as the MSM, to cook our brains into a stupor of submission. Television
screens, just like the screens in the homes of “1984″ have brought us
just the “news” that the modern day Big Brother, the Obama Camp, wants
us to hear. Revisionist history and adoration of Big Brother...Continue Reading
As the media continues to ignore the legal challenges such as Berg v Obama, Hollister v Barry Soetoro, Lightfoot v Bowen, and the 30 or so others, the MSM appears more and more committed to the Obama Fairy Tale. As the media continues to ignore the Rezko connections, Gov. Blagojevich, Ayers, Rev. Wright, and Larry Sinclair, the MSM appears more and more committed to the Obama Fairy Talk.
People are just beginning to wake up; and as they do,the Main Stream Media's viewership and readership continues to slip, but the media remains committed to the Obama Fairy Tale. I sincerely hope the MSM will soon have a "Come to Jesus" moment and start reporting all of the news in a fair and balanced manner. As for this moment, the Obama Fairy Tale continues.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Obama Pitchen and Catchen Putin's Love - The BOPAC Report - Larry Sinclair
The BOPAC Report:
Will Barack Obama be Pitchen and Catchen Putin's love? Larry Sinclair says that he heard it from good authority that he is very experienced in "Pitchen and Catchen".
What have America's voters done? Israel will be destroyed for some idealistic nonsensical rhetorical verbiage called "Change"! Change America and Israel into a heap of rubble!
Russia rattles sabres in Obama’s direction
By Quentin Peel
Published: February 6 2009 17:20 | Last updated: February 6 2009 17:20
Russia may face a grim economic downturn but one would scarcely think so to judge by the sound of sabre-rattling emerging from the Kremlin. Unless, of course, it is intended as a domestic distraction from the gathering gloom.
The double-act of Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin has come up with a series of security initiatives that seem designed to provoke, or at least irritate, the new administration in Washington. Without even waiting to hear how President Barack Obama intends to conduct his relations with Moscow – something that Joe Biden, his vice-president, may well address on Saturday at the annual Munich Security Conference – the Russian leaders have thrown down the gauntlet.
Will Barack Obama be Pitchen and Catchen Putin's love? Larry Sinclair says that he heard it from good authority that he is very experienced in "Pitchen and Catchen".
What have America's voters done? Israel will be destroyed for some idealistic nonsensical rhetorical verbiage called "Change"! Change America and Israel into a heap of rubble!
Russia rattles sabres in Obama’s direction
By Quentin Peel
Published: February 6 2009 17:20 | Last updated: February 6 2009 17:20
Russia may face a grim economic downturn but one would scarcely think so to judge by the sound of sabre-rattling emerging from the Kremlin. Unless, of course, it is intended as a domestic distraction from the gathering gloom.
The double-act of Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin has come up with a series of security initiatives that seem designed to provoke, or at least irritate, the new administration in Washington. Without even waiting to hear how President Barack Obama intends to conduct his relations with Moscow – something that Joe Biden, his vice-president, may well address on Saturday at the annual Munich Security Conference – the Russian leaders have thrown down the gauntlet.
The BOPAC Report:
Thank you Talk Wisdom for the Reminder:
President Reagan was a Great President and a "Natural Born Citizen!"
Thank you Talk Wisdom for the Reminder:
Reagan: A Birthday Tribute
Today, we remember and celebrate the birthday and life of a great American President. Please go to this link at Newsmax to view a brief slideshow tribute to this great man.
Ronald Reagan quotes Which ones are your favorite?
President Reagan was a Great President and a "Natural Born Citizen!"
Obama & Billy Graham - Out of Work Reporters Seek Forgiveness - - The BOPAC Report
The BOPAC Report:
I thought I would post the last half of the long post at zachjonesishome here in case you missed it.
Mr. and Ms. Out-of-Work Reporter: This is your moment in time!
Did you see the News?
McClatchy reports 4Q loss on newspapers’ decline
Newspaper publisher McClatchy Co. reported a $21.7 million loss for the fourth quarter on Thursday, reflecting the declining value of its newspapers, and said it plans deep cost cuts this year.
CEO of struggling Sun-Times Media Group resigns
CHICAGO (AP) — Sun-Times Media Group Inc. Chief Executive Cyrus Freidheim said Wednesday he will resign at the end of the month.
This is YOUR moment!
It’s like you are at a Billy Graham crusade, the guy with the big voice is singing and Rev. Graham looks at the camera and asks everyone in the stadium to stop what they are doing and COME, come down in front to accept Jesus and ask forgiveness for their sins.

Don’t worry about your ex-coworkers, they’re still working. They’ll watch you to see what you are doing and what happens. COME. Make your way down from the towers, even if you are way up there on the top. COME. The world waits. America waits.
America knows that the media has been hiding the truth about Obama for these last couple of years. COME – It is your time to redeem yourself. America knows we don’t know very much about Obama’s relationships with Rezko, Ayers, & Larry Sinclair. COME, ask forgiveness and confess your secrets that the networks made you keep.
They can’t harm you now. COME. America knows that Obama is hiding something big about his birth certificate. COME and share your knowledge. The truth will set you free.
Imagine Rev. Graham turning to the camera again. He’s talking to all the people who called themselves reporters and journalists. He says, “See all your colleagues making their way down from their high and mighty places. They’re coming to the truth. Remember what that was like, valuing the truth.”
Dear friends, I know the devil of wealth and acclaim has rewarded you for so long. But you also know this; you too have paid a very high price. You have given him your soul. Your soul - the one that believed in journalism and reporting the truth no matter where it led.
It’s important to remember that when God closes a door, he always opens a window. Look for that window. Join with others and redeem yourselves with the truth and become journalists again.
Maybe, God will bless you with an audience, once you reaffirm your commitment to Journalism and Truth. That’s why your old jobs were lost; people looked to you for truth. When you only sold shades of truth or no truth at all, they turned away. Don’t worry. They’ll come back in time. But first, you need to COME and ask forgiveness and tell the truth that you and your researchers have hidden about Obama. God knows what’s in your heart. It’s truth screaming to come out. COME. Let’s be family again. COME.
--------------------------- lets us know what we are missing. Oh yeah, one more thing - we're missing a legitimate President.
I thought I would post the last half of the long post at zachjonesishome here in case you missed it.
Mr. and Ms. Out-of-Work Reporter: This is your moment in time!
Did you see the News?
McClatchy reports 4Q loss on newspapers’ decline
Newspaper publisher McClatchy Co. reported a $21.7 million loss for the fourth quarter on Thursday, reflecting the declining value of its newspapers, and said it plans deep cost cuts this year.
CEO of struggling Sun-Times Media Group resigns
CHICAGO (AP) — Sun-Times Media Group Inc. Chief Executive Cyrus Freidheim said Wednesday he will resign at the end of the month.
This is YOUR moment!
It’s like you are at a Billy Graham crusade, the guy with the big voice is singing and Rev. Graham looks at the camera and asks everyone in the stadium to stop what they are doing and COME, come down in front to accept Jesus and ask forgiveness for their sins.

Don’t worry about your ex-coworkers, they’re still working. They’ll watch you to see what you are doing and what happens. COME. Make your way down from the towers, even if you are way up there on the top. COME. The world waits. America waits.
America knows that the media has been hiding the truth about Obama for these last couple of years. COME – It is your time to redeem yourself. America knows we don’t know very much about Obama’s relationships with Rezko, Ayers, & Larry Sinclair. COME, ask forgiveness and confess your secrets that the networks made you keep.
They can’t harm you now. COME. America knows that Obama is hiding something big about his birth certificate. COME and share your knowledge. The truth will set you free.
Imagine Rev. Graham turning to the camera again. He’s talking to all the people who called themselves reporters and journalists. He says, “See all your colleagues making their way down from their high and mighty places. They’re coming to the truth. Remember what that was like, valuing the truth.”
Dear friends, I know the devil of wealth and acclaim has rewarded you for so long. But you also know this; you too have paid a very high price. You have given him your soul. Your soul - the one that believed in journalism and reporting the truth no matter where it led.
It’s important to remember that when God closes a door, he always opens a window. Look for that window. Join with others and redeem yourselves with the truth and become journalists again.
Maybe, God will bless you with an audience, once you reaffirm your commitment to Journalism and Truth. That’s why your old jobs were lost; people looked to you for truth. When you only sold shades of truth or no truth at all, they turned away. Don’t worry. They’ll come back in time. But first, you need to COME and ask forgiveness and tell the truth that you and your researchers have hidden about Obama. God knows what’s in your heart. It’s truth screaming to come out. COME. Let’s be family again. COME.
--------------------------- lets us know what we are missing. Oh yeah, one more thing - we're missing a legitimate President.
Go 48 years without releasing any documents and you too can be President!
Obama has lived for 48 years without leaving any footprints — none!
There is no Obama documentation — no records — no paper trail — None.
Original, vault copy birth certificate — Not released
Certificate of Live Birth — Released — Counterfeit
Obama/Dunham marriage license — Not released
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license — Not released
Soetoro adoption records — Not released
Fransiskus Assisi School School application — Released
Punahou School records — Not released
Selective Service Registration — Released — Counterfeit
Occidental College records — Not released
Passport (Pakistan) — Not released
Columbia College records — Not released
Columbia thesis — Not released
Harvard College records — Not released
Harvard Law Review articles — None (maybe 1, unsigned?)
Baptism certificate — None
Medical records — Not released
Illinois State Senate records — None
Illinois State Senate schedule — Lost
Law practice client list — Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles — None
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Obama's "Abortion World" View - Florida? - The BOPAC Report
The BOPAC Report:
Another reminder of what may become commonplace in Obama's World of Situational Ethics?
Another reminder of what may become commonplace in Obama's World of Situational Ethics?
02/05/09 02:15 PM
Fla. doctor investigated in badly botched abortion
Associated Press Writer
Eighteen and pregnant, Sycloria Williams went to an abortion clinic outside Miami and paid $1,200 for Dr. Pierre Jean-Jacque Renelique to terminate her 23-week pregnancy.
Three days later, she sat in a reclining chair, medicated to dilate her cervix and otherwise get her ready for the procedure.
Only Renelique didn't arrive in time. According to Williams and the Florida Department of Health, she went into labor and delivered a live baby girl.
What Williams and the Health Department say happened next has shocked people on both sides of the abortion debate: One of the clinic's owners, who has no medical license, cut the infant's umbilical cord. Williams says the woman placed the baby in a plastic biohazard bag and threw it out.
Police recovered the decomposing remains in a cardboard box a week later after getting anonymous tips....Continue Reading
Anyone regret their Obama vote yet?
Sovereignty for States - Tenth Amendment - Obama - The BOPAC Report
The BOPAC Report:
Doing civic duty -
If you're getting behind NH, MO, OK, and WA in their stand against the Federal gov't, Arizona is now on board, too!
Posted February 4th, 2009 by alwayssimon
Also see: NH, MO, OK, WA
REFERENCE TITLE: Sovereignty; Tenth Amendment. | HCR 2024
Introduced by
Representatives Burges, Ash, Biggs, Boone, Gowan, Mason, Montenegro, Pancrazi, Seel, Williams: Barto, Campbell CL, Court, Crandall, Crump, Driggs, Fleming, Goodale, Hendrix, Kavanagh, Lesko, McComish, McGuire, Miranda B, Murphy, Nichols, Pratt, Quelland, Stevens, Tobin, Weiers JP, Senator Harper
See it for yourself:
If you believe in "State Sovereignty", make sure that you bug the hell out of your representatives to pass legislation like this. Also in your letters make sure that you call attention to the efforts of these states. Make them feel that their is a strong movement towards enforcing sovereignty outside of your individual state. That will give your representatives the feeling that their not totally leaving the herd. We need to make a firm push to get these bills actually passed- I'm not talking passive action...I saying assert your own personal authority as a citizen of your state. The power of your state derives from you, just as the Federal government's power derives from the states. It is long since past time that we reassert this authority. State Sovereignty will give us back our greatest line of defense against oppressive Federal government! From there we really can reverse all the harm that has been done to this Republic!!!!!!
Doing civic duty -
If you're getting behind NH, MO, OK, and WA in their stand against the Federal gov't, Arizona is now on board, too!
Posted February 4th, 2009 by alwayssimon
Also see: NH, MO, OK, WA
REFERENCE TITLE: Sovereignty; Tenth Amendment. | HCR 2024
Introduced by
Representatives Burges, Ash, Biggs, Boone, Gowan, Mason, Montenegro, Pancrazi, Seel, Williams: Barto, Campbell CL, Court, Crandall, Crump, Driggs, Fleming, Goodale, Hendrix, Kavanagh, Lesko, McComish, McGuire, Miranda B, Murphy, Nichols, Pratt, Quelland, Stevens, Tobin, Weiers JP, Senator Harper
See it for yourself:
If you believe in "State Sovereignty", make sure that you bug the hell out of your representatives to pass legislation like this. Also in your letters make sure that you call attention to the efforts of these states. Make them feel that their is a strong movement towards enforcing sovereignty outside of your individual state. That will give your representatives the feeling that their not totally leaving the herd. We need to make a firm push to get these bills actually passed- I'm not talking passive action...I saying assert your own personal authority as a citizen of your state. The power of your state derives from you, just as the Federal government's power derives from the states. It is long since past time that we reassert this authority. State Sovereignty will give us back our greatest line of defense against oppressive Federal government! From there we really can reverse all the harm that has been done to this Republic!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Obama - Larry Sinclair - Drugs and Sex Interview With Major Asian Media Outlet! The BOPAC Report
The BOPAC Report:
Just a quick update on Larry Sinclair's goings on - Larry is getting his story reported on opposite sides of the globe. Larry Sinclair has alleged that he and Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999! Soon the only people not reporting Larry's story will be the American Media.
From Mr. Sinclair's site:
Just a quick update on Larry Sinclair's goings on - Larry is getting his story reported on opposite sides of the globe. Larry Sinclair has alleged that he and Obama used cocaine and engaged in consensual sex in 1999! Soon the only people not reporting Larry's story will be the American Media.
From Mr. Sinclair's site:
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I interviewed with a major Asian Media Corporation today and have agreed to sit with them face to face with cameras. Will update when I can.
Obama Limits Executive Pay - Executives Should Join Berg, Taitz, and Pidgeon To Fight - Birth Certificate - UCMJ - Eligibility
The BOPAC Report:
Attention Financial Institutions’ Executives – It is very likely that Mr. Obama does not have legal authority to issue ANY enforceable Executive Orders! Please consider the following information.
I saw today that Mr. Obama has ”imposed $500,000 caps on senior executive pay for the most distressed financial institutions receiving federal bailout money, saying Americans are upset with executives being rewarded for failure.”
While I do agree that businesses that have failed (even though financial institutions have a very good argument that the failure was caused by Congress’s interference with “Risk” in the market place vis-à-vis Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) should not be rewarded with high executive pay, Mr. Obama does not have any authority to issue lawful executive orders if he is not a “Natural Born Citizen.” (Read this sentence again Mr. or Ms. Executive.)
Over 30 lawsuits have been filed in the courts challenging the eligibility of Mr. Obama to serve as President of the United States. Thus far, the lawsuits have been primarily dismissed on the grounds that the Plaintiffs do not have legal “standing” to bring the action. However, not one court has addressed the merits of any of the allegations against Mr. Obama.
Dr. Edwin Vieira has written extensively on the subject and has indicated that the best time to bring an action that can overcome the “standing” argument is following an official act such as signing an Executive Order. Any of you paying attention?
If a person (such as a high paid executive) is forced by the government to suffer economic damages vis-à-vis an Obama Executive Order, then that person should have an excellent possibility of bringing an action that would force Mr. Obama to prove that he is a “Natural Born Citizen.” Therefore, I urge every Executive who may be impacted by Mr. Obama’s actions to read Dr. Vieira’s article, “Obama Must Stand Up Now or Step Down” and then contact any and all attorney’s who are spearheading the legal efforts to make sure that the Constitution of the United States is complied with. I have listed the contact information of a few of the main attorneys below.
By Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.
Lightfoot v Bowen
Dr. Orly Taitz
Attn. Orly Taitz, Esq.
26302 La Paz, Ste. 211
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Broe v Reed
Stephen Pidgeon
10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 900
Bellevue, Washington 98004
(011)(425)605-4774 (tel)
(011)(425)818-5271 (fax)
Berg v Obama
Philip J. Berg, Esquire
555 Andorra Glen Court #12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531 Cell (610) 662-3005
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659
Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.
52 Stonegate Court
Front Royal, VA 22630
Attention Financial Institutions’ Executives – It is very likely that Mr. Obama does not have legal authority to issue ANY enforceable Executive Orders! Please consider the following information.
I saw today that Mr. Obama has ”imposed $500,000 caps on senior executive pay for the most distressed financial institutions receiving federal bailout money, saying Americans are upset with executives being rewarded for failure.”
While I do agree that businesses that have failed (even though financial institutions have a very good argument that the failure was caused by Congress’s interference with “Risk” in the market place vis-à-vis Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) should not be rewarded with high executive pay, Mr. Obama does not have any authority to issue lawful executive orders if he is not a “Natural Born Citizen.” (Read this sentence again Mr. or Ms. Executive.)
Over 30 lawsuits have been filed in the courts challenging the eligibility of Mr. Obama to serve as President of the United States. Thus far, the lawsuits have been primarily dismissed on the grounds that the Plaintiffs do not have legal “standing” to bring the action. However, not one court has addressed the merits of any of the allegations against Mr. Obama.
Dr. Edwin Vieira has written extensively on the subject and has indicated that the best time to bring an action that can overcome the “standing” argument is following an official act such as signing an Executive Order. Any of you paying attention?
If a person (such as a high paid executive) is forced by the government to suffer economic damages vis-à-vis an Obama Executive Order, then that person should have an excellent possibility of bringing an action that would force Mr. Obama to prove that he is a “Natural Born Citizen.” Therefore, I urge every Executive who may be impacted by Mr. Obama’s actions to read Dr. Vieira’s article, “Obama Must Stand Up Now or Step Down” and then contact any and all attorney’s who are spearheading the legal efforts to make sure that the Constitution of the United States is complied with. I have listed the contact information of a few of the main attorneys below.
By Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.
…Fourth, if he turns out to be nothing but an usurper acting in the guise of “the President,” Obama will not constitutionally be the “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States” (see Article II, Section 2, Clause 1). Therefore, he will be entitled to no obedience whatsoever from anyone in those forces. Indeed, for officers or men to follow any of his purported “orders” will constitute a serious breach of military discipline—and in extreme circumstances perhaps even “war crimes.” In addition, no one in any civilian agency in the Executive Branch of the General Government will be required to put into effect any of Obama’s purported “proclamations,” “executive orders,” or “directives.”…Continue Reading
Lightfoot v Bowen
Dr. Orly Taitz
Attn. Orly Taitz, Esq.
26302 La Paz, Ste. 211
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Broe v Reed
Stephen Pidgeon
10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 900
Bellevue, Washington 98004
(011)(425)605-4774 (tel)
(011)(425)818-5271 (fax)
Berg v Obama
Philip J. Berg, Esquire
555 Andorra Glen Court #12
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531 Cell (610) 662-3005
(610) 825-3134
(800) 993-PHIL [7445]
Fax (610) 834-7659
Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.
52 Stonegate Court
Front Royal, VA 22630
Obama - Mobocracy in America - The Steady Drip -
The BOPAC Report:
The Steady Drip has an article up that lays it out:
The Steady Drip has an article up that lays it out:
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Obama and the Birth of Mobocracy in America
Obama and the Birth of Mobocracy in America
by Ali Sina
January 29, 2009
Obama came to power via fraud. He is not a natural born U.S. citizen. The clear proof of that is that despite 31 lawsuits filed against him demanding he prove his eligibility for the U.S. Presidency, he has instead hired three law firms and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to hide the truth about his background.
Not one of these 31 cases received a hearing on its merits. Why have judges been unwilling to tackle Obama’s eligibility problem?
The answer is that most now suspect Obama is not eligible and are afraid of the political chaos that would result from such a discovery. They are understandably afraid of what his supporters would do. They know that should they overturn Obama’s presidency, his millions of fans will turn American cities into warzones.
Many people in the mainstream media also now suspect that Obama is not eligible. Why are they not speaking out? It is because they know that if they do, they would be harassed by Obama’s fans and perhaps lose their jobs.
Many politicians from both parties also know it. Why do none dare even discuss it?
It is because they fear Obama’s supporters.
Obama’s fans are aggressive and often nasty. I receive hundreds of pieces of hate mail and insulting messages from Obama’s fans for speaking against their beloved leader. I don’t care and I ignore them. I am used to receiving similar messages from angry Muslims every day. But many politicians and people in the media do not have this luxury. They can’t afford to risk everything, be abused, or lose their jobs.
Obama’s opponents fear him. Why? Where does his strength come from?
It comes from his supporters, people who have become enthralled by his charisma, believe in his deceptive nirvana and have placed all their hopes on this ‘pied piper.’ These people have become his foot soldiers, his “Truth Squads”, his ‘Gestapo.’...Continue Reading
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Obama - Petraeus - The Rookie and The Hero - Obama Should Take His Advice -
The BOPAC Report:
The Betrayal has a very interesting post today.
The Betrayal has a very interesting post today.
Still needs verification - Pentagon brass chafes at Obama’s Iraq pullout plan
Posted on February 3rd, 2009 by David-Crockett
Njresident thanks for the tip.
The following Daily Star article seems pretty important, however still needs verification. Never the less I think it should be spread to the relevant lawyers for further inspection.
-David Crockett
By Gareth Porter
The Daily Star
WASHINGTON: CENTCOM commander General David Petraeus, supported by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, tried to convince President Barack Obama that he had to back down from his campaign pledge to pullout all US combat troops from Iraq within 18 months at an Oval Office meeting on January 21, sources have said.
But Obama informed Gates, Petraeus and Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen that he wasn’t convinced and wanted Gates and the military leaders to come back quickly with a detailed 16-month plan, according to two sources who have talked with participants in the meeting.
Obama’s decision to override Petraeus’ recommendation has not ended the conflict between the president and senior military officers over troop withdrawal, however. There are indications that Petraeus and his allies in the military and the Pentagon, including General Ray Odierno, now the top commander in Iraq, have already begun to try to pressure Obama to change his withdrawal policy.
A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilizing public opinion against Obama’s decision...Continue Reading
Obama & Larry Sinclair - Google News Search - Barack Obamas Drogen-Geheimnis
The BOPAC Report:
Larry Sinclair is being reported on overseas. It looks like basics of the story are there. (See bold print)
Barack Obamas Drogen-Geheimnis „Ich habe Kokain und Marihuana genommen!”
02. Februar 2009
...Der Amerikaner Larry Sinclair behauptete vor einem halben Jahr sogar, er habe Obama 1999 in einer Schwulenbar getroffen und später mit ihm in einer Limousine gekokst. Dann sei es zur Sache gegangen: „Ich hatte Oral-Sex mit Mr. Obama”, schwört er in einem Video bei Youtube.... Continue Reading
Larry Sinclair is being reported on overseas. It looks like basics of the story are there. (See bold print)
Barack Obamas Drogen-Geheimnis „Ich habe Kokain und Marihuana genommen!”
02. Februar 2009
...Der Amerikaner Larry Sinclair behauptete vor einem halben Jahr sogar, er habe Obama 1999 in einer Schwulenbar getroffen und später mit ihm in einer Limousine gekokst. Dann sei es zur Sache gegangen: „Ich hatte Oral-Sex mit Mr. Obama”, schwört er in einem Video bei Youtube.... Continue Reading
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